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    Mirror Mockery

    by , 04-21-2014 at 05:07 AM (658 Views)
    Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

    Lucid #203: Mirror Mockery

    I’m at the top of an old, wooden tower, looking out over a dirt road and nearby farmland. I’m pursuing someone, some criminal that I need to catch and confront. I climb down from the tower, and as I make my way down, I notice that night’s falling much too fast and I become lucid.

    Something still compels me to find this man I was trying to catch. I have this sense that he’s nearby but that I’ve got some ground to cover, so I think about the idea of commandeering a car. Off in the distance I see a horse-drawn chariot thundering down a dirt road, the driver leaned forward and furiously whipping the four horses at the chariot’s front.

    I try to catch up to the chariot on foot to take it over but it’s not even close. The thought of teleporting to it doesn’t occur to me until it’s too late. The whole idea of going after the criminal I was looking for starts feeling like a lot of trouble, so I walk past a nearby farmhouse and somehow enter a room in a fairly large wooden structure with a lot of people milling around.

    I’m interested in the DCs at first but I see a pair of mirrors hanging on the wall to my left and stop to check them out. I notice that I’m shirtless as well as totally buff so I start hitting some poses in the mirror. I’m overcome with vanity and just keep doing this for a while.

    After a bit, I see in the reflection an extremely fit woman walk right up next to me and also stare at the mirror. She’s short with curly brown hair and she’s in fitness model shape. She briefly looks at me and then back at the mirror before striking a series of exaggerated flexing poses that poke fun at what I’m doing and how silly I look doing it. I start laughing at this and she grins back at me.

    I feel somewhat attracted to her but nah, let that go. She walks away and I then begin studying the roomful of DCs. My friend “Leroy” is there directly in front of me, and I take a moment to study how realistic he looks. I don’t seem to have his attention so I don’t take the time to speak with him, but I note how lifelike his appearance is.

    I look at the other DCs for a bit, turning my gaze here and there around the room until
    the dream ends.
    Xanous and NyxCC like this.

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    1. Bharmo's Avatar
      Nice lucid, CL! I need to set the goal of exploring / taking in the detail of the dream, as I lately just run around getting carried away with whatever happens or the first thing that comes to my (dreaming) mind.

      BTW, I just had a lucid about pursuing some kind of criminal last night!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      I was looking for a :flexing: smiley. No luck. Lol. Another funny dream moment. Congrats on the LDs!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      @dreambh - Thanks! We all get carried away in some lucids, especially me, but I've been trying to keep an exploration focus on my mind. It seems to bring the vividness and stability up so much to relax and just get my claws into the dream, so to speak.

      And whoa, a criminal chase lucid, too?? That's crazy! I'll have to check it out!

      @Xanous - Ha ha, thanks, man! Good effort on the smiley.
      dreambh likes this.
    4. NyxCC's Avatar
      Another ld going after criminals! Yes, there's definitely a secret mission going on! And thanks for letting us know how gorgeous you look!
      CanisLucidus and dreambh like this.
    5. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      That's right, I'm keeping the streets of Dreamland safe from whoever the heck it was I insisted on chasing around. And yes, ha ha, I seem to take every opportunity to admire my dream body. Some people use their lucid dreaming mirrors as portals to other worlds while I apparently use mine to indulge vain fantasies. There's no more favorable light than dream light, I suppose!
      dreambh and NyxCC like this.