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    The Dream where I was Asked to Teach Maths

    by , 01-18-2012 at 08:55 PM (670 Views)
    The Dream where I was Asked to Teach Maths (Non-lucid)


    I'm an English teacher. In this dream I was sent to a high school and told I had to replace my housemate, who was a maths teacher and was himself a substitute for a Mr. Grec or Brac or something like that. He's a biology teacher IRL. The principal and some other guy walked me to the class of senior students and I told her that the last maths I'd done was in high school. She said I'd do fine, and as I was about to refuse some emergency came and the principal and the man had to leave. I was stuck in class because I didn't want to leave the students unsupervised.
    I noticed their were "special" students, doing coloring or beadwork instead of actual schoolwork.

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