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    The Dream where I was Torn between the Man I Love and my Family

    by , 11-19-2011 at 08:45 PM (643 Views)
    The Dream where I was Torn between the Man I Love and my Family (Non-lucid)


    I was supposed to meet the man I love in a place (town? Resort?) by the sea, after not seeing him for months. I was very excited, but then I learnt that my parents were coming to see me too (I haven't seen them in as long).
    I wanted to see my parents, but I was pissed that they were spoiling my reunion with Joan, all the more so since I'd pointedly avoided introducing them in the last year. I told them so on the phone and they were angry.
    I was at the place already. I decided to let my parents come, and called Joan to tell him of the situation and that we could meet later. The next morning, I greeted my parents, and a minute later Joan appeared. He looked very good and smiled at me with a look saying he got things under control and he'd make sure to make a good impression on my parents, and I smiled back, reassured.

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    Tags: dad, family, love, mom, sea
