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    My Minions!!! and a sex dream

    by , 03-20-2014 at 03:29 PM (854 Views)
    Long Fragment 1:

    I don't remember most of the beginning, I just remember that it was epic long. Earliest I remember I was in a school yard, hanging out with some kids from high school. One guy died and we buried him in a water grave in a green couch. A lot missing here, next part I remember I was at some camp in the mountains. Snow everywhere. I wandered around until I found these dreamers playing some magic game. The main girl that was hosting it had her husband, David Duchovny, get captured by some evil dude and frozen. He was kept barely alive by strong electromagnetic fields? I Don't know. We played this game for awhile, showing off our magic abilites when I became lucid. I left and ran to the green couch and took the dead guy's clothes, his body was now gone. I threw them on the ground and summoned a golem to be my pet. The earth filled the clothes and turned into my little summoned minion. I went back to my cabin as this little guy followed me around. There was this guy that came into it and started talking to me. I decided to show him some cool dream powers so I made flame erupt from my hand. He thought that was pretty awesome. It started to hurt after a minute though and I got blisters all over my hand. I placed my other hand over my injured hand and felt the Om sound go all throughout my body, into my hand and it healed. Then I walked around the dream world with this guy as he...dream interviewed me? Eventually he told me that his intentions were evil and he was just stealing information from me for I don't even know what. So I summoned a few more minions from the earth. 2 Skeletons and 2 golems. They grabbed onto each of his limbs and squeezed really tightly until he exploded. Blood and guts went everywhere, was awesome! I led my minions over to a group of people and decided to steal this beautiful girl. I pulled her aside and saw this guy and decided to make them fall in love in the dream. Instead this hot pink alien pig with strange flesh-hair jumped in front of me and scared me a little. I lost lucidity and thought I had to take a dog out to use the bathroom. Woke up.

    fragment 2:

    New dream started in mountains again. Was lucid from the start, There was some battle going on where this lady would place buildings and summon creatures to battle an army of darkness. I decided that looked like fun and that I should join in. I summoned an army of skeletons and zombies to fight for me. Then I went off to battle, watching my army hack apart foes while I sat off in the distance atop my giant tiger and shot them with a crossbow. Got bored with that after awhile and decided to betray the main lady. I sent my horde of minions to destroy her basecamp and all her allies swarmed me, they didn't like that. I lost my army and some guy grabbed my arm. He started to cut into it with a small chainsaw, saying that I was his slave and I had been naughty or something. I made my arm invincible. He couldn't cut the arm off but what he had already cut into hurt like hell. The lady that I had betrayed came to my rescue and said that it was her fault. I said, "Yea, Yea it's her fault!" Woke up, FA

    Dream 1:

    I went outside my room and my parents were there for some reason. I told them I had this dream where a guy tried to cut off my arm while saying that I had been a bad slave because I was just mooching off him. I woke up.

    Chained DEILD:

    Spoiler for Epic Sex Dream:
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    lucid , memorable


    1. Ginsan's Avatar
      You're pretty horny aren't you? :cackle:
    2. AnotherDreamer's Avatar
      lol I know you're jealous.
    3. parkmeats's Avatar
      hm. I think i will add amakuri to my to do list.