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    Competition Day 0

    by , 06-01-2023 at 04:20 PM (153 Views)
    Dream 1: I was out shopping with this girl following me, being super rude and obnoxious. Pissed me off to the point where I just couldn’t be there. Taking the a taxi home, the driver kept insulting me constantly for about 5 minutes until I had enough and jumped out of the moving car. Then I went to Delfino Plaza from Mario Sunshine and relaxed a lot. Killed Mario for some reason which was honestly fun

    Dream 2: My life was basically like Koschei in the PR. I ran my business selling lucid pills to all kinds of people, and they all liked it. Eventually though a physicist realized that I put addictive substances in my product and then everything turned upside down. I lost my reputation and nobody bought product. Not legally. I still sold it with the help of Jesse Pinkman and made Money.
    Meiseki likes this.

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    Updated 06-01-2023 at 05:46 PM by 98454

    non-lucid , memorable
