Can "GOD" be manipulated?
, 09-01-2014 at 05:29 AM (844 Views)
Hi DeviantThinker
Here is where that verse is Psalm 145 verse 16
Psalm 145 KJV
Verse 16) - Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing.
I think the problem is that we have lots of miserable desires based on disappointment, fear and anger. And god opens his hand and satisfies those desires too.
Buddha indicates that what we think (desire) creates the scafolding of our future. Dark thoughts create much future suffering.
So maybe, through our desires we manipulate God 100%.
Dammapada verse 1 - 6
The mind is the basis for everything.
Everything is created by my mind, and is ruled by my mind.
When I speak or act with impure thoughts, suffering follows me
As the wheel of the cart follows the hoof of the ox.
The mind is the basis for everything.
Everything is created by my mind, and is ruled by my mind.
When I speak or act with a clear awareness, happiness stays with me.
Like my own shadow, it is unshakeable.
"I was wronged! I was hurt! I was defeated! I was robbed!"
If I cultivate such thought, I will not be free from hatred.
"I was wronged! I was hurt! I was defeated! I was robbed!"
If I turn away from such thoughts, I may find peace.
In this world, hatred has never been defeated by hatred.
Only love*can overcome hatred.
This is an ancient and eternal law.
Everything will end.
When I understand this, all quarrels fade away.