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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Hotel de Sam

      by , 02-19-2011 at 03:27 AM
      Hotel de Sam (Non-lucid)


      Log: 01:00am Friday, February 17-18th, 2011
      Hours: 9:00m Alarm: None Audio: Stephen LeBerge
      (MILD and Trance)

      This was a fairly unsuccessful dream recall night, but when i went to bed i wasn't really caring about it much other than the fact that i listened to Stephen LeBerge as i was falling asleep. The dream started out in a Hotel of some sort. A few people, i think they were reletives, were upstairs. I could look out over the balcony and see a bunch of poeple everywhere, on the outside of the doors. Up where i was, a small boy (Maybe it was Curtis) was trying to get down. He almost jumped over the balcony if it weren'y for the people holding him back. I went downstairs and out the doors, and for some reaosn i was really surprised to see all the people out there and Jacob was out there waiting for me. I met with him and we were trying to think of something to do or somehwere to go. As we walked away from the scene of a lot of people, i looked back and, i don't know if she was inside or outside of the Hotel, but i saw her, and i regretted not going back. Then it was over.
    2. Perilous Mountain Grotto

      by , 02-17-2011 at 09:09 PM
      Perilous Mountain Grotto (Non-lucid)


      The dream started out in a car with Megan, LaRee, Ben, and Megan's mom was driving. We were on our way to somewhere amazing where Megan said that was really beautiful. I was aware of the place also, and i love it. We were telling Ben about it on our way there. At first we started out in the neighborhood in which Megan lives. Then eventually we made it to the wilderness and this is the scary part. Next to us down on the lower road, was a group of friends on a very small car, holding on for their lives. This is important because the cliff we were driving on was enormously high and incredibly thin. It was an overall scary experience. We got to the point where we had to get out of the car and walk the rest of the way. I was walking along side two boys, and they were being generally dangerous as the proceeded. So i told them to stop and then i went in front of them knowing that i could be faster. So i continued on and then finally made it to the grotto. As i walked down further toward the bottom, i pased over a small creek that was flowing calmly over the hill. Below was a beautiful, green, and lucious landscape of water flowing and plants growing. More and more people came down fro mthe top to lay their eyes on the magical grotto. One of the poeple who came down was Jessica Kostelnik. She was looking breathtakingly beautiful and i was actually embarressed to be around her, i was flustered, so when i saw her i went farther back into the wilderness and looked at her from afar. That's all i can remember from that, but it was a very memorable dream.
    3. English, Brett, and Wontons

      by , 02-17-2011 at 09:07 PM
      English, Brett, and Wontons (Non-lucid)


      Log: 10:00 Thursday, February 16-17th, 2011
      Hours: 7:00m Alarm: 5:00 Audio: None

      This dream was very short and very odd... I was in English class and as i looked around, Mrs. Hilbert was looking very odd, odd enough for me to notice and question it, although not becoming lucid. She started putting on layer after layer of clothing. As the clothing progressed, my english teacher slowly turned into Brett Conrad... After he put on a refridgerator sized back pack he promptly left. As i turned around i opened up to a scene where a few people were sleeping on a futon-like bed. The person directlyadjacent to me was Alan Kong. I was dissappointed because he and his mom (who was sleeping on the other side of him) were supposed to make a certain Asian dish, but now, unfortunately becasue Brett left that was no longer possible. I was secretly dissappointed but i didn't tell him. He said that they would have to do it another time, and then we both went back to sleep. And that is when i woke up in wakig life.
    4. School Pizza

      by , 02-15-2011 at 06:34 PM
      Pizza at School (Non-lucid)


      Log: 11:30 Teusday, February 14-15th, 2011
      Hours:6:30m Alarm: 5:45am Audio: None

      This dream starts as i am going down the stairs that lead to the East Atrium, and i need to get something to eat for lunch. I noticed that the line, that of which was formed right to the left of the bottom of the stairs, was quickly getting bigger. I ran as fast as i could but didn't make it very high up in the line regardless. But surprisingly, the line went really fast. I was to the front in no time. I wanted a couple pieces of pizza so i kindly told the lunch lady what i wanted. Two pieces of cheese pizza. She acknowledged me and grabbed for the pizza. She repeated, "Ok, so one cheese and one pepperoni." I was confused, but i knew that the lunch ladies were tempermental and slightly crazy. So she finished putting them onto a counter, and then she started getting out that little piece of paper that they put them on. The second lunch lady in the kitchen started asking the first what the piece of paper even was. he first went on to tell her that it was just a grease collector or sponge. But she gave it to me regardless.Then something was going wrong so i just asked her if it would be easier to give me some new pizza that was sitting right there close to us. She was fairly angry so she just gave it to me and i left. I walked off to my left and walked around the atrium. I, for some reason, passed by what i thought was Jacob Carillo's house, noticing the blue suburan and thinking about why i don't pass this more often. I kept going toward the small ramp between the two atriums. As i was about a third of the way up, i came across Riley. As i was about to talk to him i noticed that Sam was walking right behind him, but i was too caught up in him to talk to her. So as we were talking, Riley was showing me either a big poster or a picture, that just happened to have him in it, and it said somehting along the lines of, " Many African children were killed by Hitler." Riley was flabbergasted at how fail this was and he was cracking up. I was laughing specifically at his facial expression. It was great. And then it ended.
    5. Tessa's Party

      by , 01-24-2011 at 06:54 PM
      I was in the car and i am on my way to the playground where Tessa's birthday party will take place.It was placed up against a hill and was very attractive. When i got there i got out of the car. Then all of the sudden i was in a version of my hosue mixed with Tessa's house, and it was dark. I had just gotten there and we were talking. I asked her if this party involved a lot of games like the last one. She said no, and i told her i would be able to stay the whole time for this one. Apparently the party lasted until midnight and didn't even staart until the afternoon, and right now it was 5:30. Tessa went back to sleep as i asked her what we were gonna do for all the time we had to wait.
    6. The Playground

      by , 01-24-2011 at 06:26 PM
      Log: 10:00 January 23-24, 2011
      Hours: 7:30 m Alarm: Yes Audio: None

      People: Brenna Ashleigh, Sam Aschwanden, Tessa Henessy

      A bunch of us were at the park and we were all playing around, and it seems as if i was being somewhat of a loner and just climbing and swinging on my own. It was pretty fun. I was on one side of the playset, and i jumped a big gap and successfully pulled it off. I went back around ad got over to the place were i started before and contemplated doing the same thing again. On this side with me Sam and Brenna were behind or on the side of me. On the other side of the playground was a few people, i couldn't tell who they were. I was now voicing my opinion on the fact that i was about to make the big jump again. Brenna was concerned, along with Sam, and they didn't want me to do it. They didn't see me do it the first time, sothey were very skeptical. Then Brenna left, and it was Sam and i left. She could not come to realize where actually i was jumping to. So i had to point it out many times to get her to notice. But then i gave it up and Sam and i started walking past where i was going to jump to. There was a bathroom right there to the left. Sam went to the bathroom and i waited outside for her. I found a tree and i decided to hide from her, but when she came out she automatically found me and she said i was silly. Then it ended.
      memorable , non-lucid
    7. Super Hero Friends, Soccer, and Dream Equipment

      by , 01-24-2011 at 03:36 AM
      I had some of my friends over for some sort of party or something. They weren't all necessarily my friends. The party was in my backyard and we were going to play a game of soccer. The game was about to start, when one of the jerks grabbed the ball and started the game without warning. I told him he was stupid and said we were going to play the game in the dream world. So i through the ball back into the goal thing, and went inside to see if the girl, who i can't identify, who was bringing the dream equipment was here yet. She was here, and when i reminded her about the dream equipment, she started crying and begging for forgiveness, she couldn't believe she forgot it. I felt bad for her so i comforted her. Then it was over.
    8. The Bears

      by , 01-23-2011 at 10:45 PM
      I was in a mountain town of sorts and mom and dad were both on motorcycles. I had one, but it was lame and it wouldn't go very fast at all. We were trying to get out of the parking lot of a restaurant or something, and there were other motorcyclists and they had to wait a long time while i dragged my piece of crap motor cycle out of the parking lot. I got out but still couldn't go very fast. I told mom that i could go faster on my regular bike, she laughed.
      Then before we went too far, i looked to my left and there was a beautifulu valley, lush and green with water pouring down the mountain in two places meeting up in the middle at the bottom. All of the sudden there were 5 or 6 bears. The were playing in the water, eating and whatnot. One grabbed a tuna fish and ate it, i was in awe. The we moved along a bit and we came across a little collection of water and a guide of some sort. He informed mom about something to do with eating a certain kind of fish. He showed one toher and she did. It was very interesting. And that's were it ended.
    9. Elfin Forest, and Deer-Like Creatures

      by , 01-23-2011 at 10:31 PM
      Jungle, Jaguar, and Highway (Non-lucid)


      The first thing i remember from this dream is that i was in the family room. Whether or not i was with anyone else, i do not know. Right wher the room closes into the stairs, there was an elaborate forest, jungle-like in appearance. It was as if i giant tree grew in the middle of the room. As the landscape grew steeply up and up, the top consisted of a highway or road.


      Elfin Forest and Deer-Like Creatures (Non-lucid)


      Jungle, Jaguar, and Highway (Non-lucid)


      The first thing i remember from this dream is that i was in the family room. Whether or not i was with anyone else, i do not know. Right wher the room closes into the stairs, there was an elaborate forest, jungle-like in appearance. It was as if i giant tree grew in the middle of the room. As the landscape grew steeply up and up, the top consisted of a highway or road.

      Updated 02-18-2011 at 03:50 AM by 41214

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