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    19th May 2011

    by , 06-07-2011 at 10:18 PM (402 Views)
    I was at a school, i had to squeeze past loads of kids that filled the hallway, i was heading towards the hall. I got there and saw loads of blood on the floor and there was someone on a bloody bed, i thought they must have had an accident or something, there was blood everywhere.I didn't go in, instead i went into another room to my right. I looked and saw 2 hospital beds and remembered i had to have an operation and that one of the beds were mine. I stood next to my bed and looked over to the other one, it had a ladies nightie on it and it was folded really neatly and mine just looked a mess, the other lady also had a nice dressing gown hanging abover her bed, i was worried because my stuff looked scruffy compared to hers. I then found myself in the area i used to live in, i was standing by the pub on the corner, i remember some lads coming past me on bikes, i was waiting for the bus. The bus came and i got on, it kept taking me the wrong way so i decided i had had enough of it and got off.

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    Tags: school
