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    Graham's DJ

    05/24/11 Nap 5:45PM - 7:30PM

    by , 05-25-2011 at 12:48 PM (435 Views)
    I attempted WILD before taking a short nap, laying on my back for about 5 minutes before I could feel numbing. After hearing what i thought to be footsteps outside, I rolled over to stop the numbing and listen in case someone was outside. After a minute or two, I decided it must have been an animal and tried to go to sleep. Interestingly enough, I fell into Sleep Paralysis after basically daydreaming (I wasn't in REM as I wasn't even asleep... My mind was just wandering), having a scenario play in my head. My mom and I were looking for my cat in the bushes. I stood near the doorway of what I guess was our house when she got in her car. She turned it on and began to drive forward (towards me) and I felt SP hit me. I wasn't planning on it happening, and so I was a little shocked, but I was able to move my arm to shake out of it within seconds. In the 5 seconds after I had fallen into it, though, I could feel my body vibrating and a very loud roaring (I guess of the engine of the car).

    This is the furthest I've ever gotten with WILD, and it was completely unintentional!

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    Updated 06-01-2011 at 01:15 PM by 47214

