Tyrannosaurus Hide and Seek
, 10-01-2014 at 12:04 AM (578 Views)
In this dream there was a massive Tyrannosaurus Rex somewhere between 50-150 feet tall hunting me and some other people at some place that looked like a research outpost in the jungle. I know a T-Rex hat big couldn't actually hurt anyone due to sheer unwieldiness but in this dream it definitely could rip people apart as easily as you can walk, and it wanted to. It was kind of like hide and seek in that it was seeking, and we had to hide. It moved so quickly on its massive legs that I knew once it found me there would be no escape. It even came close enough that it could have killed me but then started off in another direction. There was a building that was like the "safe zone" because for some reason it couldn't find people in there even though it had a glass ceiling. Only like 6 people could go there at once though or else it would detect the concentration of people and attack. We had to take turns, because for some reason it seemed like it was hunting in "rounds". Kind of like hide and seek.