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    Serial-dream awakening

    by , 04-26-2011 at 03:17 AM (931 Views)
    (The "awakening" in the title doesn't mean much, but it is the best way to describe the creepy-strange emotion.)

    (non lucid) I was in a huge mall that I've never seen before, and I was going up and down the escalator. Then some person walked up behind me and stuck his arm through my chest from behind, and it looked like water. (lucid) This was the first lucid dream I've had in a long time, and I was really excited. The dream started to fade away, and it looked like burning film. I forgot what to do, and I punched through the glass side of the escalator. The pain must have made it clearer, because it stopped fading away.

    I remembered what I was reading the day before, that I had to turn into my character. I jumped up and landed on the ground, pushing a square made of rock from the ground. it looked like the portals on minecraft, so I lit it on fire. I walked through and fell onto the ground in the forest where I had to be. Sure enough, there was a mirror there. I looked into it, and saw what I was. it would take a long time and a lot of typing to explain, but I was not a human.

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    lucid , nightmare


    1. Baron Samedi's Avatar
      Man, I didn't realize you were in the game! Good job. Keep posting dreams.