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    stuck in the woods

    by , 09-20-2013 at 11:32 PM (585 Views)
    me and hailey m and some other people were at this huge convention in the woods and there was a huge auditorium and a big screen with all these images and an audience. i was surprised to see hailey bc she was pregnant with triplets. we became friends in the dream. she was a welcoming cousin, just like i guess i always subconsciously wanted her to be (since she always is my friend in my dreams). i remember there was this fundraising bucket with money in it. i took over 10 dollars and didn't tell anyone.

    to get out of the woods, we had to walk bc cars weren't allowed. it sucked, there were prickly things everywhere and large animals. we ended up in some lady's boat house and stole a lot of food while she was looking.

    then the dream switches to "uc irvine". but it was a dream version, super unrealistic. VERY vivid (maybe bc i took dream enhancer vitamins last night). i was in this room conversing with a lot of people. matt was there and i was so happy for him bc it was his first day at school and he seemed like he was having a great time with lots of friends.

    i look over, and what do you know? hes banging this girl in public IN FRONT OF ME and he looks at me and looks sort of guilty but keeps going. i was so hurt that i ran away. but first i said some passionate speech to him and he was like sorry sorry. but it did't make me feel better.

    the rest of the dream was me wandering the irvine halls looking for matt. my logic was fucked bc i knew he didn't care about me bc of what he did, but i love him so much that i was kind of unaware of the girl he banged like half the time. such a sad dream

    LUCID: in the dream i kept staring at my hands and i knew it was a dream but it was so damn vivid it was ridiculous. i was really tripped out. but then my fingers were regular 5 digits, so i thought i wasn't in the dream anymore. that happened right before i was done figuring out what i wanted to happen in my lucid dream. unfortunately i was stuck, also, bc i have no plan of what i want to happen in my lucid dreams. gotta do that.

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    false awakening , memorable


    1. whitedreams's Avatar
      nat hahahahah im sorry but that made me life when your like "what do you know hes banging some girl infront of me"

      NO i wudnt do that....what if i was though and like all the sudden you and chelzy poped out of a garbage can