Memorable Dreams
Date: 11-26-13 Technique(s) used: WBTB Time: 2:10 - 5:57 AM ______________________ The scenario started out with me in an apartment, with my mom. It was a junky looking place, paint peeling off of walls. I went outside, and checked the town out. It was a bright day, possibly the middle of the day. Soon enough I got lost within the labyrinth of a place, and tried ot make my way back. The route I'd chosen to go back home took me through a run-down section of the town. Old houses, worn with age, plagued the area; It made me think that this was a boil on the town's face. I tried to ask some people as ot where the apartment complex was but nobody was able to speak english; they all spoke in a language I'd never heard before. Puzzled, I make my way through the maze, and eventually find my way back. Night had fallen the instant I stepped inside. And what was waiting inside, but a trusty dog. It was not a golden retriever, however - this one was a keshond. It greeted me, and I took a seat on the floor. The dog layed across my lap, and I stroked its long, black fur. I eventually heard a knock on the door, and went over to answer it. When I opened it, I walked into another dream. ______________________ I walked into a large house, it looking much cleaner and newer than the apartment. Stepping inside, I could smell the fresh country air leaking in from the windows. I heard footsteps around the house soon after. Panicked, I swiftly made my way out of the complex, but not quick enough to see, out of the corner of my eye, a woman. She was a medium, I knew that instantly - how, exactly, I could not figure out. In fact, I'm still perplexed as to how I knew such. As I made my way down stone steps to the road, I hear from the back of me, "Do you know whos scizzors these are?" Curiosity overtaking me, I look over my shoulder. Instantly, I felt a sucker punch to my emotons as I whisper every so quietly, "Oh my God." The pair of safety scizzors belonged to a friend I had a long time ago - one of the only ones I'd had at the time. I'd moved away, and never heard from him again. Warm tears began to streak down my face as I stare up at them. It was small, but I could clearly see the scizzors. She began hurriedly walking down the steps, saying somehting about the hospital, but my emotions had completely overtaken my body; I was frozen in place. I shut my eyes to wipe the fluid away, and therein changed the scenario. ______________________ In that instant, I was inside of a van, which was pulling up to a flat house. I got out, and inspected the outside. My mission was clear: I was to plant a device in this persons' house without them knowing. It was their birthday, and we wanted to discreetly let him know we had a party planned. I walk up to the house, and quietly open the front door. I dive for a counter, hiding behind it, as he'd come to inspect why the door was open. I make my way to the east side of the house, going for a corner. I planted the device on a windowsill, being careful to balance it. It was a birthday timer, set to go off at 12:00 AM, which was approaching fast. It was going to shoot off tiny fireworks, set off sparklers, and so forth. I make my way out of the house slyly, being sure to quietly shut the door. There were more people outside now, several cars litterred the frint yard. People waited outside, drinking some sort of alcoholic drink that was red at the bottom, and yellow on top. When offerred one, I turned it down. We all began to count the seconds down. Ten, nine, eight, so on and so forth. The device goes off, and we could hear tiny bangs echo from the house. It had worked. We all flooded in through the door, and began to celebrate. I soon woke up after being hugged and kissed on the cheek by the birthday kid.
Updated 11-26-2013 at 08:09 AM by 66548 (misspelling)