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    First DJ

    by , 10-03-2015 at 10:09 AM (329 Views)
    I normally prefer to write down my dreams in a physical DJ, but since I'm taking part in the dreambuddy programme I'll be keeping this DJ. I took some quick notes on my dreams from last night, since I didn't want to write them out fully twice, but that's probably led to some details being lost.

    Dream 1
    I'm on the train platform, waiting for the train to go to my destination.* I board a train, but it is not the correct one. I'm aware of this, but follow the logic of 'atleast it will bring me closer to my destination'. That is until I realise that this is some crappy logic. Simultaneously I'm sitting on a couch in a room, with 2 other people in the room. I have my laptop on my lap and I'm looking up travel information online to help me out on this trip. I also go on Facebook and see a message from one of my friends to another friend on the event page of an event called 'legend...[something]', to congratulate him with his birthday. The event will take place in England. Makes sense, because my friend moved to England.^ Suddenly I feel something in the back of my throat. It turns out to be some leftover breathmint. This is weird... where did it come from?

    *I dream about trains more often and just about always end up boarding the wrong one.
    ^He totally didn't .

    Dream 2
    Right before I went to bed I borrowed my bicycle to a friend of my housemate. Then this dream happened:
    My bicycle is gone somehow. To compensate me, my housemate has bought me a new one. This one is all banged up though and my bike was in good condition. I'm not gonna let this slide.

    Dream 3
    I'm walking around in what seems to be a combination of a library and a hipsterbar. There are books in bins and long brown desks where you can sit and read or work. I'm not sure where I got the info from, but the bar owner has stated that he isn't in it for the money. I don't believe him, due to the fact that he's a millionaire.

    Dream 4
    I'm sitting or laying down. My 1 year old cousin is sitting on my lap, facing me. Suddenly he pukes a small amount of green vomit. Yuck. In the mean time his mom explains to me that I shouldn't wander off too far to the [it was either north or south] side of town, because there are a lot of homosexuals there. Somehow it feels as if I'm in Sweden.
    werty52 likes this.

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