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    CHiLLEN's Dream Journal

    The Workshop (1.9.2013) + (Woke up without moving and rolled it into SP. First time hitting SP)

    by , 09-05-2013 at 12:26 PM (422 Views)
    I hit sleep paralysis for the first time, ever. Wow what a trip that was, it was awesome.. I was hearing noises, tingly sensation and the visual was there a bit. I had my eyes open at one point and thought I should better close them (trying to DEILD)

    My favorite part had to be the sensation of my head swaying side to side lol, now that was cool.
    I broke sleep paralysis by swallowing unfortunately.. and didn't really need to swallow, I just wanted to see if I could. I kind of struggled to swallow as well.

    Dream - The Workshop

    It was daytime, and I was near an old friends house (Tash S). I was trying to walk, but it felt as if I was fighting around gravity to move forward. I was pretty much stationary, and tried different walking techniques to break through the barrier which was holding me back. I tried walking backwards, nothing happend, tried arching forward and walking, nothing.

    I was now with my Dad and he was trying to fix a bike. It looked as if we were in an old shed/workshop. He was using tools to fix the handle bars, but was fumbling around when trying, as if he was just a full unco. He was dropping parts on the ground, like washes and bolts etc. Dad grabbed something to prop the bike up. I looked around and saw a lot of timber blocks lying around on the shelf's. I mentioned about the timber to prop the bike up, but he was too stubborn. He gave up and just held the bike up with his hand and started cutting into it with a saw.

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    non-lucid , side notes
