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    ...from the dark corners of my mind...


    by , 12-24-2011 at 04:36 PM (502 Views)
    DJ Log: December 24, 2011 – 6:30AM (USA Eastern)
    Text color legend: • NON-DREAM • NOTES • DREAM • LUCID •

    I am in a Wal-Mart with a friend of mine, shopping for tires and some other auto parts. My friend is in the cart, and I’m pushing him around. We pick up a couple bottles of oil, and then I push the cart down the main pathway past the tire aisle. As I prepare to turn into the tire aisle, I see someone in the aisle that I don’t care to talk to. I skip the aisle and go over by the floor mats to wait for him to leave.

    I waste several minutes, and then I walk through a couple of other aisles and see if he is still there. As soon as I pop around the corner, he looks over and sees me, then approaches. I turn around and look at a display end cap that has lug wrenches and other tools on it. He walks up as I pick up a large tire iron, shoot him a nasty look, then turn and walk away. He turns around and goes off somewhere else in the store.

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