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    Chessica's Dream Journal


    by , 08-02-2014 at 11:28 PM (395 Views)

    Something about roofing material, they had some imperfections. At R & K's house?


    Redecorating a house, but it's not mine. It belongs to a Swedish couple. I'm house sitting while they are away. Something about turning the lights off or leaving them on.


    My boss is sitting at his desk. He's got a tie on, but he's tied in some silk paper into the tie knot. I laugh and try to pull it out. He tries to explaining he's been seeing a lot of people do this (get silk paper stuck in their tie). Somehow a video of a couple of musicians is supposed to explain this. The musicians are young, the video is made a long time ago. They are supposed to be well known, but I only vaguely recognize them. It's a man and a woman. Then he shows me a new video of them, this time they are older (about 50-60 yrs?). They are performing on a stage in both of the videos. I remember thinking how much they've changed. They used to be young and beautiful, now they just look old and tired.


    I'm in a house. It's my house (but it's nothing like my house for real). I'm in the living room with my two dogs, and a small gorilla. The gorilla apparently is my pet. I call it and it comes jumping towards me on its hands and feet. I ask it if it is hungry by petting its belly and asking 'are you hungry?'. It enthusiastically shows me it indeed is hungry, and after doing a trick I say 'Go!' and we go to get it some food. When I get to the cabinet where I keep the pet food I see my dog M. I find a bowl and fill it with kibble and treats. She's been eating very little lately, and to my delight I see her taking big mouthfuls. After a while she stops, and just sniffs the treats, but won't eat any more. My dog H. is there too, and I trow her some kibble which she grabs 'in air'.
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    Updated 08-02-2014 at 11:34 PM by 36452

