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    by , 10-14-2014 at 10:38 PM (644 Views)
    My sister has a New Boyfriend, in the dream I'm sick but I don't appear sick. The new bf gave me a Tv and Laptop which is on my bed.
    Eventually, I look at my hands I have really stubby fingers I become lucid then I'm in shock and alittle excitment. I try to do math but succeed which throws my lucidity off it was like 3+3=6 6+6=12 12+12=24 24+24=48
    48+48...eh I didn't know it, but still throws my Lucidity off.

    Timeskip, I'm at the Computer my dad hovering over my shoulder I start eating a sandwitch it was Honey Turkey with Swiss Cheese it was delish!
    JadeGreen and NyxCC like this.

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    1. JadeGreen's Avatar
      Why were you trying to do Maths while lucid? Was it just one of your dream goals?
      SinisterDezz likes this.
    2. SinisterDezz's Avatar
      Why were you trying to do Maths while lucid? Was it just one of your dream goals?
      It was most likely to improve focus and dream stabilization.
    3. blazingnyancat's Avatar
      You're Right, I was trying to make sure I was lucid and I would stay Lucid.
      JadeGreen likes this.
    4. JadeGreen's Avatar
      I should try that at some point.
    5. blazingnyancat's Avatar
      It didn't work for me :/