Fragment of Dreams
Before I start this particular journal, I haven't quit again, I was just loaded with so much homework that I couldn't touch my laptop for two weeks. I decided to buckled down and finish off everything, it was especially painful to not record any dreams this week because for some reason I was having a lucid dream every second night. The dreams were really short though and it seemed like I was being kicked out of the dream when I became Lucid. Last night however, I managed to finally stabilise the dream and actually enjoy myself for a little bit. I'm also going to add another colour for semi-lucidity because I got myself into a really weird situation while semi-lucid. Non-Lucid Questioning Semi-Lucid Lucid Fragment: I was infiltrating a building in hopes to gather some information about an enemy company. I was climbing floor after floor and sneaking past, or killing everyone to progress. I found my way to the top and found a glass container which I opened. I saw the hulk in the contianer and started to run. After a memory gap I was at the bottom floor and Bruce Banner was blocking my exit, there was an explosion and a huge piece of rubble hit him across the head. He began turing into the hulk and I knew I had to get out quickly, I ran up to him and punched him multiple times but he just grabbed me and threw me back. I grabbed ametal rod and hit him with that but it just made him angrier. He threw back his head and screamed and I took the chance to get out. The dream ended there. I was at my school and Lucid for no particular reason, I prepared for everything to go blurry and wake me up but I didn't, in fact, everything became crystal clear and I saw a large group of people huddled by some lockers, I walked towards them but they began to disperse and break of into smaller groups, there were alot of people and I decided I would try to summon J. I tried my dream voice out and it seemed slightly muted but it sounded like me for the most part. I called out to J and turned around and she was there, I ran up to her to say hi but she looked disinterested and walked away. I decided to look for some of my other friends and found them at my locker talking. I walked up to I and asked if he wanted to hear something awesome, he said yes and I told him that he was in my lucid dream. He looked amazed and I decided to do something else. I walked back to the large group and looked towards the gates, I decided to summon an army and sure enough, an army of man sized flies flew out from the horizon and landed in the carpark. I ran towards them and decided I wanted to fly, my first jump failed, my second jump was higher than the first, my third jump was low gravity and I put my arms out to fly but came back to earth, I jumped higher than humanly possible and reached the fly-men before I hit the ground. I drop-kicked one of them and jumped again, punching another in the process. There was a memory gap and I found myself in a library giving a presentation on holograms to the fly people, the hologram looked awesome and I was playing around with it before I woke up. I'm really happy with that, it was so much fun and I have no clue how I did it when I've been really busy over the past two weeks. I won't be able to do anything over the week now as I'm too busy but I can update my dream journal on the weekend.
Two fragments of a really cool dream that I had, sadly I didn't become lucid but the dream itself was quite vivid so that's a good thing. I also did a WBTB at 3:20 after going to bed at 11pm but that didn't really help anything and I fell back to sleep to this dream. Non-Lucid Questioning Lucid Fragment One: I was in an undersea library with my dad and I somehow had gotten powers that could allow me to do anything that I wanted. We met a little girl who said it was her birthday and she wanted food and a boy to play with. My dad and I led her towards an elevator and when the doors opened I created some food. The doors closed and while we were in the elevator I noticed the little girl had a large carrot hat on. I looked to the food again and it was also filled with carrots. The elevator doors opened on the same floor we were on previously and I created a boy about my age to play with the little girl, she didn't seem the slightest bit interested and started playing on a laptop. I made the boy to be her age and he ran up to her, threw the laptop away, grabbed her hand and went off to play somewhere. Fragment Two: My dad and I exited the library before being approached by a fish/man who told us that we should keep quiet about what we were trying to find otherwise pirates could take advantage of us. My dad thanked him and I thought to myself that if we were caught I would be able to kill everyone with my new power. I then saw two of my friends that had left the school over by a cafe of sorts, they were wearing leather jackets with jeans and were also with another group of people that I assumed were their other friends. I approached the one on the left and asked him if he remembered me, in reply, he introduced me to the other one and told me I had met him in year 5. I found this slightly odd since I had met the guy much earlier than that but I got distracted when a lot of my other friends, who were also wearing leather jackets, began running down the street. I ran after them and as I vaulted over some railing and jumped a large flight of stairs I realised that I was wearing a leather jacket too. Every time I did a stunt I would hear J's voice telling me to be careful, I kept on trying to reassure her that everything was fine and that I was completely safe but she got really worried when I grazed my knee on some paving. I again wondered why I felt no pain but I wanted to focus on the supposed race that my friends and I were having. I told J again that it didn't hurt and proceeded to do a huge jump onto the top of a four story carpark roof, I began to float upwards mid-air but came back down and landed on the third story. The dream ended there. I really liked that dream, it was vivid and epic so I would like to do something like that again. Becoming lucid would make that dream more epic and I am begninning to question the dreams again so if I can do an RC it'll be as easy as that. I'm going to try the WBTB a little bit later in the morning or go to bed earlier because when light comes through the blinds I can't go back to sleep anymore so that's something to also take into account. - Have a third Lucid Dream. - Have a conversation with a DC. - Fly. - Find my Dream Guide. - Summon an an animal and ask it a question. [Dare]
I went to bed really late last night so it's not surprising to me that I only got two fragments. I really need to buckle down for this competition now that I have a dare. Thanks Percy for daring me and I will try my absolute best to get the dare done. Non-Lucid Questioning Lucid Fragment: I am playing a video game with one of my friends, it is a stealth game and we are hiding in some bushes while a searchlight passes over our heads. My friend asks me if any shade counts as being hidden and I answer yes. His character moves to a sign and crouches in the shade, the searchlight passes right over him and does not react. Short Dream: I am in an empty dam with a random DC, he seems to be putting some explosives at the dam wall, I realise that the other side is completely filled with water. He puts the last of the explosives down and tells me to start running. We both begin to run to a ladder that is about 50 meters away from us. He reaches is first and as we begin to climb I hear an explosion and the sound of water. I try to climb faster but the wall of water reaches us before we get to the top. I feel myself being pushed agaisnt a wall while holding my breath. My view goes black and the dream ends. Not too much this time but now that I am back from holidays I expect to get a lot more dreaming done. Thanks again Percy for the dare and I hope I'll be able to complete it for you. - Have a third Lucid Dream. - Have a conversation with a DC. - Fly. - Meet my Dream Guide. - Summon and animal and ask it a question. [Dare]
Just two short fragments. I will not be able to post any dream for the next couple days as I am going on a short holiday, let's hope I have a lucid while I am over there. That would be cool . Non-Lucid Questioning Lucid Fragment One: I am in a war, defending a castle. There are multiple waves of soldiers coming from trenches wearing gear that looked like it had to be from WW1. I was carrying a sniper and started shooting soldiers that were advancing to the final trench. I downed four of them and saw a cow that looked out of place (don't know why I didn't become lucid because of this.) It looked like it was out of a cartoon and I shot it four times before it fell. My view then completely changed and I was a soldier in the trenches running towards the cow's owner. He seemed very distressed and I told him we should cook and eat the cow to honour it's memory. I touched the cows corpse and some cooked steaks from minecraft appeared. We both began to eat the steaks before the dream faded. Fragment Two: I was at a university of some kind and carrying a project I hoped to impress some judges with. I'm not totally sure what I was but I somehow dropped it and began to chase after it as it bounced away. The scene changed and I was at a port where my project was about to fall into the ocean. Another student that was much faster than me began to chase it as well. He passed me and as the project dropped off into the water. The other student jumped off onto the ocean and began running on the water. I dived into the water and wondered mid-air how on earth this guy was not sinking. I hit the water but seemed to be ultra bouyant and bobbed right up again. The other person ran towards me and dragged me out of the water before I woke up. - Have my second Lucid. - Have a conversation with a DC. - Fly. - Find my Dream Guide.
It's been a while since I last posted any dreams and I regret that because I have been slowly losing recall and now only have fragments when I sleep now. I guess that is the consequence of stopping my dream journal out of nowhere. But I've decided to come back to it again with a new motivation and hopefully more maturity about that whole thing. I got slightly annoyed when I had one lucid dream and then nothing. But I realise now there is nothing I can do about that and hopefully I will persist more this time. Anyway, onto the dream! Non-Lucid Questioning Lucid I was on a pier with a couple of DC's and was looking over the side. The water was light blue in colour and I could see down to the sand below me. I was told by one of the DC's that there would be a party going on in one of the houses. I seemed like a really rich area as I could see some very swanky looking houses a couple of blocks away from the ocean itself. I started to follow the DC's up some small wodden stairs, blinked, and was instantly at the party. I saw J in the main dining room and went over to her, we chatted for a bit until a couple of my other friends showed up and took me a secluded room in the house. The only furniture it had was a dark wooden bed with blue covers, white pillows and an armrest. On the armrest were two phones, I assumed one was mine and one was J's (even though we dont have phones that look like that at all.) I grabbed J's phone for some reason and went on google, I could read the text wonderfully and I started to wonder what she would say if she saw me on her phone without permission. She then promptly walked through the door and started to yell at me before I woke up. My first dream I've recorded of the year, not the greatest but it was a nice view at the very start. I'm hopefully gonna stick with it and have some more lucids as I keep going. The concept of this still really interests me as I watched a documentary saying we spend roughly 20 years asleep. Why not spend those 20 years having fun. - Have my 2nd Lucid Dream. - Have a conversation with a DC. - Fly while Lucid. Not many goals this time round. Those are the three that came to mind, I'll try to add more when I think of something that I fancy doing.
Did a natural WBTB at about 5:40, I stayed up for only 10 minutes this time but it was pretty light outside so I had some trouble going back to sleep again. I originally had some notes on my dream app that I was going to reference but that was erased unfortunatly so I'll have to type this from memory which will make the fragments even shorter. Non-Lucid Questioning Lucid Fragment 1 I was in a beautiful steampunk inspired city that was floating on an island in the clouds. I was with another boy and we were traversing the city trying to help someone while trying to avoid the police. We were being questioned by an officer and decided to take him to the museum so he would get bored and leave us alone. Fragment 2 I was with a group of survivors in an abandoned house surrounded by lava which had covered the entire Earth. I was sent on a scavenging mission and remember running away from something before the dream faded. Frgment 3 I was in a doctors/scientists office and he had a huge magnifying glass pointed at me. I got up from my chair and looked at a hologram of the Earth which appeared to be made out of lego, I glanced behind me and the magnifying glass was lego. I took a couple pieces from the glass and the doctor/scientist told me to put them back. Not very long but that's to be expected when I'm doing it from memory a couple of hours later. Gonna keep doing WBTB and try going to bed earlier so I can wake up naturally when it's still dark. - Have another Lucid Dream - Bend all 4 elements - Tell a DC I'm dreaming and see their reaction - Fly - Find my Dream Guide or have them find me
Tried the WBTB technique for the first time. Went to bed at about 11:00pm and naturally woke at 5:12am, I stayed up for about 20 mintutes and had a little bit of trouble falling back to sleep. I don't remember any dreams from before I woke at 5:12am but I had 4 dreams between my WBTB and actually getting up. I woke up and recorded the most vivid dream before the others, after I had finished I had completely forgotten two and had one fragment. Non-Lucid Questioning Lucid Dream 1: I 'woke up' and got out of bed to find my dad trying to feed the two dogs. I thought I might not actually be awake because he couldn't see me but quickly dissmissed that idea when he turned around and handed me a tub full of pizza and what looked like thin strips of meat with a black streak in the middle. I poured most of it into the food bowl and found that the dogs attacked it ravenously to my even greater surprise I looked closer at the 'meat' and found that it was actually sour lollie strips with licorice in the middle. I looked at it closely for a second before coming to the conclusion that it was leftovers from the night before. My dad told me to empty the tub completely so the dogs could eat, I did what I was told and became worried that the dogs would become fat. The scene changed and I was in the car on the freeway, I looked out the front of the car and noticed one of the dogs running in front of us (we were going 100+ kilometers, that dog must have been booking it!) I freaked out and my dad swerved the car before I woke up. Fragment: All I remember is showing up to a restaurant with most of my family after a fairly long drive. It seemed like a security gaurd didn't want us to go in so I tried to sneak in through the back. I'm not too sure if the first dream was an FA. I read about it and it said a vivid dream where you go about your normal day. 'Waking up' and feeding the dogs pizza and lollies isn't my definition of normal. But it seemed like the WBTB caused a more vivid dream, I'll continue to experiment with the time that I stay up because I seemed to lose the sleepy feeling quite quickly with 20 minutes. - Have a Lucid Dream - Bend all 4 elements - Tell a DC I'm dreaming and see their reaction - Fly - Find my Dream Guide or have them find me
Updated 12-20-2014 at 08:41 AM by 72354