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    I need my fix! [22/07/14]

    by , 07-22-2014 at 08:51 PM (238 Views)
    Really, I'm desperate for another LD it's like I'm on a withdrawal or something!

    1. War game

    I'm playing some kind of game, it's an RTS and I see small groups of soldiers and tanks driving around a city killing monsters I think. They have little nametags above them which goes red when they die, some texts are larger than other. The city looked cold, maybe somewhere in Russia?

    2. Excluded

    I'm walking to the supermarket with a good friend of mine and we talk about a task of history that we finished some time ago. (IRL it was a group task and we had to find as much information about a random WW1 soldier as possible, I found a death prayer card, his grave, where he fought and how he died.) We walked inside and I saw long rows of books/bundles, these were the tasks of other groups and I was wondering if our copy was in there too. After some searching I found nothing but I did stumble across a blue book with title 'The first world war.'. Then I look at a pile of bundles on the ground which my friend was already searching through, there I found a document with my class-code on '5 EWe' which stands for '5 Economie Wetenschappen', translated in english '5 Economics and Science'. I talked to him for a while about why we weren't included and the last I know is looking down an aisle.

    3. What happened here?

    I'm in an old mansion somewhere in spain, I think it's the mayor's house of a small town because throughout the dream I sometimes had a bird's view of the surroundings which showed a large white house on a hill with smaller houses around it and a large wall. Inside the house is completely deserted, it's slowly crumbling and the sun shines weakly through the large windows in the main hall. There are massive staircases leading up to the second floor, it's difficult to describe this hall so I'm attempting to recreate in using Blender but this could take many more months of learning. Anyway, I'm walking around and sometimes catch glimpses of ghosts, a small boy and his father. I also experience flashbacks where I see the kid playing with a red ball in his hand, he throws it up against the ceiling on the stairs and some of the ceiling crumbles down. His father is angry about him damaging the ceiling so he takes the ball and starts damaging the ceiling even more. I think he wants to damage it more and then tell his wife or something the kid did it so he gets punished more I think. I also see this happening in the present time in the old abandoned house, the ghost look like humans but are dark grey and you can see through them.

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