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    The Vault

    Stay awhile and listen.

    1. Upsetting party

      by , 07-22-2012 at 12:44 AM (The Vault)
      Awake | Dream | Lucid | Transition

      Me and my friend A are at some in someones backyard. I'm smoking a cigar but big pieces of ash keep breaking off and somehow getting stuck in my mouth. Gross.

      I give the cigar to A who smokes it in one massive inhale. He somehow smokes the entire thing in one massive inhale and immediately starts throwing up. He's not looking too good, he becomes kinda pale and people start fucking with him. While I'm not looking he gets taken away and I walk around the back yard looking for him with an overcoming feeling of dread.

      I find him at the volleyball net, the people who were fucking with him have him hog tied. They pick him up and they throw him over the net to try to play using him as the ball but he just lands on his side. I'm enraged upon seeing this and scream "WHO DID THIS?! OR ALL YOU ALL TOO FUCKING PUSSY TO GODDAMN ADMIT IT?!" I then realize how stupid this sounded, but hey, I was in the moment.

      Everyone sits there in silence. Alex is now sitting in the corner and looks fine. He leaves the party. One of the volleyball guys says "Well, i know -I- dont want to admit it." That's all I remember.
    2. Funny Quote

      by , 07-19-2012 at 01:01 AM (The Vault)
      Awake | Dream | Lucid | Transition

      Random funny short memory from a dream. I was in the game Diablo III and going through tons of long spiralling pathways trying to find my way in this deep underground celestial looking place. Then I take a town portal and in town someone is talking to the Scoundrel character. They ask him if he touches children, to which he replies, "Hey, I WORK for a living!" As opposed to, you know, a career pedophile.
    3. The Wall

      by , 07-11-2012 at 04:42 AM (The Vault)
      Awake | Dream | Lucid | Transition

      EMT training has been wreaking havoc on my sleep schedule. But I passed out from 5-9:30 as soon as I got back today.

      I remember one very short lucid. I was in what looked like a bedroom and it occurred to me that I was probably dreaming. Didn't bother to stabilize or anything, just immediately tried to walk through a wall.

      Bonk. Failed. Tried again a few times. Nothing. Lost lucidity. Herp derp.

      Later, had another dream where I was at my high school. I was outside the building and at the corner of a wall was some little chamber that was supposed to be used for sleeping. It was this little box about the size of an oven with a control panel on the front. I pushed a few buttons and decided that I wanted to sleep for a couple weeks. I then squished myself into the box and turned the lights off. I tried repeatedly to get into a comfortable position, putting blankets under my head as opposed to laying it on the metal floor of the box. This slowly transitioned into me waking up and realizing I was tossing and turning in bed

      Updated 07-11-2012 at 04:44 AM by 42157
