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    My most amazing LD ever, from way way back, transfered from another account.

    by , 08-24-2010 at 02:19 AM (864 Views)
    Dead Grandparents - LUCID #6

    I was playing golf with some old people. It was more like I was caddy for my grandpa (Papa). Everyone's clubs were white and ceramic like. My wife grandparents were there. Art broke his club and I saw wood under the white. I took a shot but there was some sort of arm that batted my ball away. I though I hit to hard. Next thing I know Art it driving the next hole. Everyone was impressed with his shot. I feel bad because I messed up. I let my papa take over. He has a long put thanks to me. He misses. I feel really bad. Then I see my grandmother(Nanny) She is have a hard time walking. So I run to her and carry her to the next tee. We are over looking the golf course but I am mostly watching her in the corner of my eye. She says with great emotion "I love you so much... I am dead". Then everything clicks. I say, "I know. It's OK.I am dreaming". Then I get that familiar head rush I get when I become aware. I ignore it. She looks at me funny. It was a look of awe, excitement and puzzlement.

    We are now in a living room. There is a couch full of people. I don't really look at them because I see my Dad in a recliner and my Papa is next to him. They are watching TV. The TV is very loud. I still know I am dreaming so I freeze time. The TV is quite my dad is froze with everyone else. My Papa is looking at me with that same look that my Nanny had. Then everything unfreezes and the TV is loud. I get annoyed and wave my arm over the room. Quite again. I point to my Papa and mouth the words: "Its OK I know. Come with me"

    My dead grandparents follow me outside to the front porch. I can hear loud traffic and I have to talk over it. I don't seem to mind. Now I am getting a proper goodbye.I feel this will be the last time I will dream about them. I hug them and tell them that I love them so much and I am sorry that I did not take the time to be with them when I had the chance. I am crying but I notice that my dream self is not really shedding any tears. My voice evens out and I begin to tell them that I should have been there when I had the chance but my words are getting jumbled and I start having a hard time to tell them what I want to say. I am fake crying again but I know now that it is just my emotions trying to express itself so I let it go. The traffic is really loud now. I am still hugging them both. Then I feel the dream fade and before I could react I am awake. I wonder if I will ever dream of them again.
    Dark_Merlin and Kimgirl like this.

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    1. stjimmy's Avatar
      Wow, it's so cool that you got to say goodbye to them like thet! =)