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    1. Ocean Navigation and Dog Thieves

      by , 02-19-2011 at 07:45 PM
      Log: 12:45am Saturday, February 18-19th, 2011
      Hours: 11:30m Alarm: None Audio: Stephen LeBerge
      (Trance Induction)

      For the first time, as i listened to the Trance Induction from Stephen LeBerge, i actually felt the vibrations of my body starting to go into sleep paralysis and i was set up for a successful WILD, but i unfortunately had a very rude interruption.

      The first dream starts on the ocean. I was in a boat with Toby and we are trying to navigate around all the giant waves that were getting to be a problem. There was a central navigation mechanism with a few direction buttons. We were arguing about which ones to push as we crashed into more an more waves. Finally i was able to show my knowledge on the subject and pushed the two front buttons opposite ways as the bottom button was pushed ever forward. The gave us the ability to shoot accross the waves faster than ever and with smooth precision. As we got faster and faster we came to a snow bank. We hit it and got off of the ship and noticed we were near a highway. We had to get to the other side for one reason or another, so wehad to cross it. This npart was really frightening because as we passed each lane the cars that didn't hit us got closer and closer to us as we avoided them. As we got to the final lane and crossed it, there was also snow on this side, and it sloped down right into a giant frozen lakeof some sort.From the horizon (Although it is night time right now) we could see cars coming in lines from the frozen lake. We igured we should move so we wouldn't get hit.
      We were suddenly with a group of people near a little pond, still night time. All the people we were near had a dog of some sort. Two males that looked somewhat suspicious were standing there. They decided it would be a good idea to teal the dogs that the other people had and they would take them to their apartments. They scooped up the dogs and took off as the awestruck women whos dogs had bene taken are helplessly following them as the got further and further away. I could not take it anymore. I hated seeing these women having something taken away from them, let alone a living dog. So i pulled out my ipod in hopes of having Wifi so i could look up the laws against taking someones dog without permission. As i walked up a hill to keep following them, Colin stopped me and asked me a question about homework, i tried to follow them, look up the law, and help Colin all a the same time. It didn't work that well so i told Colin that i had to go and so he left back to where he was before and i continued on my way. I got to the center of the apartment complex and saw the dog-nappers in their apartments and the women had just simply given up. I was fairly uneffected as the dream faded from my memory. Then it ended.
    2. The Contest

      by , 02-19-2011 at 04:09 AM
      Log: 9:30 January 22-23, 2011
      Hours: 13:41 m Alarm: No Audio: No

      People: Jacob, Franklin, Tessa, Chloe, Erin Janov, Kaia

      I walk out from class and head towards the atrium. I am called by Tessa and Kaia to come over with them. Today at school was Dress-up like someone famous or something day, everyone was just dresses weird. I had jeans on, my florescent yellow shirt and a cape. Everyone kept getting on my case because i wasn't wearing clothing up to my potential. So apparently there was a contest, where you get a certain amount of time. Everyone was standing in a line for the teacher to pick the groups. The groups had to have people in them that were a team or went together. Jacob and Franklin were a team that had something to do with a little Indian. Unfortunately, i was standing with Chloe and Tessa, and as the teacher asked them what they were they awkwardly added me into their name. I wasn't very thrilled to work with them.
      So when we broke apart to start our dance routine practice, i went with Jacob and abandoned my other team. Then i was standing there discussing the fact with Jacob of whether or not i should be with him and ditch the others. As this was going on, there was a group of girls farther down, and i kept secretly looking over at them. They were talking about me, whether or not i was gonna come over there, and whether or not Erin should date me, and she kept saying she didn't know me well enough, and that maybe i was more of Joslyn's type. Then i finally came to the conclusion that i was going to work with Jacob's group, so i climbed the railing and jutted myself up to the balcony. As soon as i did this, a few girls came from the other teams and they had cake as they climbed the stairs to get up to us. I knew they were about to shove cake in my face, so i took it like a man, i just said, "DO IT!" And they shoved it in my face while i ate some more that fell on the ground. Then they went away in defeat, disappointed. I then gave an idea about someone being Spider Man, because there was a Spider Man costume right there next to us. But then i became aware of the playground that was next to me on my left, so i left Jacob and the dream shifted.

      I was on the playground, and all of the sudden i was surrounded by many tiny blue bunny rabits, those of which are from the video game about all the crazy bunnies. They were turning nasty and turning into sort of Zombie Bunny creatures. I had to run to get away from them all, and i was jumping from different parts of the playground trying not to get eaten. I finally, somehow, made allof them explode into a giant, mushy, blue mess of goo. Then i pulled myself out fom under the playset. Then it was over.
    3. Giant Worm Game

      by , 02-19-2011 at 03:43 AM
      This dream was very quick, and very odd. I have recenty been playing a game on my ipod that is about a giant worm that attacks and eats humans. The dream was just that, except it was the dinosaur version. There isn't a dinosaur version in waking life. So it was weird to be seeing it, but it was almost as if my minds eye was the screen, for eveything that was visible, was just in front of what i could see, and that only. But as i climbed high in the sky in the game or lower in the ground, more and more similar aspects of the game showed themselves to me. It was quite intriguing that i could recreate the game in my dream. And at one point, the worm i was controlling was in a cloud and i had to get through it and eat more and more until i got to a certain part that i needed to eat. As i ate more and more of the cloud it revealed more abstract characters, images and aspects of the game, and it was very colorful, almos tlike the animaitons sometimes features in KE$HA's music videos. Then it ended. But the only reason i remembered any of my dreams at all, was because upon awakening i had the desire to play the game. While contemplating the fact, it snapped in my mind and i remembered the two dreams that i did. It was awesome.

      Updated 02-19-2011 at 04:02 AM by 41214 (Color Change)

    4. Hotel de Sam

      by , 02-19-2011 at 03:27 AM
      Hotel de Sam (Non-lucid)


      Log: 01:00am Friday, February 17-18th, 2011
      Hours: 9:00m Alarm: None Audio: Stephen LeBerge
      (MILD and Trance)

      This was a fairly unsuccessful dream recall night, but when i went to bed i wasn't really caring about it much other than the fact that i listened to Stephen LeBerge as i was falling asleep. The dream started out in a Hotel of some sort. A few people, i think they were reletives, were upstairs. I could look out over the balcony and see a bunch of poeple everywhere, on the outside of the doors. Up where i was, a small boy (Maybe it was Curtis) was trying to get down. He almost jumped over the balcony if it weren'y for the people holding him back. I went downstairs and out the doors, and for some reaosn i was really surprised to see all the people out there and Jacob was out there waiting for me. I met with him and we were trying to think of something to do or somehwere to go. As we walked away from the scene of a lot of people, i looked back and, i don't know if she was inside or outside of the Hotel, but i saw her, and i regretted not going back. Then it was over.
    5. Perilous Mountain Grotto

      by , 02-17-2011 at 09:09 PM
      Perilous Mountain Grotto (Non-lucid)


      The dream started out in a car with Megan, LaRee, Ben, and Megan's mom was driving. We were on our way to somewhere amazing where Megan said that was really beautiful. I was aware of the place also, and i love it. We were telling Ben about it on our way there. At first we started out in the neighborhood in which Megan lives. Then eventually we made it to the wilderness and this is the scary part. Next to us down on the lower road, was a group of friends on a very small car, holding on for their lives. This is important because the cliff we were driving on was enormously high and incredibly thin. It was an overall scary experience. We got to the point where we had to get out of the car and walk the rest of the way. I was walking along side two boys, and they were being generally dangerous as the proceeded. So i told them to stop and then i went in front of them knowing that i could be faster. So i continued on and then finally made it to the grotto. As i walked down further toward the bottom, i pased over a small creek that was flowing calmly over the hill. Below was a beautiful, green, and lucious landscape of water flowing and plants growing. More and more people came down fro mthe top to lay their eyes on the magical grotto. One of the poeple who came down was Jessica Kostelnik. She was looking breathtakingly beautiful and i was actually embarressed to be around her, i was flustered, so when i saw her i went farther back into the wilderness and looked at her from afar. That's all i can remember from that, but it was a very memorable dream.
    6. English, Brett, and Wontons

      by , 02-17-2011 at 09:07 PM
      English, Brett, and Wontons (Non-lucid)


      Log: 10:00 Thursday, February 16-17th, 2011
      Hours: 7:00m Alarm: 5:00 Audio: None

      This dream was very short and very odd... I was in English class and as i looked around, Mrs. Hilbert was looking very odd, odd enough for me to notice and question it, although not becoming lucid. She started putting on layer after layer of clothing. As the clothing progressed, my english teacher slowly turned into Brett Conrad... After he put on a refridgerator sized back pack he promptly left. As i turned around i opened up to a scene where a few people were sleeping on a futon-like bed. The person directlyadjacent to me was Alan Kong. I was dissappointed because he and his mom (who was sleeping on the other side of him) were supposed to make a certain Asian dish, but now, unfortunately becasue Brett left that was no longer possible. I was secretly dissappointed but i didn't tell him. He said that they would have to do it another time, and then we both went back to sleep. And that is when i woke up in wakig life.
    7. School Pizza

      by , 02-15-2011 at 06:34 PM
      Pizza at School (Non-lucid)


      Log: 11:30 Teusday, February 14-15th, 2011
      Hours:6:30m Alarm: 5:45am Audio: None

      This dream starts as i am going down the stairs that lead to the East Atrium, and i need to get something to eat for lunch. I noticed that the line, that of which was formed right to the left of the bottom of the stairs, was quickly getting bigger. I ran as fast as i could but didn't make it very high up in the line regardless. But surprisingly, the line went really fast. I was to the front in no time. I wanted a couple pieces of pizza so i kindly told the lunch lady what i wanted. Two pieces of cheese pizza. She acknowledged me and grabbed for the pizza. She repeated, "Ok, so one cheese and one pepperoni." I was confused, but i knew that the lunch ladies were tempermental and slightly crazy. So she finished putting them onto a counter, and then she started getting out that little piece of paper that they put them on. The second lunch lady in the kitchen started asking the first what the piece of paper even was. he first went on to tell her that it was just a grease collector or sponge. But she gave it to me regardless.Then something was going wrong so i just asked her if it would be easier to give me some new pizza that was sitting right there close to us. She was fairly angry so she just gave it to me and i left. I walked off to my left and walked around the atrium. I, for some reason, passed by what i thought was Jacob Carillo's house, noticing the blue suburan and thinking about why i don't pass this more often. I kept going toward the small ramp between the two atriums. As i was about a third of the way up, i came across Riley. As i was about to talk to him i noticed that Sam was walking right behind him, but i was too caught up in him to talk to her. So as we were talking, Riley was showing me either a big poster or a picture, that just happened to have him in it, and it said somehting along the lines of, " Many African children were killed by Hitler." Riley was flabbergasted at how fail this was and he was cracking up. I was laughing specifically at his facial expression. It was great. And then it ended.
    8. The Berserk Idea

      by , 02-15-2011 at 04:47 AM
      The Berzerk Idea (Non-lucid)


      Log: 1:15 Monday February 13-14th, 2011
      Hours: 4:45m Alarm: 5:30 Audio: None

      This dream was very higher level thinking. I have no idea how in the world i came up with the concepts that were mentioned in the dream. I can only remember a few bits of the dream. The whole concept is that of a device, chemical, or something that contains a certain element that makes animals go especially crazy or berserk. I watched and informational video in which two gorillas were in a cage and as one stayed the same the other seemed to be freaking out and becoming violent and unruley. It was really quite scary. Then after seeing that information i saw more on that of an alligator. Underneath the mouth and jaw of the creature was some sort of machine twisting and resricting the animal. The reason it become this way, so violent and crazy, was because the animal reacted some way, but certain chemicals that it normally produced were simply blocked off, somehow causing these effects. I was peering into a display of some sort, and as i backed up, i realized i was in a museum. The walls covered in information and knowledge. I looked over and Curtis was leaving. I ran over to him, stopped him and told him that t wasn't quite time to leave yet and i pulled him back to a picture on the wall and showed him something. I pointed out that there was a hidden picture in it, and he was surprised. Then it ended.
    9. Murderous Husband and KE$HA

      by , 02-15-2011 at 04:38 AM
      Murderous Husband and KE$HA (Non-lucid)


      Log: 12:30 Sunday, February 12-13th, 2011
      09:00 am
      Hours: 8:30m Alarm: None Audio: None

      As a very short dream, it started out in a room in the house of my female, adult life. I was a wife in a marraige and something was going wrong. I did something or had something that my husband wanted or didn't like. So all of the sudden he got very violent. He pulled out a gun and started chasing me as i realized that i was fearful of my life. I ran upstairs as fast as i could. There i could make a plan as to where i would go depending on which direction he went. Finally, he went up and around a different way to get upstairs and i bolted down the stairs similar to the way i do when i get down the stairs in waking life. He had locked all the doors so i had no choice but to jump out the glass window that was downstairs that led directly out into the back yard. I was crawling for some reason and it occurred to me that he was catching up on me and i need to do something to get away, and FAST. SO i must have gotten up, because i don't think i could have done this while on the ground. I jumped onto the fence grabbing on with my hands and my feet, thrusting my body elegantly, but swiftly, over the fence with emmence power and grace. It saved me, for it made me just enough ahead to get to the back door of someones house and knock and yell as fast and as loud as i could. Then i knew i would be safe. But it was odd and interesting because my husband caught up with me and he still had the gun and still wanted to kill me but he didn't even htough i was right there open and helpless. So then the door opened and i kindly asked the person to call the police an they agreed and walked away as i sat there in the doorway. As i waited for the person to come back, i looked to my ipod, and heard playing in my headphones a KE$HA song. It was odd, but i specifically noticed that it was KE$HA. And then i think the perosn may have come back and that was the end.
    10. Finding Nemo, Death, and Fall

      by , 02-15-2011 at 04:32 AM
      Finding Nemo, Death, and Fall (Non-lucid)


      Log: Unknown February 10-11th, 2011

      Hours: Unknown Alarm: 5:00 Audio: None

      This very interesting dream started out underwater. It was the ending climax scene of Finding Nemo where all the fish are stuck in the net and they have to get them back into the ocean. All in all, it went fast, something went wrong and between me (female as if i was Dori) and the other fish (Marlin). I accidentally made it so he was going to get stuck or something. So he reacted harshly, now turning into a squid or octopus of some sort. I knew that if i was touched by one of the tenticles i would be poisoned and killed. I knew he was going to do it, and I gave up. He did it and it hit me right in the neck. Now i was in the hallway of the school and i knew i was dying. I had some really odd thought in my mind that if i was dying anyway, it would be funny, since i was wet, if i ran down the hallway as fast as i could. So i took off running and i came to the bridge but the staff was doing construction. I was in the way and they told me i couldn't be there, so i turned to the left and kept running as fast as ever. A feeling of complete magic came over my mind. I can still feel it recalling the dream a few days later, and it is overwhelming and so enjoyable. The reason this feeling came over me is becauseof the immense fear i felt as i went over the edge of the bridge and fell. I could see below me was a giant trampoline, a rectangular one. As i got closer to the ground i realized that i wasn't going to hit the trampoline, but rather the ground right next to it. I hit as if nothing happened and i stood up. There were a few men standing there and one of them was supposedly my father ( I am still a girl). They then informed me that not only was i ok, but that the fish that was Marlin in the Finding Nemo scene was merely getting me out of a computer, that of which i was apparently trapped in, hence the fact that i was a fish. So i was in complete surprise and awe as i slowly but surely recovered from the whole experience. Then it ended.
    11. Marbles, Pretzel, and Allison

      by , 02-15-2011 at 04:27 AM
      Marbles, Pretzel, and Allison (Non-lucid)


      Log: Unknown February 9-10th, 2011

      Hours: Unknown Alarm: 5:00 am Audio: None

      This set of dreams was amzing, mind blowing, but in a very simple and naive way.

      The first dream in the series starts out at Lakewood Highschool, well atleast my subconscious opinion of it. I was at a table right near the balcony thing in the corner by the tree. Straight across was the school store and all of the sudden i was in the mood for a pretzel. So i went up and someone was with me, it seemed like Brandon, but i cannot be sure. But there were two kind of older guys working in the store, and as i was looking at the menu, t Brandon was tapping a marble on the ground and bouncing it back up. Repeatedly. It was very annoying, and the staff of the store thought so also. They told him to stop many times and he wouldn't. So finally i thought i was going to lose my chance at good food so i snapped and hit the marbles violently out of his hands. They almost hit some people. So i got the pretzel and after the guy handed me a reciept and two dollar bills, i promptly went over and picked upthe 3 or 4 marbles. As i was walking back into the direction of the lower atrium, i passed Mr. Wright, who told me some smart remark that was funny, that i cannot remember. The whole school seemed super dark for some reason and it was almost a good feeling of darkness and somewhat comforting. I was going to a table i wanted but as i went someone sat down in it.That happened with three tables until i came to some of my friends and i was talkig to them about what had just happened to me. They couldnt belive. I then sat down at a random table with a girl i didn't know and she wasstaring at me as i tried to be inconspicuous and not notice her. Then from behind me, Allison passed by and i tried to grab her, reminding me of Riley (I thought of that in my dream). But she got away so i politely said goodbye,addressig the random girl as "Random girl i don't know." Then i followed Allsion to the table that had all my friends at it and we talked for a moment. And then it ended.
    12. Late Start, Forest Mud, and Jacob

      by , 02-15-2011 at 04:23 AM
      4:30, Jacob, and Mud (Non-lucid)


      Log: 11:15 February 2-3rd, 2011
      Hours: 7:05 m Alarm: yes 5:00 Audio: None

      This was a really vivid dream, seeing as i had it between the time i woke up for my alarm and the time i woke back up so i could get ready for school.

      I woke up and looked at my ipod. I had alreayd had previous knowledge of looking at it in waking life and seeing that it was about 5:45. After looking at the ipod for a while I finally realized that the time read 4:30! I was ecstatic as i realized i didn't actually miss out on time in the morning for getting ready. I jumped out of bed after promptly Skyping Jacob to confirm the time with a source other than mine, although later in the dream that doesn't make sense. I was now running around in my house trying to get ready and taking in everything around me. The lighting seemed a little bit off for it being 4:30 in the morning, but i didn't realize. All of the sudden, a weird change in the dreamscape occurred and we were in a familiar mountain area. We were on the bed of a truck. Daniel was on the outside of the car and he left to go on this dock-like protrusion in the landscape. He ran out and Sadie followed. I immediately knew in my gut that that was a bad idea and i wish i would have prevented it form hapenning in the first place. So the truck drove closer to the water, which as i got closer, seemed to be swamp-like and muddy rather than fresh mountain water. The dog was now frantically running about and beginning to get stuck, and in the background, i could clearly make out about 3 or 4 fire fighters rescueing OTHER dogs as well. So, after looking around, i instinctively jumped into the swamp. As i flailed around trying to grap the frantic dog, she gradually reversed in age and in size, it was odd but interesting. I finally got to her, and saved her successfully, except for the fact that i was now the one that was stuck in the mud. I yelled for some men that were standing there to get me out as soon as possible, it was almost rude in a way, but now too much. They successfully pulled me out of the hellhole, but i seemed to be back in a pool-like mud bath as the scene changed into a small room with a pool in it. It was filled with mud and i was surrounded by friends. The mud slowly went away and was replaced by water. Then as i was talking to my friends, mostly about the fact that the rest of them woke up late also because of the power outage, the water was gone and i started getting up and walking around. I remember specifically talking to Patrick. Then i hopped down into the pool, which was bigger and suddenly moss-filled allof the sudden. I climbed out and as i did, apparently earlier i was shirtless and Hannah Fitzgerald pointed out that her dad didn't want me to get skin cancer, as he must have seen me. So i climbed out, failing at my fisrt attempt, noting that that wasn't like me at all, then succeeding the second time. When i got out, a parking lot spread out in front of me. I saw Jaocb but something was different... He was all weird and younger looking. His hair was greasy and longer, and i suddenly knew it was the evil younger Jaocb. He ran off into the lot, and he got closer and closer to her, as heyelled out Beky Winkler's name. She was carrying groceries or soemthing to her car, and he was being a psychopath. So i shooed him off and ran him away from her. It was all very weird. As i walked back in the direction of the pool area, i saw many girls, and at the point I become slightly lucid for a minute as i told myself, this is a dream i can get any of these girls that i wasnt. Then i saw Daniel, and he needed help setting up a toy car set or something like that, and i told him i would have to help him later, because the dream was almost over. Then it ended.

    13. Tessa's Party

      by , 01-24-2011 at 06:54 PM
      I was in the car and i am on my way to the playground where Tessa's birthday party will take place.It was placed up against a hill and was very attractive. When i got there i got out of the car. Then all of the sudden i was in a version of my hosue mixed with Tessa's house, and it was dark. I had just gotten there and we were talking. I asked her if this party involved a lot of games like the last one. She said no, and i told her i would be able to stay the whole time for this one. Apparently the party lasted until midnight and didn't even staart until the afternoon, and right now it was 5:30. Tessa went back to sleep as i asked her what we were gonna do for all the time we had to wait.
    14. The Playground

      by , 01-24-2011 at 06:26 PM
      Log: 10:00 January 23-24, 2011
      Hours: 7:30 m Alarm: Yes Audio: None

      People: Brenna Ashleigh, Sam Aschwanden, Tessa Henessy

      A bunch of us were at the park and we were all playing around, and it seems as if i was being somewhat of a loner and just climbing and swinging on my own. It was pretty fun. I was on one side of the playset, and i jumped a big gap and successfully pulled it off. I went back around ad got over to the place were i started before and contemplated doing the same thing again. On this side with me Sam and Brenna were behind or on the side of me. On the other side of the playground was a few people, i couldn't tell who they were. I was now voicing my opinion on the fact that i was about to make the big jump again. Brenna was concerned, along with Sam, and they didn't want me to do it. They didn't see me do it the first time, sothey were very skeptical. Then Brenna left, and it was Sam and i left. She could not come to realize where actually i was jumping to. So i had to point it out many times to get her to notice. But then i gave it up and Sam and i started walking past where i was going to jump to. There was a bathroom right there to the left. Sam went to the bathroom and i waited outside for her. I found a tree and i decided to hide from her, but when she came out she automatically found me and she said i was silly. Then it ended.
      non-lucid , memorable
    15. Super Hero Friends, Soccer, and Dream Equipment

      by , 01-24-2011 at 03:36 AM
      I had some of my friends over for some sort of party or something. They weren't all necessarily my friends. The party was in my backyard and we were going to play a game of soccer. The game was about to start, when one of the jerks grabbed the ball and started the game without warning. I told him he was stupid and said we were going to play the game in the dream world. So i through the ball back into the goal thing, and went inside to see if the girl, who i can't identify, who was bringing the dream equipment was here yet. She was here, and when i reminded her about the dream equipment, she started crying and begging for forgiveness, she couldn't believe she forgot it. I felt bad for her so i comforted her. Then it was over.
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