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    1. Task of the Month for August 2014 - A word in a different language

      by , 08-09-2014 at 08:46 PM
      So I hit on this website and this tasks and decided to directly giving them a try!

      I did the first basic task last night but it wasn´t as exciting as I hoped...

      I was suddenly in school again wich confused me because I have holidays for like a week now and a moment later I knew this had to be a dream. Just for fun I looked at my fingers and I saw eight of them. For some reason I had some fun with it and tried to do a 'most fingers at one hand' - world record and failed pretty much. When I had 11 fingers at one hand further tries of manipulation just rebuild my hand in weird way so that it looked nearly scary. But then I remembered my task an went down the stairs where I found a woman. I just asked her for a word in a different language but she seemed to be a bit...dense wich forced me to explain it all again. But then she finally understood and said with a little delay 'nicht'. Then I asked what that means in our language and she answered with the same unsure delay 'not'. 'Yay, that is right!' I answered in an ironic way because this was nothing new for me and the woman was just plain dense... Originally I wanted to get a new magic spell from her but I refused when I saw her first confused reaction.

      Well, that is it for this task. Lets go on to the next!