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    This Weeks Dreams: Death of the Conceptual Brain

    by , 08-12-2015 at 07:24 PM (603 Views)
    Dream 1 Vivid: The road where I go for my daily walk just seems so so so long... It is winding up into to the distance... It is so beautiful and natural with the lake mountain and lush green from the Irish weather but yet my CB (Conceptual Brain) the love of my life is not happy and needs loving as usual . It seems my CB was waiting for a sign of some sort that I was dreaming but sadly the lucid dream did not happen. There was some sense of a block in this dream as I noticed flies following each other around in a circle and I felt the path I was on with my CB was never ending and pointless.

    Dream 2 Anxiety: I was on a push bike in my local city and I was late to go to my meditation practice. I often make a joke about people rushing to meditation and this is exactly what I was doing. I was cycling up wrong way streets and cycling straight into the traffic where dream characters were getting upset. Telling me to slow down of course. The dream was not the most important thing nor getting to the meditation class on time but rather the lucidity. Nevertheless I pushed on trying to succeed. I found a place that was doing a similar class to mine but I never quite got to the class...

    Dream 3 Vivid: There is this black leech like a parasite with long black hairs on it on my sons back who is eight. I bring him to the doctor and the doctor removes the problem and finds the parasite and he says we have to completely destroy it. This seems to represent my CB which I love so much and how I might harm my son if I don't destroy it

    Dream 4 Vivid: Everything in this dream felt like being at home. All the settings were at places I have spent a long time. I was on retreat for a number of days with many of my friends in a place I have spent many years at. The master who was leading the retreat this time though was not the usual master he looked exactly like Jim Carey the Hollywood comedian actor. There was a dream character I met the day before who was very upper class English and opinionated (a bit like me actually ) he had a lot of information about the teachings we were to receive. The next day when Jim Carey delivered the teachings he was referring to a quote from a book when the English man interrupted him and said that that quote was raaather from a tv show. JC or he was looking a bit like John Cleese out of Faulty Towers at this stage was furious that he had been put down by the English man and he started laying in to him verbally saying RAAATHER it was a film actually and a book knowing that he was actually correct he got down off the throne and headed to leave in the middle of the teaching giving out to this English gentleman so strong like 100,000 crazy school teachers on speed. My own Conceptual Brain got a big shock from this cause I always think I know what I am thinking and think it is me.

    Dream 5 Anxiety and Vivid: I was in a very dark city were there was a lot of suffering. It was wet dark and pure gangland culture. It felt like I had been living in this culture all my life and needed to break out of it somehow. We were on the streets and the gangleader said that we had a big deal to do tonight which involved people being murdered, raped and drugged real chaos plus all the people around me were really affected by negativity. I had a choice I could stay in it and abuse all these people or try to get out. The boss said that anyone who leaves before the next attack would be shot by this sniper . I thought it was worth a chance to try and run away so when no one was looking I slipped away and started running. The sniper saw me straight away and I saw him. I wished him happiness. He shot a bullet into my forehead. I wished him and everyone happiness. He walked up closer to me and shot a bullet into my mouth. I was still aware wishing him and everyone there happiness but my conceptual brain was gone for a moment.

    Still no dreams where I am aware of being lucid. What tutorials would be good to do?

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    1. AnotherDreamer's Avatar
      Such fantastic dreams, really interesting to read. I love the jim Carrey dream, and that last dream was so beautiful despite how dark it was.

      I don't really know of any good tutorials, are you asking about how to have more lucid dreams? What are you currently practicing to induce lucid dreams? Reality checks? MILD? WBTB?
      Since you have a fair number of stress dreams, you could meditate with the intention that the next time you are feeling stressed, you will be in a dream and you will realize it and be lucid!
      DannyCool and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    2. DannyCool's Avatar
      Ya each night time comes so quick and im not prepared. It is so much fun I love going to sleep at night now and there is so much learning. It is like I have two days now instead of one. Thank you and Dreamer for your help and friendship. That new guy who was talking about all the mind power stuff is a friend of mine. He is really opening his mind to possibilities. He loves nature, plants and animals. He is very genuine and has helped me out lots.
      AnotherDreamer and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    3. AnotherDreamer's Avatar
      That's great, I love nature, plants, and animals too. I wish that I could get energy through photosynthesis like plants do so that I didn't have to harm any living beings to stay in this world. Your friend sounds very interesting, I really like his ideas.

      I feel the same way about dreaming, it can be so enjoyable and enlightening. I bet you would find the book The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep interesting, it talks a lot about using dreams and lucid dreaming as a means for greater spiritual understanding.
      mzungu, DannyCool and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    4. United737's Avatar
      I hate it when I get shot in my dreams. It doesn't hurt much, but it feels really weird and uncomfortable.
    5. Samael's Avatar
      I hate it when I get shot in my dreams. It doesn't hurt much, but it feels really weird and uncomfortable.

      What tutorials would be good to do?
      Like AnotherDreamer said, are you doing any reality checks during the day? There are a bunch that you can choose from. I count my fingers one one hand: if I'm awake, I count five; if I'm asleep, I'll get to six and keep on counting.

      Doing reality checks during the day, habitually, means that you should start dreaming about them... and then when something incredibly weird happens, you'll know that you're dreaming.
    6. mzungu's Avatar
      Danny, your last dream must have been frightening, but I really appreciate how you met your attacker with love and compassion. If we love all living things, there is no reason to fear death. Our love will live on.

      And your Jim Carry guru dream just made me laugh!
    7. mzungu's Avatar
      That's great, I love nature, plants, and animals too. I wish that I could get energy through photosynthesis like plants do so that I didn't have to harm any living beings to stay in this world. Your friend sounds very interesting, I really like his ideas.
      Hi again AnotherDreamer! I'm Danny's friend. Anyways there are people out there who purportedly can use their skin to photosynthesize. They are called breatharians. I remain extremely skeptically, especially since one of the proponents of the movement was caught sneaking McDonald's big macs. The idea is not recent, however. In Christianity some saints were said to live on nothing but the bread and wine from communion, and in Buddhism some yogis are purported to be able to survive by absorbing nutrients from a rock placed under their tongue. The technical term for the idea of living without food is called inedia.
    8. DannyCool's Avatar
      Practically speaking it is possible to sustain the body from within for a period of time at least. Two of my friends at different times one who I was living with went on a diet where they were just living off internal energy for at least two weeks. His stomach shrank and he drank only water and maybe fruit juice at the start and the end. I was impressed by how even with low energy he was able to do a significant amount of work. It also very much helps to clear negativity through doing the challenge. Obviously one needs to have meditation knowledge to be able to do this. One would need to find someone else or a group of people that has done this and there is a website connected with it - it is called the master cleanse diet How To Do The Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet . Seeing someone do this is very inspiring and it gave me more trust in reality. He used to do cleaning etc morning and evening about 6 hours and then watch all of us eat our lunch. It was impressive. He did it for at least 2 weeks! He definitely was not sneaking Big Macs cause the nearest McDonalds was 70 miles away and he had no car. I wanted to say this because it gives us confidence to rely on the power of the mind and not getting or manipulating things as such. This gives tremendous possibilities. I am going to do my own work and get back to you. Happy Days.
      AnotherDreamer likes this.
      Updated 08-13-2015 at 09:08 AM by DannyCool (Forgot to make a Joke about the McDonalds Big Mac Challenge)
    9. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      The meditation dream was funny, it reminds me of something Eckhart Tolle said in one of his books (maybe The Power of Now?) about there being no use in setting aside time to meditate and then getting angry with people for disturbing you. I think he was talking about the importance of practicing mindfulness during regular daily activities, because it's easy to isolate the benefits of meditating to your meditation sessions if you snap back into a rushed/stressed state as soon as they're over.

      The last dreams sounds scary, but it's nice that you could continue to feel/project compassion, even while being attacked.

      As for tutorials, I was mentored some years ago by DV member PercyLucid. He helped me to overcome recurring nightmares and improve my general LD frequency/quality.
      I just saw the other day that he has released some audio lessons for his MILD technique (here). I haven't listened to the recordings yet myself, but I did take his MILD class in the DV Academy back in 2011, which was highly beneficial. He also incorporates some relaxation and meditation exercises into his teachings - I assume they will be covered in his audio, but if not, I have some written notes from his course that I can share with you.

      And LOL about the Big Macs, mzungu!
      AnotherDreamer likes this.