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    ...from the dark corners of my mind...

    Butcher Block

    by , 03-12-2011 at 04:31 PM (349 Views)
    DJ Log: March 12, 2011 – 7:30AM (USA Eastern)
    Text color legend: · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID ·

    I am riding around with several friends in a large crew-cab truck with a load of butcher block boards in the bed. As we drive by a theater, one of my friends suggests that we stop and watch an interesting movie that's posted on the board. I recommend that we first stop by the garage and unload before going to the theater. I drive into an alley and back up beside the garage. I get out and start unloading the truck while everyone else just sits there dumbfounded. I stack the first armload of lumber by the garage, then look back at the truck. The front half of the truck is a Volkswagen Beetle and the rear half is a dully with a large stake body flat bed.

    I wake up suddenly, perhaps from a combination of the shock from the odd appearance of the truck jolting me into lucidity and it being around my normal wakeup time.

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