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    Comp Night 11:

    by , 06-12-2023 at 03:36 AM (231 Views)
    Dream 1: I got hired for this job in archeology, and it was bad. This co-worker of mine kept complaining about what I thought, and so I shot her with a glock. It was so satisfying that I accidentally fell into the boneworks void, specially a location called the "heaven bloodgates". There was a door and a portal that switched me from heaven to hell. I had to get the key from hell in order to open heaven’s door (hell’s door just had a wall in the middle of a road that was blocked with barbed wire)

    At heaven’s door was an arena where I fought this witch lady. The first time I died, and the 2nd time I killed her, took a right, and got back to reality, where one of my friends was a military soldier.
    Meiseki and Harlequin like this.

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    non-lucid , memorable
