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    True Faith

    by , 10-28-2013 at 04:24 AM (595 Views)
    Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

    Lucid #157: True Faith

    I'm standing outside on a stone path at the top of a hill. There's an elegant white gazebo nearby and a few people milling about. I think to question my reality and I know that I'm dreaming.

    I remember that I wanted to try remaining completely calm and collected in my next LD. I sit down on the floor and rest my hands in my lap like I'm going to meditate. I try to relax my mind and just believe that I have all the time in the world.

    As I'm sitting, I look around me, taking in the sun and sky, the calmness of the day, the DCs passing nearby... everything about the scene. I announce that "This is my lucid dream." One of the nearby DCs, a young woman, hears me and stops, seemingly curious. She takes a couple of steps toward me and stands there, listening to hear what I might say next.

    I get to my feet and start talking about lucid dreaming to the broader crowd. I really go after it, announcing things like "All of this is my lucid dream" and "Whatever I believe will come true". I start getting whipped into a bit of a frenzy, throwing in several f-words, and saying things like "Say it with me now!!"

    There's a good-sized crowd of DCs right in there, maybe 20 people or so, all cheering along with me. When I shout something like "I can do anything!" they all shout in agreement. (Couldn't we all use this kind of validation in waking life?)

    "Do you know what's behind me? The fucking Colosseum, that's what's behind me!" I look behind me and the geometry becomes weird for a moment and I have to make a strange 270-degree turn rather than a 180. As I do, it looks like the outside of a huge stone structure like the Colosseum. I'm filled with excitement and I hear DCs babbling encouragement to me.

    For some reason things destabilize, though, and
    the dream ends without any opportunity to pick up from the void.

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    Tags: meditation


    1. fogelbise's Avatar
      I love it! Between your radio voice and your ability to whip a crowd into a a near-frenzy, you may have a future as a motivational speaker! We could indeed use such validation IWL!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    2. Highlander's Avatar
      I sat on the floor in my Oct 11th lucid where I tried not to take part, but I still got sucked into participating. It is a hard thing to do as you seem to go with the flow, where often I have found that I find it a hard habit to break - so congratulations on your meditation part.

      I know that feeling...
      I've had a few of those myself where you literally 'proclaim' and shout/say/boast about the ability of doing certain things (usually 'anything') in a dream.
      It doesn't get better than running around shouting "L'Dopa, L'Dopa" though!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    3. JoannaB's Avatar
      Yay, congrats on another awesome lucid!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    4. VagalTone's Avatar
      Nice !
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    5. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      @fogelbise - Ha ha, that's very kind of you to say. Hey, next dream if I'm going to practice m y motivational speaking, I need to transform myself into Matt Foley: Watch Saturday Night Live: Down By The River online | Free | Hulu

      @Highlander - Hey, I bet that I got the idea from your dream then! That's cool. I'm definitely going to try again this process of slowing things down and trying to take command. It also seems to be a great way to bring vividness up too.

      And as you say, if this doesn't work, there's always the option of flying around shrieking "L-DOPA!!!"

      @JoannaB and VagalTon - Thanks, you two!
      Highlander and fogelbise like this.
    6. Highlander's Avatar
      @Highlander - Hey, I bet that I got the idea from your dream then! That's cool.
      I don't know? What you did was streets ahead. Wherever you got the idea from, it was cool to meditate.
      Mine was a mere act of refusal and rebellion!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    7. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Mine was a mere act of refusal and rebellion!
      Ha ha... hell yeah! It's your dream! You get to do whatever you please!
      Highlander likes this.
    8. NyxCC's Avatar
      Awesome dream! Interesting transition from the calm meditative state to using the f-word state, lol!

      I might be wrong but didn't you use bad language in your successful TOTY tasks? However you are doing it, it seems to be working. I never thought the cheat codes for TOTY would be words. Great job on getting the Colosseum. I've got to try this!!!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    9. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      I might be wrong but didn't you use bad language in your successful TOTY tasks? However you are doing it, it seems to be working
      LOL. I hadn't even realized that, but I did use some profanity-enhanced dream control in Angel Falls when I thought I was having flight trouble. Good observation!

      It's somewhat rare for me to swear in waking life, so it's really interesting that I sometimes do this. Obviously, the fact that inhibitions are lowered is a huge factor. But I think it might also have to do with intense emotion causing me to reach for sharper words... dreams come with these sudden swells of emotion, with no waking life equivalent that I'm aware of.

      Great job on getting the Colosseum. I've got to try this!!!
      I'd love to hear how this goes! I'm not sure whether there are negative consequences to this, but getting myself whipped into a frenzy of positive emotions and confidence seems to be key for me in completing difficult tasks. I did slightly less of this in the Great Wall task, but with Angel Falls I was just brimming with confidence by the end. Same with my close call on the Sphinx Task. So I'm trying to learn to manage this and played around a bit with it here.

      Even if it is totally ineffective, it sure is fun riding a wave of uninhibited self-congratulation.
      NyxCC likes this.