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    Pistols and Oddities

    by , 03-24-2013 at 07:06 PM (429 Views)
    DJ Log: February 28, 2013 – 4:00AM (USA Eastern)

    I'm hanging out with a few people in a room. We all have pistols and are working on them, installing laser sights and such. I have a large pistol on my right side and a magazine pouch on the left side. I sit down at a small table in the middle of the room and look around for a moment to see some of the guys playing with their phones and some working on their guns.

    I pull my pistol out of the holster and start messing with it. One of the other guys sitting at the table is working in his too. He's showing me some things he just put on it, a laser and some other things. Mine has a large viewfinder like a video camera on the top of it. While I'm pointing it around the room, everything in the room appears on the screen. With a slight twist of the wrist, I can see behind people. And a small button on the trigger guard shows things behind walls.

    Another guy walks up and shows me a large scope he just put on his pistol. I asked him why he would put a scope on a pistol, but he didn't answer. He just puts it in the holster and sits back down on the couch.

    I look back at my pistol and there is some kind of a video game on the screen. So, I am playing a video game on my pistol sight and some of the others are playing games on their phones.

    (Note: This one was recorded quite a while after awakening, so a lot of detail seems to have been lost.)

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    Tags: guns
