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    Mouka's Mind Palace

    We don't care, we're shootin' Kamehamehas in our dreams!

    I'm going to give the online dream journal a try; bear with me because I'm used to paper journals!

    Marvel in terror disgust wonderment as Mouka moves along in lucid efforts to...
    ...hang out with the tulpa Afiel!
    ...destroy the solar system by firing off a Solar Kamehameha!
    ...get laid by certain super-villains without getting tossed into the sun!
    ...and whatever other sudden desires may pop up! YAY!

    Cast of recurring peeps:
    Seru - Cunning yet sexy Dream Guide and keeper of the locked house key
    Akiko - Overly emotional and stubborn knower of directions
    Afiel - Tulpa buddy angel extraordinaire and summoner of crappy music
    Cory - Real life husband but I often dream of him, so yeah

    1. Stranding on a mountain top, and the siege of the hell hounds

      by , 01-02-2014 at 06:18 PM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      (undated older dreams 3)

      Cory and I were taking a road trip to visit a girl he used to know. He was driving and I was riding shotgun, and it was pretty uneventful at first. After a while we got lost in a mountainous area, and he took a wrong turn up a curvy and dangerous mountain path. It was a tiny one lane road with nothing but a wooden fence stopping us from going over the edge, but he started driving super fast and I was freaking out thinking we would die. At one point the front wheel of the car goes off the edge but somehow he was able to bring it back up to keep us from falling. At the top of the path was a dead end, so he parked us on the mountain peak with no way down because the road was only one-way. I scanned the area below us and saw highways in the distance, but we had no way to get down to them, so eventually he called 911 and they had to send a helicopter to come get us off the mountain. As the helicopter was flying away with us, I remember being worried because there were groceries in the trunk of the car and I didn't want them to go bad.

      I was visiting somebody with Cory. This might have been linked to the last dream but I can't remember anything happening between the two. Cory and I were in a room with the girl we were visiting, his old roommate. We were all sitting on the couch and she was complaining about her old neighbors. Apparently they were four goth kids who were always loud, and she had them kicked out of the neighborhood. Suddenly I remembered I had to go home to get something, and it was vital that I left right away. There was a railroad that ran right through the girl's living room, that started by her couch and entered a tunnel built into the wall on the right. Our car was still on the mountain, so the only transportation was this small platform with a single chair on it attached to the rails. I knew home was a long way away, and it would take me months to get there but I jumped on the platform and left that way anyway.

      Me and a bunch of people were all sitting in a cafeteria eating, when suddenly one person screamed and was carried off by an invisible force. Soon after, another person was taken. We realized that invisible hell hounds were attacking us so we barricaded ourselves in the cafeteria and this redneck guy that reminded me of the dude from Walking Dead just happened to have a rifle with him, so he put a chair next to the door and guarded the room. I told people that I had lots of swords in my room, so we got a few people to volunteer to leave the cafeteria with me to get the weapons. We left the barricade and headed down the hallway to my bedroom, which was very girly and had pink and dolls everywhere for some odd reason. One of the guys with us, a gangsta dude, was starting to doubt I had any swords at all in all that girly mess, so he flipped us off and left towards the cafeteria on his own. On his way out, one of the hell hounds attacked and dragged him off, so we grabbed all the swords and ran back to the barricade, slicing up all the hounds that tried to grab at us. After when seemed like days, we realized we couldn't stay there forever, and hoped that the threat had left, so we opened up the doors and went outside into the parking lot. But it wasn't safe, we were immediately jumped by a pack of hell hounds but were able to survive using the swords and the redneck guy's gun. We were then stuck in the parking lot because the door to the cafeteria had been opened and we had no idea if there were any hounds in there waiting for us. Someone discovered that the hounds would only attack us if they could see us, so we set out blankets and towels and stuff and huddled together under them so the hounds couldn't see us. I hid in a camping tent with three other people, and I remember feeling claustrophobic and couldn't move. The redneck guy sat near us with his gun to guard us.
    2. The 50-mile-high slide, and lucidity at a military compound

      by , 01-02-2014 at 05:36 PM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      (undated older dreams 2)

      I was working at Wal-mart as a cashier. My lines were getting super long and I was having a serious allergy problem, but because we were so busy I couldn't go to the restroom to blow my nose. It was super uncomfortable and I couldn't breathe, and I just knew there was probably mucus or something dripping out of my nose so I dropped everything and ran into the break room. My supervisor ran after me all angry and stuff because I left my post. As I opened the door to leave the break room, I walked out into a new place. It was outdoors in a field, and before me was a massive slide that stretched all the way up into outer space. Both sides of the slide were slide, so there was no ladder to climb up it. I sat on the bottom of the slide closest to me and somehow slid upwards towards the top, really fast at first but it slowed down as I got to the very top. I sat there looking down the slide on the other side and I was scared. The earth was far below and it was so high up I could see the curvature of the planet, it reminded me of the leap that Red Bull guy took. The more I looked down, the more I didn't want to go, but then I started thinking about courage. I had a vision of the archangel Michael and told myself that I should have the kind of courage he has, so I took a deep breath and pushed myself over the edge.

      A lucid dream that started with me wandering around a house. I saw that the Misadventures of Flapjack was playing on TV but I noticed that there were random white numbers that kept appearing on the screen over the show. I realized it wasn't part of the show and that made me lucid for some reason, so I attempted the palm reality check. When I tried to push my finger through my palm it actually didn't go through, instead it bent my hand. I then tried to breathe while holding my nose, which worked, though my nose was apparently still feeling clogged from the last dream or something. I was still anchored to reality and had a hard time moving, since my reality checks weren't working all that well it took my mind a bit of time to get fully lucid. Then I rubbed my hands together in an attempt to stabilize myself, and I saw that one of my hands was higher than the other, and even though they were rubbing together, they weren't physically touching. That's when I finally broke free and could hover around. I flew down the hallway and into a den area and tried a trick I read about to summon Afiel by calling out over my shoulder "Hey Afiel, can you come over here and help me with this?" but there was no response. Instead, I rounded a corner and an old lady in a blue silk robe with a hood walked up to me with a creepy look on her face and screamed "You shall not see him!" I got really annoyed at that point and decided that if I couldn't summon someone to me, then I would just go to them. I spun around in a circle and shouted "Take me to where Afiel is!" and when I stopped spinning I was in a foggy forest but the forest was still spinning when I stopped. As the forest slowed down around me, it became lighter and the fog disappeared, and other details began to pop up. I was standing in an overgrown grassy field, with rocks and dozens of bird skeletons laying around on the ground. Behind me was the forest, and through the trees I saw a flash of yellow that made me think of Afiel because it reminded me of his eyes. In front of me on the other side was a guarded military compound, with an electric barbed fence and two watchtowers. In one of the towers I caught a glimpse of a man running past a window wearing fatigues, so I ran and hid behind one of the rocks so they couldn't see me. I wondered whether Afiel was in the compound or back in the forest where the yellow flash was. I had a feeling about the yellow so I spread my wings and flew straight at it as fast as I could, but it caused me to wake up.
      lucid , non-lucid
    3. The body part peddler, paralysis aliens, and the gnashing of teeth

      by , 01-02-2014 at 04:59 PM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      (I haven't actually updated this journal for a few months, mainly because I fell back into my old ways of writing in a paper journal even though I promised myself I would stick to online journaling due to the tag and search features that I love. So here's my new year's resolution, to put down my notebook and use the internet I'm going to upload a few memorable dreams and my lucid dreams in the next few entries, just to have a bridge between the last few months and now. They won't be in any particular order since I didn't date them, I'll just label those entries as (undated older dreams #).)

      (undated older dreams 1)

      I was at a store with mom, and we found an area with lots of glass trinket cases that had neat items in them. The whole area was very pink and girly but I really liked the items there. There was a case with anime trinkets in it, mostly Hello Kitty and Pokemon, and a bunch of Team Rocket figures caught my eye. One of them I remember vividly was a figure of Jesse but she had the hair of Nurse Joy, and I thought it must be some kind of error and might be worth a lot of money, but then I saw this awesome as hell cat figure I just had to have. I picked it up and turned around to show it to mom, but she was nowhere to be found, so I put the figure down and debated whether or not I should stay there looking at figures waiting for her or if I should just leave to go find her. Eventually I decide to leave because there's this awkward tension between me and the salesperson and I got the feeling he thought I was trying to steal something since I was just loitering around. Eventually I ran into mom, and she told me to go get the cat thing, but on the way back to the case I passed by a giant RV sitting right in the middle of the store and get sidetracked by it. Going inside the RV, I noticed there were lots of small blinking red lights all over the floor, and whenever I picked one up it would make rude comments at me. There was a strange sound coming from the bathtub, but before I could check it out mom and grandma showed up at the door all freaked out and told me to drop the lights and leave the RV quickly. There was this feeling of absolute terror and I ran back out into the store, and froze when I saw this man sitting in an aisle with a blanket laid out in front of him. He had a human head in his hands and was cutting it up and laying it out piece by piece on the blanket and labeling the pieces with prices. He had parts like the eyelids and lips and bits of brain laid out and they were all blackish green with decay. As soon as I saw it I woke up feeling like I was going to vomit.

      A lucid dream where I was sitting at a computer, and when I looked at my hands I noticed they looked strange and became lucid. As soon as lucidity hit, the whole dream froze like a paused DVD and I was unable to move. It faded until everything dissipated and I was floating alone in pitch black nothingness, so I willed myself to float upwards in an attempt to find something, but then my head started tingling like it does when I go into sleep paralysis, and I stop going upwards and start involuntarily spinning around in circles.

      Not sure if this is related to the last one, but at some point I was laying in bed and stuck in sleep paralysis, and when I opened my eyes I saw a grey alien standing at the foot of my bed out of the corner of my eye. Instead of looking at it, I closed my eyes and tried to ignore it and push myself into a lucid dream, but then I heard this horrible noise coming less than an inch away from my right ear. It sounded like someone pigging out on food making an OM NOM NOM sound with their teeth, but it had this unnerving evil quality to it that kinda freaked me out. As soon as it stopped I had this small dream where I saw a clear blue sky, but then it darkened to night and a red moon appeared, and a shadow of some kind of monster flew across it.