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    09/03/16 - 10/03/16: Danish woman doesn't like Trump

    by , 03-13-2016 at 12:34 PM (599 Views)
    So, I've been slacking with my dream journal the last few days, only managing to type up some short notes in my phone. I'm going to update it now, but I don't really remember bedtimes and awakenings that well.

    Went to bed: 22:00 ?
    Fell asleep: 22:30 ?
    Final awakening: 6:45

    Daytime techniques: Practicing self-awareness using state checks very regularly.
    Nighttime techniques: ?

    1: Danish woman doesn't like Trump

    I'm cycling down the path between the lines of trees near the train station (I cycle this route every day). I look behind me once and I think I see a girl I know from high school. I slow down so she can catch up. As she does, I say 'Hi!' before really looking at her again. When I do, I see it is not her, but an older woman with similar hair. I say 'Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else (in Dutch)". She replies, in German: "I don't understand you, I am Danish." We then have a short conversation in a mixture of Dutch, German and English. I don't remember what it was about exactly, but in the end the topic becomes Donald Trump. I remember exactly what I had to say about him (I was surprised about how clear my mind was when saying this): "He feeds the nationalist feelings of the American people with his bullshit talk."Then I woke up.

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