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    Graham's DJ

    05/24/11 Sleep (4) 11:30PM - 6:20AM

    by , 05-25-2011 at 01:07 PM (561 Views)
    I had a dream I went to smoke pot with half the people in my class (This would be my first time, as I don't do any drugs). On our way, a police officer stopped us. He arrested us all and we were headed downtown for execution (weird. I doubt you'd even go to jail for 6 months for possession) in x days. Time lapse to death row: We were all standing in line waiting to be beheaded. I can see my friends in line ahead of me, being killed one-by-one. When I came up to be punished, the executioner started a countdown from 15. My heart was racing. 10. I panicked, and started sobbing. 5. I begged him for my life, taking out my wallet, throwing all of $300 on the ground asking for another chance. 1. The executioner put his axe down and told me I had an honest heart or something. I remember telling everyone afterward how I survived death row.

    I'm not sure of the order of these dreams, but I also remember a fragment of another where I was in my friend Diorra's room playing Guitar Hero or something. Oddly enough, the room looked a lot like my friend Josh's room.

    I remember going to a supermarket or something with this weird looking Mexican guy who could find the best deals on like spaghetti. I had spaghetti last night, but other than that, this was pretty random. He also had a creepy van.

    Finally, I remember going to the mall into a girl's clothing store or something of the sort, with a dancing doll on each table/rack. One doll in the store would light up, and if you touched it, then another one would start singing. If you could find this one and touch it in 15 seconds, you'd get a prize. I remember having some reason to do this. Not sure exactly why, though.

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    Updated 06-01-2011 at 01:14 PM by 47214

