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    Experiments in Lucid Living

    1. Experiment - Sleep Routine

      by , 12-14-2013 at 06:50 PM (Experiments)
      Sleep Score: 78 approx
      Lucid Dreams: 0
      - attempted WBTB (fail)
      - sleep time: 2:00
      - wake time: 11:00
      Notes: talked myself into not WBTB, need to avoid activities during the day that make it difficult to have a proper sleep
    2. Experiment - Sleep Routine

      by , 12-13-2013 at 08:06 PM (Experiments)
      Sleep Score: 86 approx
      Lucid Dreams: 1
      - attempted WBTB
      - sleep time: 1:30
      - actual sleep time: 1:30
      - wake time: 7:00
      - back to sleep time: 7:30
      - actual back to sleep time: 7:40
      - wake time: 11:00
      Notes: once again the LD was not triggered by a RC, just simply a realization that this must be a dream dependent on events. Must do more WL RCs to re-instantiate the habit.
      Tags: wbtb
    3. Experiment - Sleep Routine

      by , 12-12-2013 at 08:03 PM (Experiments)
      Sleep Score: 82 approx
      Lucid Dreams: 0
      - attempted WBTB
      - sleep time: 1:20
      - actual sleep time: 1:30
      - wake time: 7:10
      - back to sleep time: 7:31
      - actual back to sleep time: 8:30
      - wake time: 11:00
      Notes: the sleep chart revealed very little REM sleep, didn't make for a great opportunity, did read a great article on dream yoga with some very practical advise on visualizations (this is rare).
      Tags: wbtb
    4. Experiment - Sleep Routine

      by , 12-11-2013 at 07:09 PM (Experiments)
      Sleep Score: 90 approx
      Lucid Dreams: 2
      - attempted WBTB
      - sleep time: 10:40
      - actual sleep time: 11:00
      - wake time: 4:45
      - back to sleep time: 5:09
      - actual back to sleep time: 5:30
      - LD #1
      - LD #2
      - wake time: 10:30
      Notes: each LD did not require a RC, it was just a consciousness that it was a dream, this is how it's been happening lately. Slight worry about WL vs Dream State confusion issues, must continue to practice RC.
      Key words: high school, bathroom, police, french
      Tags: wbtb