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    Hidden's Dream Journal

    6/13-14/10 - Thinking of dreaming

    by , 06-15-2010 at 07:40 AM (514 Views)
    There was this newly invented chair that helped you lucid dream. I wanted one a lot, but my mom wouldn't get it for me. It was a new product in a line of new technology which could be used to LD. One of the old products using the technology was a hat, but it hadn't been advertised as something for LDing. There was also a couch. It was advertised that if you're in a pinch, you don't need to worry because you can just fall through the floor.

    One of my friends was rock climbing. Another one of my friends put a movie on my iPod. I almost deleted it on accident. I looked up and admired the sky, which was broken up into alternating strips of regular sky and blackness. I thought about lucid dreaming.

    Scene change. I taught a little kid about color and transparency using different pieces of paper. This kid was old enough that he should have known this stuff for a while, but at the same time he'd already written a story. He was really brilliant, but at the same time rather slow. He understood better when I spoke to him in Spanish, so that's what I did. I spoke better in the dream than I do IRL.

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