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    Whoopy Cough

    by , 03-28-2015 at 09:57 PM (1176 Views)
    Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

    Lucid #266: Whoopy Cough

    I’m gazing out the window of my kitchen at my back yard. The fence is oddly low, and I see a young girl walking by with her dog. I’m astonished to see that the girl has the head of a blue hippo stuffed animal. When I mentally reality check in response to this, I realize that I must be dreaming.

    I turn away from the window and the scene gets a little unstable, breaking into three rectangular pieces that seem to move independently and slide past one another. I relax and take it slow, rubbing my hands together, walking calmly around, talking out loud, and finally licking each hand.

    The scene feels reasonably stable, but my vision is almost entirely faded out now. I imagine that I have a big pair of glasses covering my vision and take them off. (The glasses look just like a set of Oculus Rift virtual reality goggles.) Immediately, my vision is crystal clear and I have a completely realistic view of my kitchen!

    Wife is standing in the den near my desk. “Hey!” I say to her. “I was having trouble for a second, but we’re in my lucid dream right now!”

    She looks around a bit, saying something like, “Is that what this is?”

    “I was thinking I’d either take you for a fly or…” I say.

    “Yoooouuuuuuuuu…” Wife interrupts, pointing her finger at me dramatically, “want sex!”

    “Or, right, that was my other idea.”

    Spoiler for Somewhat strange, rather racy part:

    ...the dream ends.
    NyxCC, ~Dreamer~, imazu and 3 others like this.

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    Updated 03-29-2015 at 03:24 AM by 57387

    Tags: cough, dog, house, kitchen, sex, wife


    1. imazu's Avatar
      Bahahaa!! Good one subC, good one.
    2. NyxCC's Avatar
      Congrats on the hippo head induced ld!

      The three piece scene effect was quite cool! And lol - I never expected things would turn out this way in the end.
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Ha ha, thanks blobularwindmill and Nyx! Yes, this was most unexpected but hilarious...

      Yeah, the three-piece scene effect really was cool! It was a bit chaotic when it was an unexpected effect but it really got me thinking about the possibility of having multiple "viewports" or angles in the dream...

      Oh hey, Nyx, you might be interested this bit! I thought of a detail I left out in my haste. When I took the "goggles" off to clear my vision, they looked just like the mask from the Oculus Rift developer's kit! (Edit: just added this bit in)
      imazu, bemistaken and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    4. bemistaken's Avatar
      I didn't know we can make it cough from there??? Future TOTM! Trying it tonight!
      ~Dreamer~, CanisLucidus and Xanous like this.
    5. Xanous's Avatar
      Oh thank you CL's subC! That was the best. I mean sure a fart sound would be quite enough, but no, she has to cough. Hahahahahahahah! Oh and that other part was cool too.

      *cough* *cough*
    6. Xanous's Avatar
      Also I really love the idea of removing the really crappy Oculus Rift goggles. Maybe that's been my problem. ha! BTW do you have one? I'll be really jealous.
      ~Dreamer~ and CanisLucidus like this.
    7. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      @bemistaken - LOL @ Task of the month! You are hilarious. Now that you know it's possible, nothing can stop you!

      @Xanous - Ha ha, I know, man! I sometimes catch myself feeling deluded enough to believe I'm ready for anything. My subconscious loves to set me straight on that.

      Edit: Yeah, Xanous, we do have an Oculus at the office! This is the model we've got: https://www.oculus.com/dk2/

      I'm ashamed of how little use we've put into it thanks to our long hours recently, but we're all really excited to play more with it!
      ~Dreamer~, bemistaken and Xanous like this.
    8. Xanous's Avatar
      Wow that's so cool man. I can't wait until it's widely marketed and mainstream. I recently heard some stuff form Aaron Frank at Singularity University and the technology that's coming down the line is so scary but really cool.
      CanisLucidus and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    9. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Yeah, I'm really excited about the future of VR as well! Even mobile current-gen mobile hardware is capable of producing pretty decent (not mind-blowing, but decent) VR experiences, so I could really see it becoming very widespread!

      That's cool, I hadn't heard of Singularity University! I did a quick perusal of their course material and it looks like just the fascinating kind of stuff that I could get completely lost in.
      Xanous and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    10. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      I loved your morning Skype message on this day:
      Quote Originally Posted by CanisLucidus
      New dreamsign: when I see a little girl with the head of a blue hippo stuffed animal walking a dog through my back yard.
      The somewhat strange, rather racy part was most unexpected!
      At least it wasn't a fanny fart!
      I've actually heard my grandpop use the term "trouser cough" to describe a fart before!

      I'll have to chat with you more about the scene splitting into different pieces... that sounds similar to a dare I've been assigned by Hukif, but I've been having trouble imagining what it might look like to incubate it.

      Nice work relaxing and keeping the dream stable, and great thinking with the goggles!
      imazu, Xanous and CanisLucidus like this.
    11. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      At least it wasn't a fanny fart!
      I've actually heard my grandpop use the term "trouser cough" to describe a fart before!
      Indeed you're right! I guess this was the previously undiscovered fanny fart cousin "the fanny cough".

      And "trouser cough"!!

      Too funny! This is my first time noticing this now-vintage comment... almost missed this one! Glad I didn't!

      I'll have to chat with you more about the scene splitting into different pieces... that sounds similar to a dare I've been assigned by Hukif, but I've been having trouble imagining what it might look like to incubate it.
      Oh for sure, I can tell you anything about it that you might like to know! I couldn't say how to cause it intentionally, but I can definitely report on what it looks and feels like!
      ~Dreamer~ likes this.
    12. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      Awesome, I look forward to hearing about it!
      CanisLucidus likes this.