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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Nice Dreams

      by , 03-29-2014 at 05:53 PM
      I became lucid outside. Tried to think about what I wanted to do, couldn't remember much so I decided to ask this DC to tell me a secret. The DC turned into a large head of lettuce and just stared at me while smiling. I kept shaking the lettuce head, begging it to tell me some grand secret. The lettuce head looked up at the sun and smiled some more, it looked really content. I didn't understand and so I kept begging it to tell me something but it kept doing the same thing until I woke up.

      I was watching an old film that a family friend had been in (in the dream). I started talking to his character in the film when I realized that he wasn't that young anymore and I became lucid. I floated off looking for something beautiful and I found this river with lush, green embankments. I plopped down into the river and decided this was as good a place as any to hang out and enjoy being. A feeling of warmth and contentment filled my body as I levitated above the water while slowly floating down the river. There were streams of light shining through cracks in the leaves above. Morning mist rose from the ground and the surrounding plants and grass were illuminated with beauty. It gave a magical feel to the world and I felt like a little kid again when everything looked fresh and new. Up ahead I saw a dark shadow in the water, it was a giant crocodile. I let it bite me to be sure that I couldn't be harmed and smiled. Eventually the river led me to this abandoned home with many windows. I figured it was abandoned because there were vines all over the building and overgrown grass coming through cracks in cement. I floated up, out of the water and through a window. The interior was warm and the sun lit everything up quite nicely. I sat down on a couch and relaxed until I woke up. Wonderful dream.
      lucid , memorable
    2. I love epic long lucid dreams

      by , 03-24-2014 at 05:09 PM
      I was in the basement of a big house in the mountains, laying down with some girl. She suddenly disappeared and I became fully lucid. I floated through the wall and up into the sky. It was almost pitch black outside, no stars or moon. So I waited for the sun to come up and it started to, slowly. I flew towards it as it began to illuminate the landscape with that early morning glow. A small lake came into view and I swooped down and grabbed a fish out of the water then dropped it back in before landing on the shore.

      There were these two Chinese guys that were standing out there like they were confused or something. I thought it would be fun to use them to form an RPG group. So I went over and claimed them as group members in my FF7 game formation. We started to battle monsters and level up while I would sing that battle song from FF7. Eventually during our travels we came across a super market. We went inside and this clerk was being a real dick of a DC and wanted to see their passports. So I magically pulled them out of my back pockets, he was satisfied. As we walked away I stole a bunch of candy and ate it while we walked to the other side of the store to get out. In the parking lot there was a car that I wanted to get into but one of the DCs really wanted to drive and he got into the driver seat immediately. I tried to make another driver wheel form on my side but it wasn't happening. I thought, okay just don't get us into a crash. Woke up because I had to pee really badly. One strange thing I remember about this dream is that it started to fall apart several times but each time I did no stabilization, I simply waited for the dream to become more stable before performing anymore actions and it always re-stabilized.

      This was another mountain dream, but I was with another girl that was from France. We were jogging along the road for a long time when I realized, damn I can really run far and not feel tired or winded or anything. That made me lucid and I took this beautiful girl DC and we went up a hillside and eventually came to a SNL set. After watching a skit I decided to join the cast and mess with them a little bit. I saw next to Kenan Thompson and tried to convince a DC that I had magical powers. I turned his skin super white and then super dark, but the DC said it was just fancy makeup. So I changed his eye color from brown to blue to green and the DC said, "Ha, you can't trick me! Those are fancy lenses". This DC was clearly too clever so I gave up on him and performed in a skit. After the skit I summoned Jennifer Aniston. But I transformed her into the young Jennifer Aniston from the beginning of Friends. Damnnn she was hot. I gently kissed her, teasing to build up tension and then a passionate release. She was probably one of the best dream character kissers that I have come across. The show ended and everybody got up to leave, but I didn't want the fun to end so I took off Jennifer's clothes and bent her over but my dick wouldn't fit inside her I hate when that happens. Then I woke up. I left a ton out because I don't feel like writing it all but these lucid dreams in total lasted over 6 hours, it was glorious.
      lucid , memorable
    3. Strange Dreams

      by , 03-21-2014 at 05:09 PM
      Dream 1:

      I was hanging out with my sister and this guy. The guy started to act crazy. The barrier between his thoughts and actions disappeared, he became unconscious but he still kept acting out whatever his instinctual reactions were. Was terrifying, he was like an animal yet completely unpredictable. He would become conscious/lucid occasionally and he was a really nice guy but that was often short lived as his madness would overtake him quite quickly.

      Dream 2:

      I did a WILD into this dream. Watched the dream successfully form. I was in a car with these two guys, but I was another person. I noticed that there was already a clear storyline going on, so I decided to play along for a bit to see what happened. We arrived at our destination and I found out we were all detectives. Two more detectives approached and gave us each 20,000$. It was dirty money which I gladly pocketed. Lost lucidity around this point. We were going to go to a gambling den to steal some money. They were all supposed to go in first and I was going to be the getaway car. I had to piss so I went inside and ran into Andy Warhol. He asked me some weird question about people being clowns. I told him that he was a clown and so was I. His brain just about exploded and I walked away. I wandered around trying to get to the bathroom but there were so many people blocking the way it was tough. Then I woke up.

      Dream 3:

      I was supposed to meet some girl but it ended up being this creepy guy instead. He wanted to be my pet or something? I don't know I think he also wanted to rape me. It turned out he was actually a space-flea in human form and I started to run away from him. I became lucid and started flying away. He jumped really high and I kept flying higher but I couldn't get into my super flying speed. So he stayed on my tail. Some random DC was running after me too, trying to help. He told me that he found a way to banish the flea and that I had to find his true colors. So I guessed red-blue. I somehow ended up back in a house. I was still afraid that creepy flea DC was chasing me so I phased through the wall and started flying away again. Woke up.
      non-lucid , nightmare , lucid
    4. My Minions!!! and a sex dream

      by , 03-20-2014 at 03:29 PM
      Long Fragment 1:

      I don't remember most of the beginning, I just remember that it was epic long. Earliest I remember I was in a school yard, hanging out with some kids from high school. One guy died and we buried him in a water grave in a green couch. A lot missing here, next part I remember I was at some camp in the mountains. Snow everywhere. I wandered around until I found these dreamers playing some magic game. The main girl that was hosting it had her husband, David Duchovny, get captured by some evil dude and frozen. He was kept barely alive by strong electromagnetic fields? I Don't know. We played this game for awhile, showing off our magic abilites when I became lucid. I left and ran to the green couch and took the dead guy's clothes, his body was now gone. I threw them on the ground and summoned a golem to be my pet. The earth filled the clothes and turned into my little summoned minion. I went back to my cabin as this little guy followed me around. There was this guy that came into it and started talking to me. I decided to show him some cool dream powers so I made flame erupt from my hand. He thought that was pretty awesome. It started to hurt after a minute though and I got blisters all over my hand. I placed my other hand over my injured hand and felt the Om sound go all throughout my body, into my hand and it healed. Then I walked around the dream world with this guy as he...dream interviewed me? Eventually he told me that his intentions were evil and he was just stealing information from me for I don't even know what. So I summoned a few more minions from the earth. 2 Skeletons and 2 golems. They grabbed onto each of his limbs and squeezed really tightly until he exploded. Blood and guts went everywhere, was awesome! I led my minions over to a group of people and decided to steal this beautiful girl. I pulled her aside and saw this guy and decided to make them fall in love in the dream. Instead this hot pink alien pig with strange flesh-hair jumped in front of me and scared me a little. I lost lucidity and thought I had to take a dog out to use the bathroom. Woke up.

      fragment 2:

      New dream started in mountains again. Was lucid from the start, There was some battle going on where this lady would place buildings and summon creatures to battle an army of darkness. I decided that looked like fun and that I should join in. I summoned an army of skeletons and zombies to fight for me. Then I went off to battle, watching my army hack apart foes while I sat off in the distance atop my giant tiger and shot them with a crossbow. Got bored with that after awhile and decided to betray the main lady. I sent my horde of minions to destroy her basecamp and all her allies swarmed me, they didn't like that. I lost my army and some guy grabbed my arm. He started to cut into it with a small chainsaw, saying that I was his slave and I had been naughty or something. I made my arm invincible. He couldn't cut the arm off but what he had already cut into hurt like hell. The lady that I had betrayed came to my rescue and said that it was her fault. I said, "Yea, Yea it's her fault!" Woke up, FA

      Dream 1:

      I went outside my room and my parents were there for some reason. I told them I had this dream where a guy tried to cut off my arm while saying that I had been a bad slave because I was just mooching off him. I woke up.

      Chained DEILD:

      Spoiler for Epic Sex Dream:
      lucid , memorable
    5. I don't even know what to call this mess of Dreams

      by , 03-18-2014 at 08:38 PM
      These were all much clearer when I woke up but I didn't have time to write it up, so now they have become fragments!

      fragment 1:

      I was in some dystopian future where the world was ruled by a small group of druids. They would influence the world through sound somehow. I just remember that they thought they were so cool in their hooded robes and with their enigmatic ways.

      fragment 2:

      Was hanging out with Don Draper, been watching too much mad men

      Dream 1:

      There was a high school reunion that was taking place in the library of my old high school. I was meeting people I haven't seen in years and clowning around, making people laugh. Then I saw one of my best buddies and I followed him outside. I was suddenly in the mountains outside a cabin. I said, "Wait a minute! We were just in a high school, how are we hundreds of miles away now?!" Then I became lucid. I spent a couple minutes trying to remember what I was supposed to do for the tasks and I got worried that the dream would start to destabilize but then I remembered something about teleporting to a world from a movie or book and I couldn't remember any for a second and then I thought Harry Potter! So I closed my eyes and imagined Hermione's pretty little face. Didn't work, damnit. I ended up in some ancient forest instead.

      So I started to run through the forest and I came upon a little village that was built in the trees and immediately I realized, I'm in the Star Wars Ewok Village!! I was super excited. So I flew up to the little huts surrounding the trees and landed on a bridge. There was nobody up there so I tried to make someone appear. I saw a little furry guy and I went over to talk to him but then I heard this really loud noise that sounded like somebody started to take a shower. Dream froze like video games used to do back in the day on the old consoles. I could still see the image of the dream but everything was frozen. It slowly faded away to black as I struggled to stay in the dream.

      fragment 3:

      I was in a town, hanging out with this girl I'm friends with. I don't remember how I became lucid, I just remember that I was and I decided to fly around looking for something cool to do. I looked down and saw this old civil war part of town that was cut off and preserved. I don't remember what happened here, a lot missing. Next part I remember, I was taking the girl and some older lady on a journey to show off my dream powers. For some reason I also feel like we were running from something. I drew a rectangle on a wall with chalk that I pulled out of my pocket and turned it into a door, then opened it. I told them to go in so we could teleport. I made them hold onto me so that I wouldn't lose them through the teleportation process. Once I went through the door I found a wall blocking me, I turned around and the door I used to get in was now gone. We were trapped in a 3'x3'x7' room. Claustrophobia started to set in, so I quickly tried to teleport us out of there. We ended up back in the street. The older lady disappeared, lost her :'(

      The girl's brother appeared and tried to take her away. I lost them in the crowd.

      Dream 2:

      I started in a cafeteria, the girl from the previous dream was there with her brother, sitting at a table. I remembered the previous dream and became lucid. I immediately asked the DC's to show me to the smartest of them. They all looked at this guy in the corner of the room. I walked over to him and turned him into an enormous head to make sure that he was really smart enough to answer my question adequately. I asked him what his dreams were like and he told me that he wasn't even sure if they were his dreams, if he was actually the dreamer or just another part of the dream. I thought for a minute about how I kind of feel the same way. I then decided to mess with the DC's a little bit and so I made a very loud sound and kept making it louder until the glass exploded, I don't think I get points for that but it was pretty damn cool. I made the glass shards fly into the room and swirl above the heads of the DC's. Then I woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    6. Lava fight and a Resurrection ship?

      by , 03-17-2014 at 05:41 PM
      I was playing some kind of death game with a few people. At first it started out as getting an opponents gamepiece into a pit of lava and then they would lose, then it turned into having to grapple with them to throw them into the pit of lava and then they had to crawl out before they died. My father showed up and a frenemy from back in the day decided that he was going to murder my father by putting his game piece into the pit, which would kill him in real life. So I threw this guy into the pit and then covered it with debris so that he couldn't escape.

      Suddenly a giant alien ship appeared in the sky, I called it the resurrection ship in the dream and awaited for them to revive the guy. Instead it fired thousands of missiles towards the house we were all in. I became lucid and slowed down time, it worked, my father was running away at super slow speed and the missiles were all spinning really slowly until they stopped. I walked over to a christmas tree that appeared and tried to move the fire of the candles that were all over it, didn't work. So I made flames pout out of my hands, setting the tree ablaze. I walked over to where that guy was buried in his lava pit and set the debris on top of it on fire because he was now hiding in it now and I wanted to mess with him a little more. I then tried to teleport onto the alien ship by closing my eyes. But I couldn't open them once I closed them.

      Everything was black, tried to DEILD and ended up at some house, watching don draper and his little girl play some board game. My eyes were closed in this new dream and I was watching them through my eyelids. I tried to open them and ended up opening my actual eyes.
      lucid , non-lucid
    7. RPGs, Missed Lucids, and False Awakenings

      by , 03-12-2014 at 06:03 PM
      Dream 1

      I was in a town when I became spontaneously lucid. I grabbed a beautiful woman that I was talking to and took her flying over the ocean, but I couldn't fly that well. Ended up flying under a pier and the woman turned into a bird. Large waves came, bird flew away, I woke up.

      Dream 2

      False awakening, dreamed that I wrote down a very early morning dream where I was lucid, don't remember that dream sadly

      Dream 3

      Got into a battle in this dark side of town. There was one closet that had a zombie warrior inside of it, didn't want to open it so I kept exploring. I found something even worse, a chest that was shaking because a demon warlord was trying to break free. I opened the chest and ran like hell. He chased me for a couple minutes before I woke up.

      Dream 4

      Another false awakening where I was in the bathroom peeing. The toilet moved and I thought that was pretty damn weird. Ignored it and went back to bed anyways.

      Dream 5

      Back in the battle with the demon warlord, but this time it was just a game and it was paused. My mom was playing it for some reason but she gave me the controller and I was supposed to do an infinite combo to kill him. I failed and only did one hit on him and then got destroyed.

      Dream 6

      My sisters cats had escaped to the outside. I kept catching them and bringing them back inside but they started to walk through the wall to get outside. Then they started replicating so there were 3, then 4 of them. Then 3, 4 of the same dog. Had to decide which was the real one. Decided that one of them, JUST ONE of them was a clone. Talk about the worst ways I've missed becoming lucid.

      Dream 7

      Ninja Dream! I was exploring an abandoned taco bell when I went under a table to get to a secret area. There was a back room filled with ancient beings with mysterious powers. They really hated cell phones, they would hiss at anybody that had a cell phone out. Night had fallen and ninjas began attacking, so I took my ninja team that appeared and we battled them on buildings and in secret rooms. After a long, drawn out battle, the sun rose and the ninjas went back to their houses. I went looking for them so that we could continue our fun but I found they were just neighbor children that had to go to school. Damn.
    8. Island Resort

      by , 03-08-2014 at 07:57 PM
      Dream 1:

      I was on an island resort with my father. I went for a run through the tropical forest outside and there were people from my high school running there too. I tried to avoid the people I didn't want to talk to. I remember that it was quite beautiful though; there was mist rising up from the ground, light pouring through the cracks in the trees, lush plant-life everywhere. The trail was a giant circle, I thought that was pretty weird and that there had to be more to the island than this giant circle. I grew tired of running and decided to go back inside the resort.

      The inside was now a giant, circular, track of lockers, high school style. There were also vending machines for weed. They said it was legal on their island now, to attract tourists. The owner of the island was some angry little woman that barely reached my waist. She got angry at the manager of the resort for making it legal because professional sports athletes wouldn't be allowed to go there now. Dream kept getting weirder.

      I went outside to this enormous beach area that had scattered palm trees and groups of people doing fun little events. I decided to go flying by using a parachute. I strapped it on and the wind took me up into the air like I was a kite. I had to navigate to channels of wind to stay up so that I could explore more of the island. After going on a little bit of a flying island adventure I decided I was done and I went back to the resort. I suddenly had an enormous pike in my hands, naturally I gutted it and prepared fillets, not sure why. Then these kids from my high school appeared and wanted me to take them flying too. Didn't work as well because they added too much weight. They started to get upset that they weren't going very high. I looked to the shore and saw giant 20 foot waves coming in and thought, ooooo that looks like good wind. Sure enough it sent us soaring. I looked to the shore again and saw these 100 foot walls of water coming towards us. I became lucid and tried to fly away from the island but the parachute and these 2 DCs were weighing me down. Black clouds began creeping along the island's ground. I could hear thunder. I woke up.

      Dream 2:

      I was at my parents' house, talking to my parents when I noticed that my dad was black. I became lucid and asked him, "Why are you black in this dream, dad?" He said something about having revitiligo, I thought it was hilarious in the dream. I woke up and thought, what the hell was that about.

      Fragment 1:

      On another island with my family and a witch. I don't remember most of the beginning of the dream. I just remember that there were these snakes biting me, hanging onto my skin and that reminded me of another dream I had earlier this month. They made a popping noise when I would pull them off, sometimes their bodies would come off and their heads would stay. It hurt. That made me lucid and I sought out the witch as my family left.

      It was nighttime and the moon lit up the island with a blueish hue. The witch was at a cliff edge, staring longingly towards the ocean. I asked her to teach me her powers. She just kept staring for a minute and then looked at me and said that I could control those snakes if they appeared again. She made several snakes appear and told me to control them now, stop them from biting me. I made them fight each other but then I noticed the witch was holding a cute little kitten and the snakes started to attack me. She made them disappear and I realized that I lose control if i lose focus. I feel like she taught me a couple more things but I can't remember them. I followed her around for awhile and eventually asked her if it was possible to stop mutations. She told me that it was impossible, that no magic could do such a thing. I felt a little bit disheartened at her response. She gave me a big hug and told me not to worry, that I was only at the beginning of this journey. I woke up feeling a lot better.
    9. Another repeating Dream

      by , 02-20-2014 at 09:35 PM
      I was in a bar-restaurant but there were no booths, only communal tables. I was sitting with a couple really good friends and a lot of their friends that I didn't really know at all. This gorgeous girl that looks just like this actress sat down next to me and we started talking. I kind of have a thing for mousy looking girls.
      question bout a girl in my dream-cristin-milioti-how-i-met-your-mother-gi.jpg

      She embodied everything that I love in a partner (kind, compassionate, funny, weird,...). After hanging out with her for awhile she ended up exchanging phone #'s with one of my best friends. In the dream they were meant to be together and it made me very sad. I woke up after that.

      Then the dream started over. This time, instead of exchanging phone numbers they got up to leave together and I stood up too and walked over to talk to my buddy. I calmly said to him, "I just became lucid". Then I tried to make the girl like me instead of him but she just turned into a lifeless puppet zombie that did whatever I asked. All her actions were very crude and vulgar. I didn't like it so I let her be her own character and she went back to my friend. I woke up again.

      Dream started over. The girl was the bartender this time, and I was semi-lucid at the start. I sat down at the bar and talked with her for awhile as she mixed drinks. I wanted to prevent her from even meeting my friend. Ten to fifteen minutes passed and I went to sit down at the table again. She brought us drinks and I looked around for my friend and I couldn't see him. The girl disappeared outside and I heard a gunshot. She had shot herself in the head and there were bits of brain and bone all over the pavement outside. I somehow found out that she had found my friend, dead, in the bathroom. He had killed himself by taking a lot of opiates. A little too Romeo and Juliet for me. I woke up and felt a great emptiness in my chest.
      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    10. Witches

      by , 02-09-2014 at 08:22 PM
      The earliest part I can remember, I was in another dimension that was filled with elementals (they looked human, but they had specific powers). There was also a hierarchy among these elementals and their leader was kind of a dick. I eventually got out of the dimension, and I took power with me.

      Back in the normal dimension, there were no powerful people like me so I didn't abuse my powers too much. There was one big bully that kept trying to rape me, and he knew I had powers. I knew that he had to be killed but I didn't want to do it. There were a bunch of people staying over at my house and there were 4 women that were staying in the same, small room. At this point I was lucid somehow and I felt mischievous. I turned invisible, sneaked into their room, and hid in a place that none of them would walk nearby and accidentally touch me. Skip forward 5 minutes later and we were all having a giant orgy. I was on top of one girl, she was eating another girl out, one girl was on my back, and the last girl was just watching while touching herself.

      We were interrupted by someone that said they all had to leave immediately to go pick someone up. Sad. I went outside and it was night, there were a couple people walking their dogs. I thought about what I should do now, then woke up.

      Back in the same dream again, was lucid immediately. The storyline from before was back on, but this time everybody had powers. I got into a car with a guy and a girl that were my dream buddies and we left to confront the bully. We arrived instantly, but in the dream it felt like a long drive. Inside the bully's house was my dream sister, never met her before. My friends went off to explore the rest of the house while I dealt with the bully. I told my dream sister to leave and he insinuated that she had been sucking his cock with the traditional sucking of the cock hand gesture. I was about to have an epic super power battle with him when one of my buddies cried out, "David!!! Help!!!!!!". I ran upstairs towards the sound and found my friend stuck against a wall, near the ceiling. The bully's father was sitting on a very high chair (about 15 feet up). The bully's father was holding my friend against the wall with telekinesis and was drowning him internally. I made the chair disintegrate into dust particles as I calmly walked over to him. I turned my flesh into stone, created a giant anti-magic force-field around myself, and turned up my strength 10 fold. He tried to throw fireballs and lightning at me. He tried to make me fly against the wall with my friend but none of it would work because of my force-field. I got in his face, grabbed him by the throat and threw him on the ground, hard. Then I snapped his neck with one, simple movement of my hands. My friend fell to the ground and laid there, unconscious. I breathed life into him and could feel his lungs expand and collapse as though they were mine. He coughed up this brownish-yellow bile but still wasn't moving. I listened closely and could hear him breathing. Dream ended, woke up.
    11. Weird...

      by , 02-08-2014 at 10:08 PM
      I was battling the ultima weapon from ff8 when I suddenly got sucked into another person's dream and it was my job, for some reason, to convince this guy that he was dreaming. I kept showing him how nothing could hurt him and how he could do incredible things, but he wouldn't believe me and he kept going along in his dream. I remember that he was in some town, walking around. I followed him and used super powers and stuff to show him that it was a dream but I think that I just scared him and he tried to run away from me. I ran after him while yelling, "It's just a dream!!!"

      I woke up and thought about how weird and random that was, and what a wasted opportunity to do cool lucid dreaming stuff it was. When I went back to sleep I almost instantly became lucid. I was with some dream characters that were about to go to an upper class dance party. We were all walking through a cherry orchard in full bloom. The pink blossoms covered the trees and the ground, was magnificently beautiful. I didn't want to go with them though, I wanted to go to the poor people party instead but there was one guy that was being a really big dick about it. While I was flying towards the poor people party the dick yelled something at me that I didn't like, I don't remember what it was. But I remember that I turned around, flew back at super speed and punched him across the face. Then I picked him up and threw him about 100 yards towards the poor people party building where he crashed into a brick wall and was knocked unconscious. Then I walked inside the poor people party building and there was some kind of women's volleyball team practice going on. One of them was naked and I just smiled. I made them all get naked and we had a fun sexy time. After a couple minutes though, the dream faded to black. I could still feel everything but it was like I was blind. I just stayed in the darkness feeling amazing for awhile until I woke up.

      Back to sleep, was lucid again. I walked outside and one of the girls from the volleyball team was standing on a grass field, staring at me. She was gorgeous - curly brown hair, soft eyes, kind face. I woke up again before I could talk to her.
    12. Rust and an AMAZING sex Dream

      by , 01-25-2014 at 07:27 PM
      This dream started out on an island that connected to my parents' house. I was with my brother and we were scavenging for weapons, materials, and ammunition to defend ourselves. He had found a really nice rifle in a graveyard and he used it to scare these looters that attacked us with pistols. After awhile we made a little house out of cloth and this crazy lady made a house right above ours and she was seriously out of her mind. She kept throwing fire bombs and gasoline at us and then occasionally shooting at us until I went into our house and grabbed that nice rifle then she'd go hide. I eventually got tired of the game and went to go take a nap. Was wonderful, after I woke up from the nap I had felt like I slept for days, I was so refreshed.

      I got up and my brother was outside and this girl was there too. It was kind of awkward to see her because we have a little bit of a history, but I hugged her and she was somehow a foot taller than me. She took off the highest high heels that I have ever seen and then she was a foot shorter than me. I was bored so I decided to WILD while sitting on a chair and I realized that every time I closed my eyes, I could see normally after a few seconds even though my eyes were closed. Realized it was a dream and then moved stuff with my mind just to make sure.

      Spoiler for Warning: Graphic 18+:
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    13. Time Dilation Attempt 1

      by , 01-07-2014 at 10:13 PM
      Had 4 lucid dreams last night and severel chained DEILDs, don't really feel like writing them all up but I do want to write about my time dilation attempt.

      Was walking aimlessly down a street while carrying a briefcase, looking for someone that I was supposed to give it to. After going through a few towns I came to a very poor neighborhood and got into a war between gangs and the SWAT team (I hid behind the SWAT). Became lucid and split my awareness into two bodies. One of my bodies was participating in the battle and one was standing outside, watching. I made the body participating in the battle and the entire scene slow wayyyyy down until they were barely moving. Then I started to go off to do cool stuff but I noticed that both my bodies were doing the same movements and so I tried to stop the one that was supposed to be really slow from doing it, couldn't do it and I woke up.

      Fell asleep again, back in the battle and became lucid again, decided to just participate for fun. Found an exotic looking rifle on the ground and I attached a scope, but I never used it. The gang eventually overran the SWAT team and started pointing their guns at me, so I would grab them and take them apart really quickly and toss the parts aside. After doing that a few times this guy came out and said, "Okay, simulation over!" Then everybody dropped their fake guns and started cursing at that guy. The End!
      lucid , memorable
    14. Lucid milestones and Fishing

      by , 01-02-2014 at 08:19 PM

      I was homeless, begging for money to buy a happy meal from McDonalds. I followed some people inside the McDonalds hoping that they would buy me something to eat but they just gave me about 97 cents worth of coins. Not enough to buy anything, so I reached to steal from this donating coins to charity thing and decided to leave all my money in there instead. But the lady at the counter accused me of stealing anyways and called the police. I got angry and smashed her cash register to nothing like The Hulk! Rawrrr. I went outside and there were a couple of mall cops with taser guns pointed at me. I became spontaneously lucid and made the guns fly out of their hands towards me. I shot them both with the guns and then shocked them a little bit to teach them a lesson about threatening to tase me. Then I flew away to this enormous building, it was really more like a super mansion. I wanted to try using telekinesis on it the way that fogelbise told me. So I went to the top of the building, then went deep into the earth beneath the building for some reason. Dream became blurry and I tried to stabilize, it wasn't working and I realized that I still wasn't making the stabilization the reality of my dream, I was only going through the motions. So The dream started to fade and I used sheer will to bring it back. I tried making a bunch of blobs of water fly through the air, had a ton of them. After awhile they were moving so fast that they all blended together to one big thing of water that I shot at a wall. The wall exploded and I walked outside onto a nice lawn. I imagined that the building and the ground that carried it were the same as a pencil and I made them float in the sky. Then I made it fly around while I was on it, it was now my flying castle. I looked around me and there was a clear, night sky with a full moon illuminating the town below. The town had Italian villas everywhere but they were tapered down a mountainside, and the location was tropical like in the Caribbean. I flew the flying castle over to the green-blue ocean waters and jumped in, it was warm. I swam to the shore and thought about going into the town to hang out with people for awhile but I had another split second though of maybe I'll wake up and I did.


      I was part of the Italian mafia and I had a wife and kid. We were having a secret meeting at a hotel and the Feds were onto us, they were going to bust into the room that the hotel manager marked as our room. I waited for him to mark our room and then switched it to the room next to us then went inside. We heard the feds bust into the other room after awhile and I chuckled to myself a little bit. A lot missing here in my memory. Next part I remember I was hanging out with my wife and we were about to go on a vacation to Germany. My wife was gorgeous, but a total soulless bitch. She didn't care for me and our marriage was a sham, tied together only because we were both Catholics and it would be wrong to have a kid out of wedlock. Weird dream, I am not married, I don't have children, and I'm definitely not a Catholic. While we were at the airport, getting ready to leave I woke up.


      In the mountains this time. I took a small boat made of cloth and went cruising around looking for a place to catch some fish with my super over-sized fishing pole that had two panther martin lures on it. I looked in the water and i saw Enormous creatures down there and got excited. There was a killer whale, a great white shark, dolphins, and a grey whale that someone had just recently caught. My line got tangled up though because the pole was way too big for though and I couldn't untangle it to start fishing for them, so I just cruised around instead while trying to untangle it. I went under bridges and over waterfalls, was great. I eventually came to a reservoir that was mostly dried up and only had little baby fish in it but I saw my old best friend from childhood hanging out there, getting ready to fish with a couple of people. I went over there to hang out with them but my line was still tangled and I spent the rest of my dream trying to find a way to untangle it. I mostly had it untangled and ready to go when I woke up.
    15. Somebody got Killed

      by , 12-31-2013 at 07:59 PM
      fragment 1:

      I was in an elementary school-like classroom but it was filled with university students like me and we had all just finished the course. I had gotten the highest grade and then the teacher asked us to do an extra project where we had to 'dispatch a tree onto paper'. Whatever that meant. Everybody started looking for dictionaries to look up the word dispatch so that they got the true meaning of the project. Everybody started drawing a tree on paper and some strange guy, I'm not sure why thinking back on it. It's not like the guy was part of the instructions but everybody drew him anyways. I was really worried it would hurt my grade because I didn't quite understand the instructions then everybody got up and left. The teacher told me that she just made all that up about dispatching a tree, she just wanted me to draw whatever came to my imagination.

      fragment 2:

      I was hanging out with a bunch of people at a party and one girl got murdered in front of everybody. They all decided to cover up the murder and I didn't like that very much, I thought about killing the murderer. We made a plan and had to run from the police. Later on we were gathered around a fire outside and the murderer tried to kill me too, but she acted like she was just playing around by trying to stab me in the face with a knife. Then she murdered again.

      fragment 3:

      I was feeling pretty bad still about that girl that got killed in the previous dream and so I was being all depressed. There were people in another room that were part of the group that saw the murder, so they knew about it too but they were acting fine and having fun. I isolated myself and tried to sleep, wouldn't work. A lot of the dream is missing here. Then we were all in some room hanging out together and I still felt really sad about that girl that got killed. I decided to try to WILD and so I laid down and went through the steps. Suddenly I opened my eyes and the outline of the previous dream was all that remained from it, and the DC's disembodied voices. I could see ancient Egypt outside so I tried to get outside but the other DC's voices pulled me back to the previous dream. The dreams blended into one. Outside one side of this van we were now in was ancient Egypt with these beautiful, naked, dark-skinned goddesses walking around and the other side was some parking lot to a supermarket. I used telekinesis to see if this was a dream, something moved but I thought it might have been the wind. So I tried making some sunglasses fly through the air in circles, it worked. I left the van towards the parking lot and expected to meet a dream guide. There was a woman in front of me holding a clipboard. She was Chinese, young, and very pretty. I asked her what she had to show me and she said she was the manifestation of my depression and guilt. She ran into the supermarket and started eating all kinds of poisons, saying that it would kill a part of me. I didn't like that so I told her to stop and she asked me if I was sure then disappeared. Another dream guide dressed like an up-beat 80's business guy appeared and started talking to me about steps that I now needed to take. There was a whole team of dream guides there now. I remember that I stabilized once and he repeated my mantra before I could, then said, "But it's all bullshit isn't it, you're irritated, you're uncomfortable, and you think you think you're going to wake up". I knew he was right, and so I tried to change it. He let me know that it was okay and that we would talk more later. I woke up, and still heard the main dream guide's disembodied voice asking me why did I think that my stabilization didn't work. I realized that I was only saying the mantra and going through the steps of stabilization without actually feeling it and making it my reality. I think I DEILD'd here. Back in the supermarket again and the dream guides were now a bunch of weird, shoplifting DC's. I looked at some of the food the store had and there were these waffles in plastic wrapping, like they were candy. I ate one of them, it was delicious. Then I helped one of the DC's steal some stuff. There was a cop outside chasing the DC I had just helped so I turned him (the cop) into this one actor and it made him have the biggest, most peaceful smile on his face. He looked up at the sky and said, "Aw shucks, ".

      I followed the shoplifting DC into a zen garden and then woke up.
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