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    Pizza Supermarket

    by , 10-16-2015 at 04:25 PM (734 Views)
    Oh look, another dream where it's just my mother and I, in a store.

    Can't tell you how many times I've had one of these.

    Either way, this recent one involved us going to a supermarket, where I had a little less than a dollar to my name, and I wanted to go back home to get the rest of my money. We were walking through the supermarket, and I remembered that they were selling slices of pizza for one dollar each. I was short by maybe 5 cents, so while we were at the counter, with the pizza nearby... I asked my mom if she had any extra money so I could get a slice. I'm not sure what happened, but I did end up getting one, and we left to go home. Only our home was just another supermarket. Great. I remember seeing a bunch of my friends from high school in it, and then I said "I'm going shopping" because I could now get the rest of my money. I headed upstairs and for some reason, started thinking about Japan, and Japanese stuff. Suddenly, the name Tsukuba appeared in my mind, and I awoke with that name fresh in memory. I looked it up now, and apparently it's a place in Japan. Tsukuba is place I've never heard of, but my subconscious is responsible for me knowing it, no doubt.

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    1. MeohMyoh's Avatar
      Hahahaa...."Oh look, another" that really tickled me ...as i've bin in a fowl mood today ^^ thanks
      SpykeTheGamer likes this.
    2. SpykeTheGamer's Avatar
      yey? xd