Why was Adam exempt from the transgression when the transgression was disobedience?
, 09-11-2014 at 07:58 AM (697 Views)
Wow!! It sounds like you're trying to say all men are misogynists. I hope that's not what you meant - I hope it was something more along the lines of what Alric wrote.
IN fact though I'll go one farther than anyone has yet - I think not only is it to put all the blame on Eve and make Adam come off blameless, but I think it was to imply that all men are blameless and all women can be deceitful and treacherous, therefore men need to watch them closely.
Don't look at me like that! Lol...I figure that 2000+ years ago that was the way things were. BTW...have you ever seen me post something emasculating?