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    The Absurd Adventures of CWHunt

    Welcome to my dream journal.

    1. Can't Go To The Movies

      by , 01-02-2012 at 06:18 PM (The Absurd Adventures of CWHunt)
      I only remember small fragments of this dream!

      Basically I want to go to the movies with my friends, but throughout the dream things keep haulting our progress to get my goal done. And I never accomplish it either...
      I remember this guy was trying to shock we to death at one point, and we got popcorn a few minutes later but still couldn't get into the movies...
    2. My College Years

      by , 01-02-2012 at 01:03 AM (The Absurd Adventures of CWHunt)
      Well.. I'm not actually in college yet. I'm just a freshman, but that doesn't stop me from have dreams about it now does it!?
      Anyway, I just remembered one dream. It has been awhile since I made an entry, so that would probably explain why.

      The dream started in a very odd way. I was placed inside of some sort of virtual reality. I guess it was a video game of sorts, but I can't really be sure. The idea was to collect coins in the world to unlock the next level. I got to the next world and the game turned off. My point of view suddenly ended up being me looking at a television screen running the game. My friend then told me that we had to leave for class.

      We got our stuff together and walked out the door. This was apparently our first day actually in college, and we were pretty nervous about it. It was cold outside so we had to walk through the inside of the buildings to reach our destination. We passed through this very tiny library and we started talking to each other. Suddenly this old lady comes up to us, and I remember vividly that she said, "You see that light," and she pointed to a light behind her desk that was beaming red. "When it's on you cannot talk. Is it on? I thought so. Now you better not talk, or next time its a mark."

      We just walked away, and there was a line separating the library from everything else. I put one foot in and screamed as the only lady looked at me and screamed, "Mark!"

      So we got to class, and I woke up.