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    Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious

    February 11th 2013 Non-Lucid

    by , 02-11-2013 at 06:12 PM (413 Views)
    Where I was before seems to be out of my reach, but what I can remember it starts as me being late to school. In real life I can walk to and from school through this neighborhood and then a forest. In the dream I know I'm late to school so I start riding this bike in the same forest in real life. I ride up onto this hill that looks down over a small creek that separates me from the path up to school. To the right of me I see some person who I can't remember riding a small pony who is also late like me. I laugh and tell them that they are going to be late. I'm concerned about riding my bike to school because I don't have a lock so it could get stolen. At the top of the hill are maybe 6 bikes laying on the ground, so I assume there are students who don't have locks so they hide their bikes in the forest for safety. Somehow I end up outside my school at the back with this small black scooter thing that's really a bent piece of metal. I send a text to someone in my first period class of math which irl I took last year. My friend Austin has his truck in the parking lot behind the school so I jump into the bed of it but then realize I have to go somewhere else.

    I appear at my Dad's house with my mom apparently looking to buy the house. We are upstairs and as we start to walk down the stairs we hear something else and my mom and I presume it's a ghost. Some girl walks out from a basement door which doesn't exist irl and we sigh because there really isn't a ghost. After seeing that girl I look back upstairs for a ghost not finding anything but having this spooked feeling. We go downstairs and then I say I can't find my wallet so I assume I dropped it when I jumped into my friend's truck. I end up there looking around and then I'm at some random house wanting to go back to school. I look at my mom and tell her that I'm going back for second period to be in show choir. I don't really remember, but I think I ended up at school.

    The last dream I had was in this restaurant I go to a lot IRL except the outside of the place was an old house in a downtown neighborhood. This group of like 5 people walk in, all being guys except for one girl. The cashier hands me the receipt to sign and put a tip on it, so I write "1.69$" as I looked at this girl. I sit down at a booth and for some reason the girl ends up seeing that I wrote "69" and now she wants to get with me. The group of guys and this girl walk by me and the girl stares at me reluctantly as they all walk through the exit door. Somehow I'm suddenly in the game World of Warcraft talking to one of the guys from the group asking if I could have the girl's number.

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