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    20/03/04 - ld 19 + 20

    by , 03-04-2020 at 08:24 PM (272 Views)
    First night of having two unrelated lucid dreams! I didn't use any specific technique, only had some deep meditation before bed.

    After about six hours of sleep I had a long non-lucid dream taking place at my parents' house. It was rather uneventful and a bit annoying. When I finally went lucid I was just standing in the kitchen discussing something with my parents. I don't know what triggered lucidity and I didn't even need to RC as I was immediately sure (and I knew I was at my home in reality). As I had enough of that nonsense dream I turned around and walked away, straight through the closed door. I wondered if my parents would comment on me leaving like this but only my mother yelled: "Come back here!" Btw, she wouldn't talk to me like that irl.
    Outside I looked around and inspected some of the neighbors' gardens. In front of me was a small, overgrown area with lots of bushes and other plants, to the left a larger lawn with only some flowerbeds at the edges. The overgrown garden seemed more interesting to me, so I went there. It was full of large blooming bushes, smaller flowers and lots of other green stuff. I remembered that I had planned to taste something in a LD, so I took a large white blossom from a bush taller than me with dark green leaves and slowly ate one petal after the other while walking around the garden. It looked similar to a rose blossom and tasted, well, somewhat flowery, but also delicate and slightly resinous and sweet. For quite some time the dream was stable and very vivid but eventually I thought of me sleeping irl and slowly woke up.

    In the next sleep cycle I had a long dream once again, this time about travelling. I can't recall the details but at one point I looked into the sky and a strange shape was flying above me: two helicopters with an empty seat between them, held by a number of ropes. It looked exciting but also dangerous to fly like that over the landscapes. The next moment I was lucid and didn't care about the risk anymore, so I teleported into the seat somehow (no idea how exactly).
    There I was flying with enormous speed above fields and villages, with a stunning view. I opened my arms wide and also stretched my legs, so that I felt the wind intensely. In the meantime the helicopters had transformed into two people flying alongside me (I think they had jetpacks but I didn't check) holding me by my arms. The wind under my feet was so strong it almost felt solid. We were going even faster than before, soon reaching the coastline and flying over the sea. Here, we went down to the water surface, so that the whole thing resembled a weird kind of waterskiing. A mother and her daughter were looking from the beach, saying: "That looks like lots of fun!" The water was crystal clear and I could see sandbanks and seaweeds beneath me. Just when I wondered if there were jellyfish as well, I woke up.
    DarkestDarkness likes this.

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    lucid , non-lucid , side notes
