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    July 2, 2023 12:00 PM

    by , 07-02-2023 at 11:36 AM (213 Views)
    I met on online friend last night and went partying and clubbing with him and his friends, it was a wonderful evening and I had a great day, came home around 7 am and fell asleep almost immediately

    In my dream, I meet a random celebrity and get to join him on his "premiere tour" for the night, they go to random openings of locations and then sit at a table at the back of the venue for a while until the next one comes by. At some point they get the venue and tell me it's at the station called "pizza" I ask them if I should get on the underground on my way there but they telling me I should take the "Louvre tram"

    I then slowly wake up still tired, but rested enough to no longer sleep (hungover lol)
    Meiseki and Harlequin like this.

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