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    Clyde Machine

    Clyde Machine's Dream Journal

    by , 06-17-2010 at 10:58 PM (542 Views)
    104: 5.26.10; 7:07AM Part 1: Stained Glass Transformation + Dreamguide? (DILD)


    I had a rather lengthy and detailed dream, so I'll try to recount as much as I can remember.

    I was in a cafeteria with giant windows on one wall to let sunlight in.
    I became lucid at some point and tried shooting the windows, which produced no results. I realized that I didn't want to waste the dream trying to shoot stuff, so I ran toward the windows, wanting to make them stained glass. I lost lucidity here and the dream transitioned to put my somewhere else.

    I recall waking and thinking that I'd run into a dreamguide in this dream, but I fell asleep while trying to recall the details, and now don't remember anything of the dreamguide, except that it wore white clothing, or was at the very least associated with the colour white.

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    Tags: dild, dreamguide, gun
