6/13-14/10 - Green horses
, 06-15-2010 at 07:52 AM (585 Views)
We were doing a dress rehearsal. My group had two routines, but I could only remember how to do one of them so I freaked out.
I was near a stage, in a theater. A guy started asking me a bunch of random questions for a project. They were fairly basic things about my life, but I didn't know the answer to a lot of them. He got fed up with my lack of knowledge after he asked how much my phone service cost. I tried to look it up, but ended up in the game section instead. I went through some menus, then played Kirby for a while because I couldn't figure out how to quit.
By the time I was finished the guy had left, and I was in my physics classroom. I found a theater app on my iPod. I clicked on it, and an animation took me through some doors and down a hall. There were green horses running alongside me.
Somewhere in here I entered the image on the screen. I came to a round room with a balcony. There were some dolphins swimming through the air in a circle with a ring of bison floating upside down above them, moving in a circle in the opposite direction.
I figured I shouldn't just accept that as reality. If something like that were to happen in a dream and I didn't reality check, I knew I would be upset with myself, so I figured I should RC just in case. I did a nose RC, which mostly just confused me. I counted my fingers and had an extra, but maybe I was just counting wrong. I counted them again, more carefully, and determined that I most definitely had six fingers where there should be four.
I grabbed the balcony's railing and noted that it was dark. I took a couple of steps down the hall, thinking that I should rush to do whatever I was going to do before I woke up. I stopped and remembered to stabilize, but I couldn't figure out exactly how. I felt like I was falling asleep. I woke up.