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    Spellbee2 Competition Night 2 Team Mystic

    by , 07-31-2016 at 07:56 PM (695 Views)
    I was hoping to fall asleep early for the second night. But even though I went to bed at 8pm all I got was dream images in my mind. So I had to give up when it reached 10pm and ended up staying awake for a while. Tried again at 1am and fell asleep around 2am.

    First Dream

    I was staying at a hotel where someone was awarded hero points for saving two people.

    Second Dream

    This dream is kind of embarrassing because it stems from my fear of the unknown and not knowing whether being open to it is a good or bad thing at times.

    It was daytime and I was in my backyard sitting on the grass, next to my dog that died last year. As I pet him I thought about how I should take the opportunity to appreciate him being here more. I decided to do that by looking at his paws, holding it, than petting his paw pads because he is the first dog that I was able to touch like that. (We use to have a chihuahua but we didn't keep him long.He had a biting and humping problem). I than looked up at Max who seemed to be content and relaxing. But as I was looking at his direction something in the shed behind him made a thump sound. I was than reminded of the cat that got stuck in the shed that my dad told me about.(It actually ended up dead though in WL).

    After that I had a false awakening and was laying on my bed in the dark. I heard a voice of a girl in the direction of my door and thought I was hallucinating. But when the voice got louder and closer to me I thought it was a demon pretending to be a girl. I turned away from it and it tried to go inside of me. I used my will power to fight it but it ended up going partly inside me. Feeling like it was my fault the demon came I started to pray for help but as I was praying
    I realized that I didn't need to pray for it to go away because it wasn't real.It started to wrap itself around me with its stretched out arms but I just tried pulling it off halfheartedly thinking "Is my dream guide going to save me? Do I really want to be saved from this even if it was a real demon?" and how dumb I would look from God's perspective if I could just get out of the predicament by myself.

    That's when another false awakening happened. I kept my eyes closed and reached for the remote control on the desk next to my bed so I could turn on my t.v. for light.(Yes, I do that in WL when I have nightmares sometimes...) But when I pressed the button the t.v. screen was just static and than turned off by itself.The dream demon than came back and wrapped itself around me again. I tried fighting it off but thoughts of astral projection popped into my head and if astral projection was real the thought of getting attacked scared me. I than heard my dad and looked up. He walked slowly to the front of my door and said "It's almost time. Get upstairs before the clock hits 6" than left. When he said that I forced myself onto the floor with the dream demon on me than crawled under the bed wanting to run through the walls and out of the house. But I didn't because it just felt safer to be under the bed and definitely not after my worst nightmare happened upstairs.

    Self Advice: Fear clouds the mind. Don't let your fear of the unknown cloud your judgement in your dreams. But how do I clear this feeling of fear and guilt? Probably the answer is just to not believe in it. I can't think of anything else and yet it still makes me feel close minded for some reason.

    Third Dream

    I can't recall the first thing that happened because this dream was so random so I'm just going to skip to the part I remember. I was in a rectangular room that was filled with wooden furniture and a lamp that gave the room a orange tint to it. I was waking up in the dream and looked at the black rectangular clock that was high on a shelf. It said 6:23pm. I looked at it disappointed and in shock. "Nooo....I can't believe I slept that long just to get points" I thought feeling ashamed of myself.

    Hearing my brother outside the door I decided to leave the room and go eat dinner. But when I left the room a video screen popped up showing the life of a boy and now It wasn't my house anymore;It was a house for a t.v. show. The boy looked like Fred from YouTube and he was pretending to be a nerd in one scene, a girl in another and so on. His friend who was a girl than called him asking him to hurry up and go to school, that it was their last chance to pass". He didn't want to listen though and just made jokes.

    As that was happening I was walking through the house and jumping over things not aware it was a dream. After that I had a false awakening and thought I was on my bed about to get a WILD. I saw a image of my old parakeet Marisol in a cage.
    I looked at the image of Marisol hoping to get a Wild because I wanted to get more points."Come on Marisol stay with me".She moved a bit but than faded."No come back! Come on!" I said wanting to just do my next task. The image of her came back clearer but her head was partly blurry. I than decided to give up.Waking up for real.

    Competition Points
    • Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - ½ point
    • Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
    • Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
    • First DILD of the Night - 10 points
    • Interact with a Dream Character - 2 points
    • Super Strength - 5 points
    • 1 point will be awarded for every 3 DJ comments.

    ^^" I'm going to try and calculate the points correctly this time. :3 If you see any mistake I'd appreciate some help. Thanks!

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    Updated 08-01-2016 at 02:36 AM by 67570

    lucid , non-lucid , side notes


    1. JadeGreen's Avatar
      • Fight an enemy* - 10 points
      I think to count as "Fight an Enemy" it has to be a person from dreamviews who's in the competition and on another team.

      GJ on getting lucid, too. (Getting lucid gets you ten points, almost as much as that entire monster dream journal entry I typed.)
      DreamCafe11 and Elaineylane like this.
    2. Elaineylane's Avatar
      I asked a similar question about this during another competition. I was told it was a DC you'd have to interact with like the "fight an enemy" not another person on here. Because it wouldn't make sense if you fought someone on here unless you know them in real life or have been shown a picture which rarely happens. The moderators will let you know if it doesn't count.
      DreamCafe11 likes this.
    3. DawnEye11's Avatar
      I think to count as "Fight an Enemy" it has to be a person from dreamviews who's in the competition and on another team.

      GJ on getting lucid, too. (Getting lucid gets you ten points, almost as much as that entire monster dream journal entry I typed.)
      Okay. I'll ask about it on the thread. Thanks for commenting. XD hehe yeah, your entry was huge.
      Elaineylane likes this.
    4. DawnEye11's Avatar
      I asked a similar question about this during another competition. I was told it was a DC you'd have to interact with like the "fight an enemy" not another person on here. Because it wouldn't make sense if you fought someone on here unless you know them in real life or have been shown a picture which rarely happens. The moderators will let you know if it doesn't count.
      That's what I thought too but I'll ask just in case. : ) Thanks~
      Elaineylane likes this.
    5. Elaineylane's Avatar
      Turns out we really do have to fight an enemy from another team. I don't understand how that can even work but I posted a comment about it on the Comp page.
      DreamCafe11 likes this.
    6. Saizaphod's Avatar
      Nice LDing
      DreamCafe11 likes this.
    7. DawnEye11's Avatar
      Nice LDing
      :3 Thanks!
    8. DawnEye11's Avatar
      Turns out we really do have to fight an enemy from another team. I don't understand how that can even work but I posted a comment about it on the Comp page.
      Its okay. Probably just wants us to imagine how they look like. Either way I think I will meet JadeGreen's dream self for that because I know how his dream self looks like. XD You can also see his art page if you want to try summoning him too.
      Elaineylane likes this.
    9. RelicWraith's Avatar
      Heh. It's funny how one can go from complete panic to nonchalant during a dream.
      DreamCafe11 likes this.
    10. DawnEye11's Avatar
      Heh. It's funny how one can go from complete panic to nonchalant during a dream.
      Yeah. XD
      Elaineylane likes this.