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    1. June 20, 2023 9:25 pm

      by , 06-20-2023 at 09:00 PM
      Three hours of sleep before work, immediately went back to sleep after work. I never plan to, it's just a bad habit and an unfortunate effect from being overworked. If all goes to plan, I'd have a month of 40 hours/week left, hopefully!

      Also, I drank more apple juice, two bottles!

      I dreamed that we had a school project about New York, and were paired up to do an assignment about New York in Utrecht. This girl was grinding her back against me the entire time the teacher explained the assignment while another teacher tried offering me Disneyland tickets which half of the class had except for me because I was broke. This girl I paired up with briefly looked like my colleague from my job, before looking like this girl from 4th grade that I was constantly beefing with (it was one-sided and I'm very embarrassed about how I behaved towards her) she randomly brought up that I should visit my dad with her and watch his surprise seeing me with her.

      We briefly stop at a McDonalds with a terrace looking exactly like this open air club I was at the other day, because she wanted to return food she ordered or something. Meanwhile I'm taking a nap on the backseat of a car I borrowed, but didn't lock. I wake up and noticed that, although no damaged windows, the car was broken into and things beneath the chairs were taken.

      I also notice that the car barely starts up and look for a gas station nearby, after my brain errors in my dream and refusing to let me look at my phone screen property with Google maps glitching and zooming in and out too extremely, I finally see a gas station nearby at the end of the park road I was parked in. However a conflict comes up which I have had multiple recurring dreams about: I am left alone with my parent's car at a random place and need to move it, but I don't have a driver's license as I don't know how to drive! I keep thinking about whether I should take the risk and just attempt to drive that last bit of the car and hope I don't get caught if I drive correctly.

      I call my mom to explain the situation of me having to move the car. I leave the car behind on the park while another car in the background ironically gets towed, I go to my family home andy mom made a plan which includes a living Golden Retriever dog hidden in a statue made out of apples as a distraction decoy, while a fictional old antisocial neighbour I have gets in the car and drives it away. The neighbour dislikes going outside and this whole detailed plan was made for him to get into the car while avoiding any form of social interaction. My mom then tells me to bring a college essay, I quickly print one before leaving the house.

      I for whatever reason had this small model of office buildings in my home office in my apartment where I kept my work supplies, which was a visual I briefly saw moments before realising I was dreaming and didn't have to go through with the extremely detailed plan.

      Dream was in Dutch.
    2. June 20, 2020 3:50 am

      by , 06-20-2023 at 07:45 AM
      I live with two guys, one plays musical instruments and talks about his synthesizer while grabbing his saxophone, I think they might be robots.

      We were having dinner in the dark, I'm not sure if they noticed that the dinning room lights weren't on, I forced myself to wake up when ot became super dark.
    3. June 19, 2023 9:0? pm

      by , 06-19-2023 at 08:33 PM
      I was hungover all day from partying with my friend the day prior where I had two beers and did a shot with her. On my hungover day I went on a run in the hot sun and bought apple juice because I once read it gives you vivid dreams, I took a nap and you can judge the apple juice effects for yourself:

      I was in a diner themed McDonald's, I had a call from my employer apparently, I don't know what it said. But someone did an in-depth analysis about Chickie's dad from Rugrats in which he held a gun to his head and asked "What's a drama that makes you fall in love with life again?" it featured a 90s cartoon style scene of Chuckie, disguised as Elisabeth Thornberry, running away from home, and his dad getting depressed. The families from Rugrats go through the city to search for Chuckie, it shows a really cartoony montage of everyone's houses chasing around the city like cars. Spinelli from Recess makes a cameo appearance as older homeless woman punching the dad from Phil and Lil.

      I wake up in the McDiner again forgetting about my order, I see an invoice letter with my name on it wilth the receipt attached saying order 97, I then see the take out bar with a bat with my order, I grab it and this mysterious black girl sitting by the bar who follows me on twitter apparently tells me I "shouldn't let that girl control me" referring to some random meme I got on my birthday on twitter within the dream canon. A girl tried to order a burger but with nothing but the "banana sauce" the black guy working there looks at her with this "really?" smile on his face.

      Dream was in English

      Edit: (and TW: Suicide) during that Rugrats bit I had a dream of a vine type of sketch featuring a group of black guys in which one of them holds a gun to his head and shoots himself then drops to the chair, his friends jokingly re-enact his dropping motion as he just lands sitting down with a funny bounce, the guy from the gun was still concious watching bis friends and laughing along and playing along with them followed by his POV of suddenly noticing his vision going dark and blurry.

      I should add that the reason I added everyone's race is because they were all black just like I am, it reads a little weird to me as well, but I wanted to remember that detail. Reference was probably because I went to an African festival yesterday and hung out with people from the festival at an after party.

      Updated 06-19-2023 at 08:46 PM by 81762

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. June 8, 2023 1:17 pm

      by , 06-08-2023 at 12:29 PM
      I've been very sleep deprived from work as well as having dreamless nights lately, took a short nap during my lunch break.

      I dreamed that I was in my bed, trying to fall asleep when I suddenly realised that my room became bigger, the wall next to my bed was moved a few meters further. There's a darkskin girl with me in the room and my roommate shows up back from the barbershop with bright white skin and light grey curly hair and a beard like an ancient philospher statue. It made the three of us laugh out so loud I felt my brain throbbing.

      I knew I was dreaming and walked into my bed to try and wake up, noticing the dept of my surprisingly big room as well as my unrecognisable roommate flash between odd and normal like flickering lights. I suddenly thought about that Joey Bada$$ interview where he talked about astral projecting at that moment, but I knew that I had to get back to work soon. I was, however still dreaming even though the dream was literally me lying in my bed.

      I then briefly wake up and doze off again dreaming that I'm traveling to the Friedrichstraße station, but I was naked and my clothes were in a storage locker in w different train station. This time I knew I was dreaming and woke up, just relaxing in my bed before the alarm went off.