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    GMOs and Vampires!

    by , 08-01-2014 at 06:28 PM (606 Views)
    I was hanging out in my house, it was night time, and I suddenly felt like I was in a dream. In fact, I was so confident that I was in a dream that I tried to run head first through a wall. Ow. Bounced right off and fell over. I wasn't so sure it was a dream anymore, so I tried my usual test and I used mind powers to make a plant fly out of its pot. Didn't work at first, tried again, didn't work, tried again, didn't work. I was feeling pretty stupid, but I tried one last time and it worked! The plant flew out of the pot and turned into a cartoon plant.

    I tried walking through the wall this time, still solid . Sometimes the magic works and sometimes it doesn't. I opened the door and started to stroll down the sidewalk when two cars packed with party people peeled into the driveway. My sister was with them and she said, "Wait! Don't go on your adventure yet, I want you to see this thing first". She then disappeared and I followed the party people into a house across the street. It was a pretty mellow party, just people chatting. One of the guys started talking to me (I had sex with his girlfriend in a previous dream so I was a little hesitant that he was going to punch me or something). He said to me, "There's a facility in our backyard that researches genetically modified organisms, we're going to go check it out in a while". Then he started talking about how he was trying to find a way to increase the magnetism of the soil. I said something about either using plates to create an electric field or dispersing magnetic rocks throughout the soil. He liked what I said, but I had a feeling that what I was saying made no sense since my ideas aren't always that great in dreams. I looked up this magnetic soil idea when I woke up and it turns out that it is a real thing. Increased magnetism in the soil will make plants grow larger, faster. Pretty cool!

    I saw a couple of my old best friends at the party and I decided it was time to go explore this research facility. While me and several other DC's were walking out the door to the backyard, one of the party people DC's jumped on my back and told me that he was a vampire. I said to him, "Great, so am I"! I knew that we would be great friends. It was still the middle of the night, there was almost no moonlight out. The grass was wet and the air was humid but cool. We walked across a huge field to get to the facility where we were greeted by guard dogs and a guard hyena. They attacked my companions so I walked up to the dogs, one by one, and put my hands over their faces. Smoke came out of my hands each time and entered their bodies. I told them each that they would never hurt another living creature and they all dropped to the ground and pinned their ears back in submission. The vampire DC was still on my back, he would whisper things in my ears as I did unnatural things like, "Yes...YES...very good....YESSSSSssss". We explored the facility for only a few minutes before heading back to the house.

    Back inside, the vampire master jumped off my back and went to sit on his vampire throne. I asked him to teach me how to turn into a bat. He was overjoyed at the opportunity and he leapt 20 feet across the room onto a giant stage where he turned very cliche bat-like vampire with the piggy nose and everything. Then he exclaimed to everybody that a new vampire would be joining their coven. I was forced to bow before him. Smoke emanated from his body and filled the room, I breathed it in, and that was supposed to help me turn into a bat. I tried to turn into a bat, but I only managed to turn my arms into wings. I flew around for a few seconds before giving up on that transformation. I thought to myself, maybe a wolf will be easier. I got on all fours and quickly changed into a tiny, white wolf. I pranced around gleefully for a few seconds before I woke up.
    Nightfeather, StephL and ~Dreamer~ like this.

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    1. Nightfeather's Avatar
      Hehe, that vampire. Maybe you can summon him in some later lucid and he'l halp you. Maybe full transform you into a bat? You already got that vampyric mindcontrol.
      AnotherDreamer likes this.
    2. ThreeCat's Avatar
      Great dream! It's heartening to know that even experienced oneironauts sometimes have difficulties with dream control. I think you did a lot of really neat things here, though--especially the transformation into a wolf! Did you add points for turning enemies into allies (the hyenas)? All in all, really cool experience!
      AnotherDreamer likes this.
    3. StephL's Avatar

      Absolutely adorable dream!
      Now I'm so flushed with ideas to make you aware of - okay - there is a book, and I will look it up, modern, Russian (translated of course). Then - something too hard-core maybe - but "Trouble Every Day" - that's more for the connection research/vampires - here part of the sound-track for the movie:

      And - that I would love to grow something like bat-wings - but my latest idea came from the humanoid dragon motive, rather:

      You rock, anotherdreamer!!
      AnotherDreamer likes this.
    4. AnotherDreamer's Avatar
      -nightfeather, I would be so happy if I got to see that vampire guy again, i don't know why but I loved him so much. I will definitely try to run into him again

      -threecat, I struggle a lot with dream control whenever there is some tiny little seed of doubt. I think the main pattern I've noticed is that I just have to trust myself, to trust that I can do what I KNOW I can do and then the doubt just disappears. Easier said than done though.

      -stephl, thank you! you're so sweet. That picture is almost exactly what my wings looked like too. I'm gonna check out that trouble every day movie right now ^^
      Nightfeather and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    5. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      I'm glad you didn't give up at the start!
      It's funny that you remembered the previous dream and expected there to be consequences.
      That's interesting about the magnetic soil idea... do you think you'd come across that information somewhere and taken it in unconsciously, or was this really your dream teaching you something you didn't know?
      That vampire guy sounds creepy, haha.
      Nice work with the wolf transformation! Sounds cute.
      AnotherDreamer likes this.