Behold, the terrors of my mind.
I was in some house with a bunch of DC's I've never seen before. A few of them looked like old friends from school, but I was unfamiliar with most of them. A different one was asking us random questions, and we were supposed to put our hands up to answer, like in school. The entire place was decorated in a hardwood style. It had a very homely vibe. It took place in a weird, circular kitchen. It's like there was a big pillar in the middle that had all the things a kitchen should have. Counter tops, a stove, and a refrigerator. We were all sitting around it. I was in front of the fridge, and there were a few people off to my left. The fridge door was open though, and for some reason, it was GIANT. It stretched all the way over to me, and it kept swaying back and forth. We couldn't close it for some reason. I pushed it away, and it swayed a bit too far to the right, hit someone, and they shoved it back, yelling at someone next to me, because they couldn't see it was me that pushed it. I circled around the pillar eventually, saw a few people and went outside. It looked like my old elementary school's yard. A ton of DC's were here. The one that was inside asking all the questions was out here now, sitting in a big chair. Next, I was put aside, and started basically watching some kind of mad max style movie. It was almost a desert. A man was having a hard time climbing up a rubble filled highway hill. There was a husk of a car nearby, with a stash of something valuable. He climbed onto it and took a box of something. Eventually the person who owned the car's stash came by, and was about to get angry, but then the man offered to buy the valuables for 49 currency. I don't remember what he said they were, but they certainly weren't dollars. Yet another apocalyptic style dream... I've been having a lot of these lately. First the dream about the airships lighting the sky on fire, New York becoming a charred, jagged ocean of black rock, then the dream about the meteor strike... And those are just the big ones. Not gonna be surprised if something cataclysmic happens in real life soon.
Updated 09-28-2018 at 05:17 PM by 56449
After another year, I can finally focus on dreaming again. I'm having trouble getting the motivation to write as soon as I wake up, but hopefully I'll get used to it again, like before. If a dream isn't like a story, or there are multiple different things that happen separately, I'll use bullet points now instead. So... -Was with my parents, and there were a bunch of other cats around, all the ones from the farm house we had to leave back in 2011. I distinctly remember calling out to one nearby, who was rolling around. His name was Boots. This is not the deceased cat, however. The only cat we now know is gone, is a tiny female cat named Ryza. I think I was partially lucid here? Eventually, I started crying, and I picked her up in my arms when she got close and I said "I just miss her so much" through tears. Woke up with my eyes watering. ...Maybe she's somehow letting me know she's okay. -With my brother Aaron, and not sure if my parents were there. There was a small hill nearby that we were on top of already. At the top was a parking lot. A truck suddenly drove up the hill, and into the parking lot, while flipping multiple times, yet sustaining no damage. I remember saying "That truck's a tank!" -In a different, yet familiar house, looking around. I remember it definitely being haunted in the dream. Haunted by the spirit of an elderly woman. Eventually, I remember looking around and saying "Thank you for letting me be here." Not long after, a horrible sensation coursed through my body, and I felt like I was getting electrocuted. The dream ended shortly after. ...What a bitch. That's it for now. Gonna try to write in here more.
Most of the beginning escapes my memory, but the earliest I remember is being on a small boat with some old man, as he paddled it through the ocean. I was telling him a story about a particular whale that had destroyed something of mine, or had a significant impact on my life somehow. He began to tell me a story about how a giant red whale destroyed his ship and killed his entire crew. Well, that's unsettling. The air was very foggy, and it was raining slightly. It was cloudy and almost dark. Maybe a storm was approaching? We were on the little boat for quite some time in the dream with not much happening. When we finally made it to land, the sun began shining and he dropped me off onto white painted docks. The paint was worn and peeling. He then got back into the small boat and paddled away. There were multiple different elevations of the docks close to each other, with stairs and such. There were many tables with people eating at them, and the tables had umbrellas. I've only ever seen so many dream characters once or twice. There were a lot of people. They were dressed fancy, and there was even fancy music playing while the people ate. The main restaurant counter was on the docks too and almost formed a wall, preventing people from going onto the actual land behind it. I remember sitting at the counter, but not having enough money to get anything, despite the prices being very low. (85 Cents, 65 Cents, etc.) Looking back on it now, maybe the old man dropped me off temporarily, and I was waiting for him to return? I really have no idea. No idea why I would've stayed there either. The rest is a blur... There was something about me getting a bottle of water, and... That's all I remember. Pretty weird.
It's been a while... Since I have some time, I've decided to come back for a bit and try lucid dreaming again. I mean, it's been like a year and a half or something, I think... Dang. How has everyone been...? Oh well, I'm back. Here goes. Recently just woke up from this dream... I was in an unusually big house. The only other person I recognized was my dad, but I remember there being a bunch of other people there with us. My mom may have been there too, but I'm not sure. There was a very dark kitchen, where there was something to do with me needing to make food...? Weird. The living room had some sort of big box, full of big RC cars... Huh? Rocket League? I specifically remember pulling the Road Hog out of the box... My dad wanted me to pick a vehicle so he could upgrade it or something. I went through the entire box, tossing out the different cars, until I eventually found one that I wanted to keep I guess. I ended up also finding a lot of small objects on the floor. Like... Things that I own. There were DS games, and other small/old toys and stuff. In particular, there were some DS games that were only the plastic case from the cartridge. As in, no actual game. I remember seeing Spectrobes 2 specifically. Huh. That's all that I really remember. In my time away from here, my dream recall has become a bit stale. Time to get back into it...
I think I discovered something pretty freaky. It's happened twice now, so there must be some significance. I believe I actually had a past life, and I've been seeing memories of this past life in my dreams. At first there were black and white grainy visions of people from the times of what looked like World War 2 that I've mentioned in a past entry. I know I've never seen those people before. The message I got from the visions is that I was in WW2, but I never put it together until now. Those visions happened a few months ago, so I never really thought anything of them. But... Maybe like 40 minutes ago, I awoke from another pretty freaky dream. It was 1998 in the dream, and I was back to being 2 years old. My vision was a little grainy too... My parents couldn't understand me when I tried to say anything and I spent almost the entire dream trying to convince them that my consciousness was transferred from 2016 back to 1998 somehow. However, there was this other part, where I stepped into the bathroom and I was instantly in the early to mid 60's. My parents hadn't even been born yet. My vision was far more grainy and there was a TV in the room, with some sort of late night talk show. There was a man and woman being interviewed, although the woman seemed to be the focus of the show. She was showing some sort of dress to the audience... She must have been a clothing designer. I don't remember what the dress looked like, but... Let's just say it totally wouldn't be in style right now. The show was focused on the dress for a little bit and then the program fizzled out. I sort of remember what the woman looked like... Time to do a bit of research.
I had a few LD's that were a combination of DILD, WILD, and WBTB. The DILD was just any other dream, I'm not sure what triggered it, but I looked at my hands and I realized I was dreaming. I began to just ask to my dream "Who is my dream guide?" I received no answer. Everything got bright and I woke up. I went to go back to sleep quickly, and I managed to get to the transition. I struggled to get through it, but when I did, I began to picture things, because I've learned that's very helpful when trying to get into the dream world. I usually just picture food, like a cheeseburger, or a slice of pizza. The dream I ended up in was like a video game. I was playing as... something. I'm not even sure who or what it was. It was a 3D platformer. I was out in artificial nature, I heard music and everything. It was definitely a video game. Weird. I got distracted by the world I was in and tried to remember the name of the game. I can't remember it now, dammit. My lucidity was lost a bit into the dream, but I still managed to have 2 more LD's. I'll only update my dream journal now when I have either a lucid dream, or a really long and memorable non-lucid dream. Or, any shorter dream, as long as it feels super important or significant for some reason.
I had a somewhat lengthy dream that was split up into 3 parts. Part 1: Perfect Fruit I was out somewhere in the forest with a friend and there was some old lady's house and she was gone for the day or something. She had fruit growing inside the house and I opened the window and saw the most perfect, bright red, strawberries I've ever seen. There were small bunches of grapes on the same plant, so I took one of those and I put it in a backpack, that was somehow mine because I left it there. I had apparently been here before...? That's weird. Part 2: The Imprisoned King Somehow in the back of my mind in this part, there was a story about a king who was wrongfully imprisoned by his own people. I took the role of this king and I was in a prison cell with someone else, trying to unlock the gate through the bars which was oddly farther away from the cell itself. I used something that looked like Thor's hammer to jiggle the gate's locking mechanism, and it came loose, so I escaped. This one kind of ties into the next part... Part 3: The Cliffside House I was no longer the king but I was in a house that my mom and dad were in. I immediately got the feeling that the house was perched on the edge of a cliff. It was early in the morning and they were still sleeping, so I was sneaking around the house avoiding giant guard bird walking in the halls. I remember one of them being called a Scroller by the other person I was still apparently with, even though I don't remember who it was. I was looking for money, in any form, around the house. I was looking in dressers, jars... You name it. I was looking for change, so I could buy something. My parents didn't find out I was looking. That's all for this one. I've had a few other dreams that I didn't get to add here yet, so maybe I'll add them eventually.
I've made it a goal recently to find out who or what exactly the wolf that protected me in my previous dream "winter wolves" is. There was something significant about it, but I can't put my finger on what it was. It surely didn't seem like a normal dream. In a normal dream, the pack of wolves would have killed me without a doubt. There wouldn't be one particular white wolf protecting me from the others. It's too out of the ordinary for my dreams. I need to find out what the significance of it was. Ahem... Now on to my recent dream. I was in a school computer lab that was a basic square shaped room. It was pretty small, and had about 20 computers total. Each computer was up against the wall on a table and they went all the way around the room. There were a couple people with me in the room and I remember random videos starting to play on a bunch of the computers so I paused all the videos and was suddenly commended for doing so, even though it wasn't that big of a deal. 4 computers had a video playing on them. I remember a few names of some people. One person was Mikey, who was actually someone in a video, and the other was Uzo... I think he was in the room. There were a bunch of other names, but I guess my dream recall hasn't improved enough to remember more than maybe 2 words from any of my dreams. I have to start making a list of dream places to revisit, as well. Also, Happy Halloween. That is all.
Hooray, I had an LD the hard way again! Am I cool yet? Really though, I think this is the most aware and in control I've been for a WILD, so this honestly feels like the best one. Let me describe what happened. I did a WBTB without even really knowing it because I had trouble sleeping last night, and eventually I got to the transition. I'm not sure how, but I began to focus quite a bit. I began to think of visualizing things, so I thought "Hmm, let's try a sandwich." And I tried to imagine a sandwich floating in the darkness. It worked. It was kinda small, and looked like one from the Simpsons. It was there though, and after a few seconds it floated out of my field of vision. Then I thought "It worked! Let's try something else... A slice of pizza." The slice of pizza looked a little cartoony too, but it was there and did the same as the sandwich. I moved my eyes and it seemed like the pizza left a graphical trail. It floated out of my vision due to my eye movements. It was as though my eyes were making the visualizations have... graphical errors? It looked... glitchy. Then everything sort of went a bit haywire. I started seeing random stuff that looked like it was reminiscent of World War 2. That's what comes to mind at least. I silhouettes of soldiers standing in a lineup, some child's face, some military commander... All in a 1940's old black and white photo style. Pretty spooky if you ask me. There was a bunch of those types of pictures, and then out of nowhere, I appeared in a room. I did it. I was in the dream. I felt like I was still aware of my physical body though. If I tried to move my arm, it wouldn't budge and I could still feel it on the bed. If I tried to move my arm with my mind however... The one in the dream reacted. It worked. I was able to lift my arm to a doorknob and open the door. I didn't see anything behind it though, and I stayed in the room. It had two big open windows on the side opposite to the door, where light was flooding in. I saw some environment outside, but I can't say what it was or what it looked like. The floors were a golden brown hardwood, and my bed was in the room too. It was strangely empty. I felt like I was actually alone. For once, my dream wasn't all over the place and confusing. It was just me, in this empty room. Nothing was happening. There was no one else around at all. I woke up shortly after. I think this is the most stable LD I've had. I need to have more of these...
I've had a bunch of dreams every night for the past week, although I haven't written them down because either there's been too many to keep track of, or they're not detailed enough to get their own entry. But in each of them, I've been on the verge of lucidity. I think I was 50% lucid for a recent one, and I actually had a surprising amount of indirect control over everything. I am making progress, just not writing down anything unless it's worthwhile.
I feel like this deserves its own entry. I had this one last night, the same as the "Pizza Supermarket" dream. While in this dream, I felt like I was on the brink of lucidity once more, but it just didn't connect. I was playing a Pokemon game on my 3DS. Only it was very strange... It didn't seem like it had the normal bird's eye view, but rather a common third person character view. I was turning a corner on a dirt road, heading to a small desert. There were boulders in the sand, and when I went up to them, they shook a little. I continued on the path and made it into the desert. It wasn't long before I triggered a random encounter, and a horde encounter no less. I was facing 5 Pokemon that were bull-like. They looked like Tauros, but in a way, they weren't. It was just like a horde battle, except I was using 5 of my Pokemon when in the games, you only use one when facing hordes. I remember my shiny Klefki and Umbreon were 2 of my 5. I currently have them both in my team right now, so maybe the others were supposed to be the rest of my team... Anyway, I thought everything was good, but then I realized every single enemy Pokemon was level 64. Oh God. I thought I was doomed, but then I looked down at my own, and they were around the same level. One was level 70, another was 60-something, another 64, Umbreon was 40, and Klefki was 64. Umbreon is the lowest level in my team right now... Maybe there's some accuracy in this dream? When I was reading the levels, I felt the 3DS in my hands, and that's when I felt like I was going to turn lucid the most. For me at least, lucidity seems to be nearly triggered by holding/touching objects.
Oh look, another dream where it's just my mother and I, in a store. Can't tell you how many times I've had one of these. Either way, this recent one involved us going to a supermarket, where I had a little less than a dollar to my name, and I wanted to go back home to get the rest of my money. We were walking through the supermarket, and I remembered that they were selling slices of pizza for one dollar each. I was short by maybe 5 cents, so while we were at the counter, with the pizza nearby... I asked my mom if she had any extra money so I could get a slice. I'm not sure what happened, but I did end up getting one, and we left to go home. Only our home was just another supermarket. Great. I remember seeing a bunch of my friends from high school in it, and then I said "I'm going shopping" because I could now get the rest of my money. I headed upstairs and for some reason, started thinking about Japan, and Japanese stuff. Suddenly, the name Tsukuba appeared in my mind, and I awoke with that name fresh in memory. I looked it up now, and apparently it's a place in Japan. Tsukuba is place I've never heard of, but my subconscious is responsible for me knowing it, no doubt.
This was from yesterday, but I forgot to write it down... whatever. It had a pretty simple setting, it was like I was in a national park set in winter with a bunch of other random people from my high school I recently graduated from. Everything seemed okay, until everyone started running away from something. I didn't need to ask because when I turned around I saw a bunch of wolves far away chasing everyone. I began to run with everyone else through a tunnel bridge made of wood. There wasn't really anyone around me anymore though, everyone was separated by quite some distance. Soon enough, another bunch of wolves appeared where I was running to and cornered me somehow. I thought I was screwed, but one wolf that looked different from the rest went near me and fended off the other wolves. It kept me safe. The others were scared to approach it, and left. ...Maybe this is the first appearance of my Dream Guide? I certainly hope so.
These past few nights have been great in terms of dreaming. Not only have I had exactly 3 dreams every night for the past 3 or 4 days, but I also conveniently wake up between each, giving me an opportunity to WILD each time. Not to mention it's helped me to finally be able to perform the transition properly... At least last night anyway. I was able to actually see the "hypnagogia" stuff, and it was more vivid than ever. Not only that, but I did make it into a lucid dream for a few seconds, rather than accidentally slipping into sleep paralysis and hearing weird noises. Hopefully I can try again and be more successful tonight. I do find this to be a little weird though... Suddenly having exactly 3 dreams each night...? It's very strange. I've also noticed that I have much more ease when it comes to remembering dialogue as well. I've even noticed that even when I'm having non-lucid dreams, I still feel like I'm on the brink of lucidity, and not a complete zombie trapped in the dream's "story" and just going along with it. This is the most regularly I've had lucid dreams in a long time, and I'm glad that I'm finally back in the saddle.
I finally nailed the WILD technique, I suppose. Either way, this was the first lucid dream I had about flying... Well, the first proper one anyway. It felt so real. The only thing that bothered me is that everything was actually in black and white, and it seemed to be low quality. I looked down at my feet as I was flying, and I was leaving a smoke trail. I tried spinning around, and boosting to go faster... It all felt real, but it really didn't look real. I tried to add color to the background, but it just didn't work. Anyone have any tips on clarity? I could really use some... I'm also really excited, I think this is the most regularly I've ever had any lucid dreams. I just need to master the WILD and DILD techniques, since those seem to be the main ones I've used. And with this, I'm one step closer to that.