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    My lucid comeback!

    That fatigue again...

    by , 06-30-2014 at 11:48 AM (319 Views)
    My alarm went of at 07:00 this morning after which I noted down my dreams and tryed a WILD, unfortunatly it didn't work and couldn't fall asleep either. Instead I spended most of the morning infront of the TV watching 'National geographic' with some orange juice...

    1. Succes

    I'm looking at a trailer that promotes a group of students in Greece who make photos of themself on certain locations. The trailer was mostly rapid flashing images of a guy in the same pose but in different locations and different times of the day. I thought it was a joke but they actually won some prizes for best art and stuff. Then I watched some of their photos which were taken about 1 KM of the coast somewhere in Greece with some of them standing on tiny boulders/Island barely above the water surface, I wasn't impressed. Then there were some interviews and the students were WAAAAAY to enthousiastic to the point where I thought they were on drugs or something. Then I was suddenly looking at some more sites across the internet, a game called 'Dwarf fortress' suddenly came on the screen, never heard of it but it actually exists IRL.

    2. That fatique again...

    I'm at school and it's the end of the day, I exit the building and sit outside on a bench with some friends for a while. I leave and next to me is a friend walking along with me, he's on a bike and I'm on foot. I see one of my cats walking past and looking stressed. I pick him up and he's really scared, shivering and doesn't know where he is. However after some time he calms down and sits still. When we passed the cantine I suddenly fellt an extreme fatigue in my legs, they barely were able to support me and I had to kneels down against the wall. I said with an annoyed tone "Not again!", I wanted to keep walking with all my might but it only made it feel worse, I was in agony. My friend told me that I should eat some Sugar or something but I told him it wouldn't help. After some time he left and I could walk again so I headed for the exit when I met someone else at the gate, we talked about food and I told him I had gone to a restaurant the day before. (IRL) I told him the lobster was really good but he left with his bike. Then I entered a little building next to the gate that isn't there IRL, the door was partially made of glass and had a latin name on it. Inside I saw some friends and we talked for a bit, one of them said that someone would pass in about a few seconds and we should welcome him. One of my friends passed the door and as everyone in the room wanted to say "Hello!" I shouted some random stuff in latin "Letimus deprusif metalisos!", for some reason everyone thought it was hilarious and we all laughed out loud. At that moment a latin test materialized infront of my eyes filling my FOV, you had to fill certain latin word in certain sentences.

    3. Escaping my own backyard

    I'm standing in my backyard and know that I forgot something at school so I want to climb out and walk to school. Instead of using the front door you know... My mother tells me that I can leave and I try Climbing up a fence to try getting on top of the roof. The fence is very unstable and seems to not have any supports under it. I climb back down and grab a small telescope (the one captains use on their ship you know) however it has 3 pins I can pull out of the back, each pin has a utility. The first pin is simply used for looking at things far away, it has a small hole in it on the side to look through. The second pin makes the area lighter and works like night-vision. The third pin is a accelerometer/compas, I'm not sure what it was exactly.

    I'm thinking about doing a monthly report tomorrow where I make some statistics of my dreams, dream signs and more.

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