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    CHiLLEN's Dream Journal

    1. Flying With Adrian (20.9.14)

      by , 09-20-2014 at 01:42 PM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)

      I'm with Josh, Daryl, Kayley and Adrian. They're all smoking cigarettes. I walk up to Adrian have a convocation with him. I remember saying something about being unsure if it's scientifically proven, and Fasting.

      Myself and Adrian are flying around on something. He's controlling it. We're after some kind of Diamond (Spider man Unlimited). We go towards one that's on a building lookout. We miss the diamond and crash into the wall. We're fine and not injured.
      I'm now on the ground and can see two people walking on the sidewalk. They're dressed up as a Jedi. They're both wielding light sabers. The man in front's light saber is over sized.

      I'm now in a street near what is meant to be Ben's house. I think I'm with Daryl and someone else. I walk over to Ben and his girlfriend. He's girlfriend is naked. I can see her breasts and ass. She's kind of squatting down and I can see her pussy. She's hot and I'm having sexual thoughts.
    2. Drugged Up Police Chase, Familiar Faces (19.9.14)

      by , 09-20-2014 at 12:57 PM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I'm with Josh and I have some pre-workout. I meet up with Daryl and he seems to be excited that I have taken some pre-workout. He opens up a wrapper which has some kind of narcotic in it. I seem pretty amped up from the pre-workout and go straight in for a dip of speed.

      We're now driving and a police car begins chasing us. Daryl is driving and he doesn't stop for the cop, instead he tries to flee. I tell him he's an idiot and that he should stop the car. There's a few times where we almost get captured but we seem to get away each time. I recognize the street we're driving down, which is where my Auntie Rita lives.

      Eventually we get caught and end up in some kind of venue. I think it's a TAB (Betting Place). There's cops around us and we try to swindle a deal so we can get off the charges. The charges consist of illegal betting and driving offenses. We pay back the TAB what we took from them, and ask how much extra do they want to drop the charges. I think we're looking at 1,200 or maybe a bit more. We agree with the price. There's two cops which seem to be corrupt, definitely one of them for sure. He's bald. We can see a bowl of cocaine which belongs to the police officer, and Josh decides to have a dip. The corrupt cops tells Josh that it's baking soda or something and laughs. I think he was having us on, and that it was actually cocaine.

      I remember seeing a scene of the cop being behind a door. The door timber looks brittle and myself and the cop are ripping the timber off of it.

      I'm now at some other house, doing something. I can see a kid.

      Another scene of being at a house. I can see the same kid as before. I see a scene of a mansion and a guy inside it. He's the owner of the house. I move closer to the scene and notice the guy in a bed with multiple females. The whole bed is plain white. The man is under the covers with one of the females. They seem to be hugging one another, while the rest of the females are getting pedicures while browsing on a laptop. The pedicure is being done by some type of machine, which runs automatically.

      The scene begins to fly through the house into the backyard. The backyard has lots of people and looks lavish. I can see some weird stuff. There's a few toilets which are lined up next to each other. They move back and forth across the garden.
      I walk over to a track that long jumpers run down to perform their leap. There's a car that looks similar to a remote controlled car. It's going back and forth on the track. At first I thought it was going to run straight into me, but stops just in time.

      Dream 2

      I'm at a beach and I can see Daryl, Thomo and some other person. They're near a volleyball net. I can see a group of people coming towards me in the distance. They look familiar. I remember that Thomo is having his bucks party and that I can't attend. I think about what I can say to him, and feel I should tell him I can't afford it. The group of people arrive where I am, and I'm greeted by most of them. One of them looks like Jamie Smyth and he is so happy to see me. We hug one another.

      I'm now at the local football oval, standing where you sit to watch it. I see the group that I saw earlier here. They're heading to a beach. A name is announced, and that person is the first to go in the water. It ends up being a kid. He doesn't want to be the first one to go in.
      I grab a cup and piss in it. I walk with the cup over towards some people. I pretend to drink it to gross them out.

      Updated 09-20-2014 at 01:14 PM by 24939

      non-lucid , memorable
    3. Drink Up To Bad Health (18.9.14)

      by , 09-18-2014 at 02:02 PM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)

      I make some kind of potion which is suppose to enhance longevity and health. The indigence are strong substances that you would think are toxic. Your average person wouldn't be able to get their head around it.

      I'm down an isle in a supermarket. My brother is in another isle, about to drink the potion. I'm yelling out to him to not be a pussy and that it's good for you. I'm unsure if he actually tries it.
      Daryl has tried it and he comes to me and says he tried it. I'm holding a glass which has the dark liquid in it. It's only filled up about an inch. I take tiny sip and my whole mouth and throat close up on me. It's the weirdest feeling. It's like I had just drank pure poison. This freaked me out a lot, changing my perspective on what I had created. I wasn't convinced that this would be beneficial, and that it would be down right dangerous.

      Dream Fragment

      I can see the Honey I had bought today. It wasn't in it's original container and now is in a squeeze bottle.
    4. Mir Destroys Cormier, Naked Bike Rider, The Apprentice (17.9.14)

      by , 09-17-2014 at 02:25 PM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I'm watching an MMA fight against Frank Mir and Daniel Cormier. It's not in an octagon like majority of MMA, but in a boxing ring instead. Frank Mir doesn't look 100% like him. To my surprise, Frank is beating Daniel up. Daniel isn't looking right, he's turtling up as if he has stomach cramps. Frank feels like he's given enough punishment to Daniel and is looking confused on why they're still fighting due to Daniel not looking as if he wants to fight. Frank turns his back to him to allow the ref to stop it. I see a scene replay a few times of someone turning their back and then throwing a spinning back kick to the opponent to surprise them. I think to myself that maybe Daniel will attack Frank as he turns his back, but he doesn't end up doing so.

      I'm now at my old house and I decide to rewind the fight and see exactly what happened to Daniel to make him react in such a way. I find the part im looking for and see that Frank hits Daniel with a devastating blow to the body. I see my brother come into the lounge room and I try and talk to him, but I sound as if I have severe brain damage (errrrghhghgh) lol. Dad is with me and we talk about something.

      Dream 2

      I'm riding my bike through a park. As I turn into a street I realize that my shorts and underwear are down to my knees. I try and pull them up while still riding. I find this difficult to do.
      I hear voices of someone saying that they're going to sue me due to riding around naked. They said there family, including kids and grand parents saw me. I reach the park again and I see a man
      running across the park straight towards me. He's wearing what looks like a Nike T-Shirt that Josh wears to the gym. He's running very fast. I make a get away on my bike, feeling worried
      that I will ride into a dead end, giving him a chance to catch me. My thoughts race again, I'm now thinking about if I was to reach a mans house for hiding that if I was to lie to him
      and tell him I lived at shore street, that maybe the guy who was chasing me would ask where I lived, going there and realising its a false address. I was worried that the man might take it out on the guy helping me.

      Dream 3

      I'm outside in an open area with huge tree's near me. I am being trained for something. My master jumps up into the big tree and purposely disturbs the birds. A whole lot of cocktails are now coming our way. Master tells me to run, so I head towards some kind of underground hide out. It's sticking outside the ground a bit, allowing you to enter through the small opening. I reach the hideout and have a look behind me and can see the birds coming towards me, but I wait for the last few seconds before they approach before I enter the hide out. I enter the hideout through a hole. It's like a drain hole. I try to put the lid on the hole but struggle for a few moments before eventually getting it on. I'm now inside the hideout, looking at a few doors. I think about going into one of them but decide not to.

      I'm now in a lounge room with some people. I think my master is here, and he's looking at a phone of mine. He tells me it's the enemies and I explain that I defeated him and decided to make it mine. Master tells me that he was dumb founded when he first saw the number come up on his phone. Master decides to hack the phone to try and get some information off of it. He plugs a lead into where you charge the iPhone. The phone begins going through the hacking process and I can see paper coming out the back of the phone, as if i was typing out on a type writer. I can see pictures of everything I've done on the phone, from seeing the volume go up and down etc. I begin to worry about pictures i don't want him to see. Mostly the pictures of my dick. The pictures are coming and going very quickly, but you can still make out what they are. I see a picture of someone holding their dick. There's multiple pictures so it's easily seen by master. I can now see pictures of me having sex with someone. The phone that's been hacked, now belongs to some female. Her boyfriend of husband, who's an AFL player, has seen the photos. He pushs her and is upset at her. I know it's my phone but I don't own up to it.

      Dream Fragment

      I can see the X Factor judges sitting at their judging spots. Dannii Minogue has a King Charles Cavalier dog in her lap. The dog was very good looking for that breed. I think to myself how much of a cutie Dannii is and that it made sense that she was
      holding a cute dog. Redfoo calling her as another name, I think to myself that it doesn't sound anything like Dannii and that maybe she has changed her name due to having a more appealing name.
    5. Baby Horse, Kayley's Black Mum, Hole In One (16.9.14)

      by , 09-16-2014 at 09:30 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I'm at my primary school, standing on the oval. I see a young horse running towards me. As it gets to me, I jump on it while its still running. It's a strange feeling, I feel I have a strong connection with the horse. The horse takes me down the road towards the traffic lights near la porchetta pizza restaurant. There's traffic and the horse takes us towards the cars. I can see trucks. I try to stop it but its fighting against me. The horse eventually stops and we get to the other side without a scratch. It was night time and some cars didn't have their lights turned on.

      I'm now at Daryl's and I see a dog bowl. Kayley tells me that Trish phoned in and asked if I was feeding and looking after my dog. I tell Kayley that I've been taking the dog for walks.

      Dream 2

      I'm at my house and I see Kayley talking to a black women who is meant to be her mother. The Mum has quite a few teeth missing. Kayley is jokingly mocking her Mum about something. This scene replays a few times. As Kayley leaves, she calls her an ugly cunt or something like that, really putting her down.

      I can now see spices that are placed in a spice rack. I pick one up and have a look at it. Kayley's Mum must have just got back from being out with her boyfriend. She tells us she got spoilt. She bought back a bottle of vodka. The bottle is a lot wider then a normal bottle with a plastic lid. I take a closer look at the herbs and there's a picture of Kayley's Mum on the front of it. She looks decent looking. The back of it has a picture of her playing basketball. I ask Kayley if she used to play basketball, she say's yes.

      Dream 3

      I'm at a party and I see a few people trying to putt a ball into a hole. If the person got it in the hole, they win a car. I was going to have a crack at it, but someone took my shot instead. Germain has a putt and it comes pretty close to the hole. Someone takes over Germain's shot and must have put too much power on their shot, cause the ball was now 10 meters away from the hole. There's a bit of decline in the surface if u were to miss the hole.

      I'm now playing a video game on the computer. Its a similar game to Mario Brothers. Jason Deen asks me if I remember playing this game together when we were younger. At first I didn't recall, but it clicked with me as I was playing that I did.

      Someone that I'm with decides to play a bit of a joke on a guy sitting at his computer. He somehow makes the victims computer screw up. Maybe even blowing it up, through a virus or magic. The victim becomes furious.

      Dream Fragment

      1. Blaxland House

      2. I see Dad walk into garage through the house. He asks Daryl if he took any of his cigarettes. Daryl confesses that he did. He has taken a handful. I can see a homemade cigarette pack on the freezer, which Daryl is talking about.
    6. Party In Franga (15.09.14)

      by , 09-15-2014 at 07:50 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)

      I'm at my old house in Franga. There seems to be a party going on and Jamie Lenton is chasing me around the house, throwing some kind of discs at me. One of them hits me in the back and I feel a bit of pain, but I over exaggerate the pain, and act as if he got me good so he would stop throwing them. I start chasing him now and throwing them at him.
      I walk into a bedroom looking for him, and find that he's on the bed with 2 others. The 2 others looked as if they had just finished having sex. The girl looked like the type that would sleep with you at a drop of a hat. They all leave the room and I sit on the bed and talk to a female for a few moments before walking towards the door to leave. I have a balloon in my hand and let the air out as I leave, making a noise with it. I find this funny.

      I walk into another area of the house and see that Josh is with a blonde female. They seem to be sucking helium balloons. I walk passed them and see that there's some balloons hanging from the shelf above the heater. Some are deflated and others are still blown up.

      I'm now outside and I see some people going on a over sized bike, which seats 3 people. It's a 3 wheeler. I see a gate that's blocking my path, and I make my way through the door. I see Jamie again and he's a bit hypo. Jamie throws a bomb towards me, and he expects it to be too heavy for me to catch. I know it's light and catch it with ease. Jamie now has an even bigger bomb in his hand, and I realize that it's too big to handle and I make a run for it. I make my way onto the side of the road. I brace myself for an explosion, and know the radius of the explosion so I gather I'll be safe. It explodes and a few people are caught in the explosion. They get flung a couple meters backwards, but I think they'll be OK. I look into the sky and see a massive cloud which the bomb has produced. Around the boarder of the cloud, there looks to be intense burning going on, as if it's burning through the ozone layer. There's a guy beside me and I complain to him about what's going on, and say that Jamie's going to fuck this planet up with shit like this. I figure that it might produce a black hole and will suck us all into it. I tell the guy we need to do something about it, like ban him. The guy agrees with me.

      I'm now walking towards my old house and I see Daryl Grandmother walking back towards the taxi which is parked out the front of the house. I run towards her but she doesn't recognize who I am and thinks I may have bad intentions. She kind of rushes towards the drivers side door. There was no driver in the taxi, she must have been driving.

      Dream Fragment

      I'm in a public toilet. I see a TV screen which is showing Ash Mcgril under water with some of her friends. One of her boobs fully comes out of her bikini. Her boob looked perfect. I begin looking for the computer so I can get rip that video of Ash onto a computer. I figure i'll need to use Maxthon browser to do so. I walk into another area in the toilet. I almost slip over due to the floor being slippery. I see a computer in the room. It's monitor is the size of a plasma TV, which is mounted on the wall. On the screen is a game I usually play called Heroes of might and magic V. I see a disc on top of the computer tower, it's the game heroes of might and magic. I hear Daryl in one of the cubicals.
    7. Imprisoned

      by , 09-15-2014 at 06:28 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I'm at a party with Daryl. I feel like I've had this dream before.
      I'm after a cigarette. I get it off either Daryl or some other guy. I grab the cigarette and snap it in half. Daryl walks over to a female and asks if he can share her internet connection. She isn't too keen on doing so but decides to do it anyway. I soon realize that he doesn't need to borrow it off her, instead he can buy WiFi from here.

      I leave with Daryl and begin to smoke the half cigarette outside. My head starts to feel fried from the cigarette and I begin to act as if I've had a heavy trip or drunk. A security guard notices how I'm acting and questions me. I soon realize it's illegal to possess drugs. The guard grabs me and takes me away. We are now outside and head towards an area that has what looks like horse stables. I feel like I know what's going to happen to me, due to being here before. He puts me inside the stable and locks me away as if I'm in prison. There's a peep hole that I can open and close. I know I'm about to be torchered so I close the latch. The man comes to my stable and opens the peep hole. I see that he's holding a weapon. I look behind me and see that I have a choice of weapons I'm allowed to pick. I choose the knife, but soon realize it's not as big as I first thought. I think about the range of the knife knowing it sucks.

      There's two options on how to get out of the stable. 1 is to fight my way out or second is to control the dragon. With the dragon, I need to control its path and make sure I'm following the cloud. It's really hard considering the controls are weird. The controls are not WASD or arrows, it's random letters which make it hard to remember which is left,right etc. I think about going into the options section and try to change them to what I'm used too

      Dream Fragments

      1. I see Kayley and she's with a new baby. It's a girl and I think to myself that she now has 2 girls, but soon realize that I'm mistaken and know that her first was a boy, so it's perfect for her.

      2. I'm playing basketball and I'm trying to recreate a Micheal Jordan moment, which is attempting to score 5 points in 5 seconds.

      To start off I steal the ball off the opponent and score which takes under 1 second, but feels like 5 seconds. As I score I run back down to the other end of the court and leap into the air towards the back wall. I grab onto the back wall and hang from it. I do this to show off my athleticism.
      I now let go from hanging and run back towards the other end of the court but I notice that my shirt is too small for me.

      3. I'm playing Heroes of might and magic V. I'm trying to upgrade my soldiers but I can't seem to do it.
    8. Dream Fragment (8.9.14)

      by , 09-08-2014 at 07:39 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream Fragment

      I'm in 3rd person and I'm playing a game. The objective is to shoot some kind of magic at the opponent to disable them. I come across a female player and we both shoot at one another but I hit her first.
      I can now see an interview with a female gamer and a man. The female gamer has short hair, average height and average looking. I think she's at least in her mid 30's. The man is fairly tall.
    9. Dream Fragment (7.9.14)

      by , 09-07-2014 at 01:07 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream Fragment

      I'm sitting down with Jayd and Csure. I ask them a question, if they had ever been in a situation where they're in the friends zone. I figure they probably think I'm in that exact situation.

      Side Notes

      Ive been sick for almost 2 weeks and haven't been focusing on lucid dreaming. Sleeping has been pretty good since darkening my room.
    10. School Dance, Water Protest (6.9.14)

      by , 09-06-2014 at 02:56 PM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I'm at my primary school in the gymnasium. It's been turned into a night club. I have Kayley with me, and I see Marleigh with her brother. We are all dancing and Kayley grabs Marleigh and pulls her towards us so they can dance with us. Marleigh looks at me and then grabs my cock, holding it with a tight grip. I kinda feel a little bit of pain. She's got a good grip, I can't even move.
      I start talking to Marleigh's brother on the dance floor, and couldn't help but notice his poor taste in fashion. He's about 5-10 years too late. I tell him nice beard (referring to his chest hair that could be seen. Hes first few buttons on his shirt were undone), and mention that it's an in thing those beards. I tell him about my chest hair and try to show him what I had, but I have too much clothes on. I jokingly try to send him a picture of it.

      There's a dance circle which had been formed and there was two black males with short frizzy haired dances in it. It looks like they're dressed up for a play or something. One of the males is sitting down on a chair when he pulls out a syringe and gabs himself with it, pretending to be sick.

      I begin to do some weird shit on the dance floor and start moving my hands up and down as if I was using a horn on a truck.

      Kayley walks over to Marleigh and Marleigh says that she probably wouldn't see us for another 8 years, and Kayley responds saying I doubt that.

      Dream 2

      I'm outside with Daryl and we notice a group of protesters. They're holding signs and all. I tell Daryl that these are the water protesters (wanting no chemicals in water).
      They all make their way up some steps and we follow. We reach a rocky area which is close to the ocean. They walk the long way to where they're intending to go, and I take the short cut. The destination wasn't far at all and it's to an entrance of a cave where an aboriginal was standing. I'm standing on the rocks above him and I think he notices me.

      We all are in front of the entrance now and the scene of the cave changes to a house. We begin talking to the aboriginal man for a few moments before we eventually enter the house.
      There's a party going on inside, and I can see a lot of people. They seem to be having a great time. I see that more aboriginals come into the scene and they seem to be stand offish, and keep to themselves.

      Everyone is dancing and I can't help but join in and feel the love. There's a hand railing in front of me.

      Sam tells me she's leaving. Shortly after a female tells me that she's going to find Sam, and I insist that I will come along so she's not alone.
      I can see a olympic barbell at the door, and a bike. It's blocking the path. I get passed them and head out and look for Sam. I see Sam and Ben in the distance, sitting on a chair. I reach them and see that Ben's holding some photos which are the size of an average painting. It's a picture of people playing Aussie Rules Football. It seems to be for Josh Arfods Dads birthday, and he isn't too sure on the photo.

      Dream Fragment

      1. Dave Clork is in a new relationship.

      2. I look down at my stomach and notice that I have a gut. It looks like its sagging and I see that one area looks like its bulging out more then the other side.
    11. Post-Fight Sour Grapes (5.9.14)

      by , 09-05-2014 at 02:34 PM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)

      I'm at a UFC event, watching Uriah Faber fighting an unknown person. Both fighters are grappling and Uriah gets the better of the exchange and wins the fight. There's a bit of a story behind the two. They're both in the marine corp and they both wanted to see who was the tougher marine. I think they had fought before and had a bit of mutual respect for one another, but still didn't like one another.

      Uriah is getting interviewed in the cage after the fight. He tells the reporter that his opponent has grown on him. I think he even started liking the guy.
      They now interview the opponent and he doesn't hold back with his words. He tries to bring down Uriah by mentioning that he used to fight in fixed fights. Uriah responds and tells him that it was a common thing back in the day. The crowd find it disrespectful of the opponent to say such a thing after a fight, and majority of the people (myself included) on the floor area closest to the cage, leave the arena to show support to Uriah. I don't leave the arena but take a seat near the back. I see my brother and he's talking to a female that's got a sleeve tattoo on her arm. I think he knows this girl. She has a unique style of tattoos on her. Brother gets a marker and begins placing dots on her arms.
      I start to intentionally annoy the man behind me. He talks back to me in another language and I ask him what that even means. His buddy sticks up for him starts having a to at me, talking in another language also. I could figure out a few words, which were stop it. I listen to him and agree to stop what I was doing.
      I look to my left and notice that there's a cafeteria with fruits and vegetables.

      I make my way back towards the front of the arena where the seats are still empty. I take advantage of this and choose any seat I like. I try a seat but find it's a little too close to the action. I notice my brother and Daryl are with me and they are pretty happy with the seats.
      I ask some people around me if these seats are reserved and they say yes.

      A female likes me, and says she will call me. At first I was f sure if she was meaning that I was going to call her or she call me.

      Dream fragment

      Josh says he's taking a girl out on a date.
    12. Brothers Spare Dick (4.9.14)

      by , 09-04-2014 at 02:20 PM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)

      I'm outside in a neighbour hood street with my Brother and a few mates (Daz and Josh?). I think we stayed overnight, sleeping in an old car. The car looked like it was from the 80's or 90's, maybe an EL?
      We made a camp fire near the back of the car. Someone said it was a stupid idea. I'm assuming it's due to the car could possibly catch fire. I begin to throw something over the campfire. I think it may have been petrol.
      I'm holding a piece of plastic in my hand and I hold it need the flame but if doesn't light for me straight away, but eventually it catches fire. I thought this was odd.
      I walk off to gather some firewood in the neighbourhood. I can see a lot of logs in people's front yard but I assume that they're either too heavy or embedded in the ground. I come across some sticks and begin collecting them.
      I make my way back to where the car is and there's a man being aggressive towards us all. I'm unsure why this man is trying to fight us. My friends are fighting him and I coward out and don't help my friends. I keep my distance from the fighting.

      I'm now at a house party in the same neighbourhood. The inside of the house is very tight. It consists of a hall way with multiply rooms to the side of it.
      I'm at the front room of the house and I can see Carissa Barrete. Her job is being Britney Spears. I also see her Mother who is also talking to me. I think one of them find me attractive and fancy me quite a bit.
      I make my way into another room where I see people. I'm trying to find something that belongs to me. Clothes? Someone in the room points out where my clothes are that I've been searching for.
      Now I'm in another room, where I can see a screen. It's showing the medalists of the Olympic Games. Notable one is an MMA fighter Marina Shaffer. At the bottom of the screen it shows how much money they make for winning the medal, some higher amounts then others. I have won 2 olympic medals and hope that I get to see myself on the screen, so others are impressed with my success. I hope that maybe someone has recorded the telecast so I can watch over it.

      I see my brother through the window next to a car. The car looks a little beat up and not looked after the best. Brother seems to be working on it. I notice that my Dad and a few others are near the car also.
      The car bonnet is being held up by a dick. My brother must have two dicks and is using his spare one on his car. I look back at the dick again and notice that it's tripled in thickness. It's the size of a brick.

      Dream Fragments

      1. I'm sitting at a table with Daryl. I see that he's smoking. I'm a bit surprised by it, cause he's recently giving up smoking. I ask him if he wants the deck of smokes that he told me to hide from him, but he would only use for mixing with weed. He says ok, sure.

      2. Dad calls me dumb or uneducated. I agree with him on the basis of mathematics due to my arachnoid cyst troubling me, but insist that I did well when I was younger and symptom free. I tell him that I could do my 1-12 times table no problems. Josh tells me to do them, so I attempt my 4 times tables. I start off decent but start going on reverse as I get higher.
    13. James Road Rage, Singing Teachers (3.9.14)

      by , 09-03-2014 at 01:31 PM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I'm with Josh and Daryl either on bikes together or in a car, travelling down a dirt road. I see James Graham in front of us, in his ute. He's tormenting another person that is in a larger car. I think James felt as if the other driver was hogging the road, but it didn't seem that way from where I am. I tell Josh that it would be funny if I drove passed him or next to him to annoy him, and that I would end up on one of his YouTube videos. As I go passed both cars, they all stop on the side of the road. I turn back to see why and notice that people are walking in my direction.
      Eventually some of the people reach where I am. The first person I see if Michelle Sinclaire. I don't say hi to her and wait for her to say it first, but we both hold our ground. The scene changes a little and I can now see Jarred Frase. I envy this guys skill at picking up the ladies and hope that I could be one of his apprentices. Jarred walks over towards a door.

      I have a False Awakening either before or after this dream. I'm in my bed and I hear Daryl and Dad in the kitchen talking to one another. I start recording my previous dream with my voice recorder.

      Dream 2

      I'm In my rumpus room and 1up has written out on a white board a method to become lucid. If consisted of listening to something upon falling asleep. There was 3 steps.
      The pictures he had drawn in step one had someone laying down and shooting fire out of their mouths. Im unsure on the others steps drawings but step 2 had music artists written down. Some notable ones were skrillex and slipknot. Im sitting on the ground for some reason and Rachel, Josh and Ruby are with me. I try to make Ruby feel less left out by making her part of what we're doing.

      The scene changes and a group of people who're meant to be my primary school teachers, are not them. Some are famous people and some randoms. I remember seeing karl stefanovic as one of the teachers, except his hair was more curly and fuller. They all begin singing a song that has the word FUCK in it. It's a common word of the song. They feel they're breaking the rules, and shouldn't be singing such a song due to being primary school teachers, but they're having a good laugh about it and don't care.

      Scene changes and I'm now with a female. Someone comes to the door and makes the female feel loved. The man leaves shortly after. I can see the man near a car at night and he's talking to the father of the female who is on the front of his boat. I over hear them and realise the father had paid or made the man to act as if he was interested in his daughter.

      I'm now on the boat which feels like it's made out of blow up material which is filled with air. As I'm moving around I'm acting about how the owner of the boat (a large man) struggled to move around the boat and would almost fall overboard in the process. I think I fall down a hole or the scene changes.

      I'm in another room with a black man (think his from the beats by dre review on YouTube that I watched this morning). Two more black men come into the room. I have a feeling they have bad intentions. I think I call the first guy that's with me a nigger in a friendly way. I may have even said "what's up niggers" to the other two guys. There's some strange stuff on the walls.

      Dream Fragment

      An X Factor dream. It's down to the bottom 2, with one about to be eliminated from the show. Tee and another strong contender are standing on stage to wait the announcement of their fate. I find this crazy as they're both great singers and shouldn't be here. Tee gets eliminated.
    14. Disabled Seminar, Rangebank Choir, Box of Protein LD#41 (2.9.14)

      by , 09-02-2014 at 11:11 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      Some guy giving seminar in a wheelchair. He tells everyone to stand up, making fun of himself. Everyone laughs, and i stand up as If I didn't get the joke at first. The man in wheelchair stands up. He talks about his arse, and what it looks like since he's been in a wheelchair. He makes his arse blow up outwards to about the size of a head.

      I'm playing a video game with Daryl. It's FIFA. We are taking shots for goal from free kicks. Daryl hasn't really figured out how to shoot properly.

      Dream 2

      I'm with Daryl and we're at our primary school. We are walking passed library when I see Soyer. He's sitting in the drivers seat of a car where the new portables are.

      Daryl and I are now at the preps toilets. I see a crowd of people singing where the gym is. I avoid going that way due to having to get involved. I see Troy Ost and one of his mates, maybe Hobs?
      Daryl is looking at a 20c coin and I happen to think that his face is on the coin, but soon after realise that's silly, and wouldn't be the case.
      Harley walks towards us and I jokingly tell him that anyone that sings in the choir can't be friends with us. He doesn't crack and smile, and I tell him he doesn't look too well. He agrees with me, and kneels down and farts. He now cracks a little smile. It's a silent but deadly one. It smells like diarrhea. Daryl walks over towards Harley and I tell him to not go too close cause he smells like he shat his pants.

      Dream 3 - DILD - 9:05AM

      I'm in a car with Josh Alford and a couple others, maybe my other mates? We're talking and I'm kinda avoiding getting in a convocation with Josh A. We pull up at the bottle-o near the settlement. It seems to be a protein powder store. We walk over and the boys get their stuff. I'm thinking of buying some, but only if it's pure protein and not with the junk additives they usually put in. I grab a box without telling anyone, and drag it around the store. I eventually put it back under the table where the rest of the supplements were. I see a row of what looked like glass pineapples.
      I walk out of the store and I see John Rickard on the foot path. John has something or is about to buy something. As I pass him I say "hi john" but he doesn't respond back.
      I walk over he road where the old Reece plumbing shop is, except it looks different to RL. I start to become aware that it's a dream. Not sure if I reality check considering I just knew it was a dream. I rub my hands together as the dream seems faded or fading, which doesn't help. I brace myself for a DEILD as the blackness takes over my vision.

      I visualise the last thing I saw which brings on a false awakening in my room. I do a reality check and realise I'm dreaming again. I get out of the bed and decide to do the spinning technique with my eyes closed hoping that a random dream scene appears and not my room for a change. I begin to think what if this isn't a dream and I start banging into walls while spinning, which would probably wake people up. I open my eyes and I'm slumped against the wall in my room. Dream fades again and decide to DEILD again. Same thing happens, end up in my bed. I do a reality check and my hands are blurring as I move them. I struggle to get out of bed, and feel half in and half out of the dream. The waking body wins the was and I awaken for real
    15. You're Not Fat, Tunza Fun, Phillip Island Fish&Chips, Mysterious Tablet (1.9.14)

      by , 09-01-2014 at 02:45 PM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I'm at Jamie Smiths house, in the garage. I hear Kayley outside. I peak out the door I see her son running, with Kayley not too far behind him. She comes inside the garage, followed by Daniel. I shake Daniel hand a greet him, and have a bit of a yarn. Kayley's son gives me a hug and Kayley mentions that he wanted to see me.

      I go inside Jamie's house and do something. I think Daniel has Indian or Pakistan in his blood. I begin to think he's the Indian guy off X Factor.

      I'm now laying down on a bed or couch at my house, in Dads lounge room. Kayley comes up to me and she tells me she's fat.
      Me "you have lost weight. Are you still doing your diet program?",
      Kayley "I haven't been sticking to it"
      Me "Keep trying, that's the main thing. Doesn't matter how much you fail, keep persisting."
      I can see Daryl and Daniel now.
      I continue talking, giving an inspirational speech "eating the wrong food is just a withdrawal thing at first.
      Kayley butts in and talks about detoxing, trying to discredit what I was saying but I agree with her and tell her something about it. I continue "it's like smoking, you quit for several years but still have that urge for a smoke now and then, but can easily be fixed by keeping your hands busy.
      Daryl "that's a great example"
      Me "yes it is"

      I begin thinking about a distiller. Wondering how I'm going to pack it, as myself and Kayley are going back to my house for some reason. I start thinking about other items i need to take.

      Dream 2

      Im at Tunza Fun in fountain gate shopping centre. I'm trying to win a price from a game. The point of the game is to move the sharp object and line it up with the small opening, hoping to pop a balloon which is holding the prize. I have a few shots. To my surprise I pop the balloon. My friends and I are ecstatic, but soon realise we popped the balloon that had no prize hanging from it.
      (I actually played this game with friends today IRL. Didn't win any prizes)

      Dream 3

      At Phillip Island with Josh and Daryl. We walk up a hill passing a few shops. Daryl yells out "Hello Ladies" to some ladies in the distance.
      I walk into a Fish & Chip shop and order some food. The chicken schnitzel burger looks good and ask for that, as it's gluten free. Policemen are inside the shop for some reason. Maybe due to Daryl being loud mouth?
      The owner of the shop tells one of customers not to go outside due to Daryl and Josh being out there. They think they're trouble. I insist that they wouldn't hurt a fly and are just different to the locals here, they're from Melbourne I say.
      I can see two chicken wraps which look to be flattened down. I start eating one, making it half way through it before realising that it may not be mine. I say something to the person serving me that I accidentally ate this without knowing. He cut my chicken schnitzel focaccia in half and said "there u go, we're even".
      I remember that I don't have money on me, and that I was going to wait for them to make my order then run down and get the money. Guy behind counter tells me that it has sauce on it and will be extra. I find this cunning as I didn't ask for it.
      I'm leave the shop and make my way back down the street. A bus is coming passed me and I can hear the music that's getting played inside the bus. There's a bus in the distance where the boys are. I reach the boys and tell them what had happened. They tell me that they are going for a surf and that they waited for me. I told them that they should have just left without me and I would find them. Josh tells me they are thinking of taking the bus. I ask them why and it was due to going to a secret surfing spot.

      Dream 4

      I'm in back seat of car with my brother, along with a female. Daryl was in passenger seat and another female in drivers seat. The girl in back seat was HOT. I think she was young, maybe 16-17, but looked a bit older. She takes some kind of tablet which has a mysterious effect on the person who takes it. It's an experience which can't really be explained. It's a similar experience to the ball in guardians of the galaxy. Her experience only lasts a moment and she starts reacting a little odd, as if she knows a secret and doesn't want anyone to know.
      She comes over to me and lays on my lap. I begin to stroke her hands softly, trying to relax her.
      Spoiler for Mature Content :
      My brother seems a bit cut up. I think he liked her, but I didn't care. She comes back to me.
      Dream fragment

      Body on fire? Distilled water